Do you guys actually read anything written by women?

Do you guys actually read anything written by women?
As soon as i see a female name, i don't even bother.

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I dont even talk to them.


read pride and prejudice rn
read persuasion, wuthering heights and frankenstein earlier this year

Read a few Flannery O'Conner stories, good shit. Wuthering Heights is pretty funny. Sylvia Plath wasn't that good, but she made me feel really bad for women. I feel like people gloss over how much of that book is about women being shitty to women.
Frankenstein is good shit too, but I'm not sure how much it counts. I think Percey helped quite a bit with the prose.


Nah, they write some good stuff. You should try to embrace a grand-level empathy, see the world for what it is, drop all the cynicism and resentment and find the insurmountable beauty present in your every day moment.

The Handmaid's Tale is pretty good as an exploration of the dehumanizing nature of totalitarian regimes. Kind of sad how it's hoisted on a pedestal by modern feminists who think it accurately portrays their reaction to men sitting with their legs wide.

Other than that I've read The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas after hearing so much about it. Frankly, it's terrible, very much owing to LeGuin's style. It's one of those stories that's simply not as smart as it thinks it is, making the way it talks down to the reader particularly grating. Convinced me to avoid her in the future.

Cool opinion you’re so smart you fucking idiot

>Do you guys actually read anything written by women
yes but not in english

Arendt has nice and enjoyable prose and isn't entirely wrong.

You sound like a woman.

You are... aren't you?

...a woman.

I only read Japanese and Easter European women. They’re the best ones

I don’t read any female authors except for Silvia Plath and Emily Bronte, and I read them both for sexual reasons

he's a woman aspirant

Sappho is okay, I guess
Tenth Muse and all that

like who

The same ones everyone drops around here (plath, etc), as well as nonfiction.

Why do people make this out to be an edgy, biological thing? With less privilege comes less capability, tautologically. Of course most of the good past writers are going to be white men. Likely will change in the future.

i haven't yet
maybe if i run out of men

I've seen quality, as I perceive it, drop in my preferred niche as the bias against white men continues. Is that because women prefer different things that I consider to be low-brow? Perhaps. A lot of the stuff that gets crowned as outstanding is simple, pathetic wish fulfillment. Or is that simply because it comes attached to a simple-minded political game that prefers propaganda over challenge? Or is the cause divorced entirely from these suspicions, coming down to a large body of classics awaiting the willing reader that any modern author would have a hard time competing with? Or maybe a little bit of all?

At any rate, I predict there will simple be fewer good writers. With the proliferation of things like YA, Marvel movies, and other braindead entertainment people have spoken loud and clear: We want shit.


Stand in any day and compare it's work to the best of the past, and it'll almost definitely look worse. But you're comparing an average to a maximum.

you should stop reading elliot rodger and start reading george eliot, the victorian prose master.

what a load of shit lmao

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ironically based

>Kind of sad how it's hoisted on a pedestal by modern feminists who think it accurately portrays their reaction to men sitting with their legs wide.

Wasn't it a feminist novel from the start? The religious aspect seemed like an excuse to write about how le evil patriarchy is totally going to take over the world and force every woman to be a walking baby incubator.

Read Mrs. Dalloway

I do that but with jesuits

the most beautiful thing a woman can do is shut her mouth and go be a mom.

Very rare woman authors can be interesting, like Flannery O'Connor or Emily Dickinson, but those are exceptions. Almost all women are shallow, unambitious conformists. This would be less of a problem if the 99.999999% who will never create anything meaningful would at least admit to the fact, but unfortunately a lot of women manage to spend their whole lives roleplaying that they're an author, artist, or thinker of some kind without ever realizing they're duds.

So yeah, it's generally good practice to be immediately suspicious of any woman author. A few can do good gruntwork in scholarship, usually by accident. There are no great woman philosophers though. Women just can't do real philosophy (metaphysics) for some reason. They can only do ethical stuff.

virgin lol


fucking based

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I enjoyed pic related.
Well written and she led an interesting life.
That’s the problem with most female writers. They’re too sheltered.

