It's astonishing that suicide, depression and other such things are considered normal, every day experiences that are just part of being human.
People, for no real reason, will hang themselves. No one they loved died, they didn't lose a limb, they didn't have cancer. They just woke up in the morning and thought "what is the point in even existing?". And that's considered "oh yeah just one of those things y'know, just happens". As if for all of homo sapien existence we've just been randomly killing ourselves for no worldly reason. Depression is another one, it's seen as a sickness like having a bad case of the flu. "We just need the right pills, the right treatment, you just need to do x,y and z". It's like bandaging a stab would but not actually removing the knife and sewing it up.
Civilisation is a parasite, it feeds you comfort so you don't get rid of it and while you're distracted it sucks the life out of you until you forget ever knowing anything else.
>Y-You're not a real man unless you live as you're told to live! >S-Stop making life hard for others, just conform and shut up! >Stop making me think about how I'm wasting my life
Nathan Turner
>Y-You're not a real man unless you live as you're told to live! I just told you to learn to control society rather than let it control you. You would have read that if your head wasn't up your ass. Society also isn't anything like a parasite in your brain, what's parasitic is anarchist / communist thought like Ted's.
Blake Cook
>I just told you to learn to control society rather than let it control you That's not a real thing anyone can do, and I don't want to control it I want to abolish it moron. Stop pretending like you're clever for being aware of the problem but too cowardly to do anything about it that would disturb your comfort.
Jaxson Jones
>That's not a real thing anyone can do So no one wealthy is enjoying life? You anarcucks are so retarded.
Brandon Powell
>So no one wealthy is enjoying life? Wealthy people kill themselves all.the.fucking.time.
That's your idea of siezing control? Money. Jesus christ what an idiot.
Jayden Adams
That’s pretty liberating
Parker Rodriguez
>Wealthy people kill themselves all.the.fucking.time. Plenty of them don't, and plenty who do also aren't wealthy. Again, you anarcucks are unbelievably retarded.
>That's your idea of siezing control? Money. Want to know what you can do with money? Practically anything. You can make other people do anything for you with money. You can obtain anything you want if you have enough of it. That's what controlling society entails, shit-for-brains.
Evan White
>Plenty of them don't But plenty of them do. Wealth isn't a cure for life. Keep "chasin dat dream senpai". I'm sure you'll make your first million and sit there completely content with life forever.
>Want to know what you can do with money? Practically anything. And nothing that actually matters. You're a slave to consumer culture, a slave to the concept of wealth, you're a pathetic coward.
William Robinson
Not him, but one thing money can't do is fill that void.
Ever considered they gone so far in one direction that they suddenly realized there is another path they could have taken, or maybe they married someone and after so many years they thought they were happy but actually aren't, hell once you reached "the top" you feel there is no further ambition which means no drive...and thus no urge to live because you felt like you "won"
Depression:The thing money can't fix, it can starve off the symptoms but it can't kill that irrational thought that eats them away, some might have enough will to check into rehab, some might self medicate (legal/illegal kinds), others think "this is fine" until "that's it, I can't hide my weakness anymore so I'm gonna kill myself before anyone finds out my fake ass smile was fake all this time and I'm dead inside".
Eli Sanchez
>Wealth isn't a cure for idiocy. Fixed that for you so it made sense. You need some measure of it to have some measure of control over society regardless.
>And nothing that actually matters. To you, because you're an anarcuck retard with no real values or creativity. You probably don't even know what you really want. Your sights are set on destroying the current social order, but when that's over, what will you do? What do you actually want things to be like? None of you ever explain that.
Money can fix the issue of society controlling you and can grant you control over society. It can't fix mental illness, no.
Owen Bennett
>People, for no real reason, will hang themselves. Go back to facebook or reddit or wherever the fuck you came from.
>Civilisation is a parasite No, civilization is infested with parasites. Examples include: all ugly people.
Landon Davis
Depends. Various things can matter, but only if you live without placing importance on regrets. It means that whenever something is deterministic, you can ignore it.
Grayson Wright
People have been killing themselves even before written language. It’s as human as getting sick. We are organic beings capable of decay and disease. Mental illness is no different.
Joseph Rogers
"surviving" and doing "necessary things" is the ultimate surrogate activity
Luis Bennett
>muh killing and having sex yeah, you're getting exterminated
Jaxon Anderson
Yes that's the whole point! Everyone prefers to live easier lives. Like a drug, we suffer the consequences but we don't want to get rid of the pleasures. Unfortunately harder lives of the ancient people made humans more satisfied.
Gabriel Clark
Have you never gone camping/taken distance from civilization and enjoyed it?
Henry Phillips
>Unfortunately harder lives of the ancient people made humans more satisfied There's literally zero proof of this. None. Point me to a study that shows traditional peasants and nomads enjoyed life more than modern westerners do. It just boggles belief that there are people who belief this sort of rubbish. If savage peoples were so content with their way of life, why do they invariably chose to abandon their old ways and join the modern world with all its technology and pathologies?
Thomas Jones
Boredom is escapism.
Carter Perez
>If savage peoples were so content with their way of life, why do they invariably chose to abandon their old ways and join the modern world with all its technology and pathologies?
If civilization was so great, why was it forced on these tribes at gunpoint? Stupid fucking nigger.
durr why would people live happier and more fulfilling lives in the condition nature has engineered them to live in for millions of years? baffles the mind there are retards who are baffled by this
Nicholas Parker
I don't think you get it. Everything that happens in nature is natural. The fact that something *did* happen is sufficient proof that it was natural for it to happen, otherwise it wouldn't have happened. The human desire for betterment, for enhancing one's life, is the most natural thing that is. If earlier stages of human history were as happy as you think they were, we would've never moved beyond them. Obviously, this wasn't the case. The people who actually lived in these times, who did all the toiling and back-breaking work, didn't believe that, otherwise they wouldn't have made inventions, laws, and all the