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It's okay handsome, you'll grow up one day

Virginia Woolf is the only woman I felt worth reading. Never stuck with any other female authors, though I hear George Eliot is good. But in terms of narrative voice (and probably personality) Woolf is more like a man than a woman. An effete man like Proust but a man nontheless.

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Reminder: Any post that reduces to holes.jpg is just proving holes.jpg right. Examples:

>Virgin! Incel!
>Translation: "You can't get holes, that's why you think that. Furthermore, you won't get any holes if you keep thinking that."

>You'll grow up one day.
>Translation: "Mature men get holes; you aren't mature; you don't get holes."

>Drop the resentment.
>Translation: "Resentment is a petty behavior and not virile; men who aren't virile are not attractive; unattractive men cannot get holes. You cannot get holes."

>Try meeting some actual women instead of posting on the internet.
>Translation: "You are insufficiently popular to have many female acquaintances; female acquaintanceship is necessary for holes; you do not get holes."

>Go outside some time.
>Translation: "Sheltered men are weird; weird men don't get holes; you can't get any holes."

ALWAYS perform the Holes.jpg Reduction Technique (HjRT) before deciding to reply to a roastie. Remember, a roastie is incapable of saying anything other than "you can't get my holes and I won't give you my holes." There is nothing to be gained from talking to holes. If a poster's post reduces to holes.jpg, there is nothing to be gained from talking to them. Ergo, never talk to roasties.

Attached: holes.jpg (520x588, 121K)


Based. Never seen this before but it really cuts to the heart of a lot of the sorry excuse for rhetoric bandied about this site.


Simone Weil
Edith Stein
what a bunch of illiterate incels

>you don't know this list of literal who's? Clearly you didn't spend your time having sex and listening to your partner blurt out names of random female authors.

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I've studied them. I'm graduated in phylosophy lol

>I'm graduated in phylosophy lol

Yes, I'm sure that philosophy PHD that's worth fuckall except your own complacency allotted plenty of time to have sex.

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Hannah Arendt
Simone Weil
Julia Kristeva
Olga Tokarczuk
Elif Shafak
Herta Muller
Clarice Lispector
Dasa Drndic
Ingeborg Bachmann

>Ingeborg Bachmann
Her graduation thesis is wonderful
Based af you user

Graduated =/= PhD lol
I wish

So you have a bachelors? Who the fuck brags about a bachelors degree in liberal arts? Holy fucking fuck. You have no job prospects

Consider that when less women had opportunities to become dedicated writers, the ones of whom we still hear today were so good they couldn't be ignored. Take a George Eliot, Emily Dickinson, Sor Juana, etc.

With contemporary women writers I'm much more selective because it's opened up to a point where most women are as shit writers as most men have been (and still are)


Literally not a single work of hers still exist. You cannot ”read Hypatia” bevause there is nothing to read.
The only thinga which survives are some commentaries she might have done on another philosophers work. While she was a respected teacher during her life there is no evidence at all that she made any significant discoveries or published any works of her own.



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Only one book written by a woman a year and I usually regret reading it

Women have been getting suspiciously good at writing about Hegel.

now reading lydia kang and she's kicking my ass
pyscho nymph exile by porp was absolutely terrific, also, and that's just stuff i read last year

like 5 woman writers in total I think are really good. I absolutely love female pop singers though, prettiest stuff ever, their voices and their emotions are just perfectly suited to that kind of music, and they write really good lyrics sometimes. I mostly listen to woman musicians these days apart from classical which is basically all male. Only exception i can think of is von bingen, who was based in every single way.

Alice Munro is one of the greatest authors of all time you plebian swine

Scientism strikes again, why are you even on this board?

The book is pretty based. It mentions Baptist militias fighting against Gilead in Appalachia.

Of course they won't mention that on the show since it doesn't fit (((their))) current narrative.

I only read male authors who were born before the 20th century. This rule has never failed me.


I liked LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness quite a bit.
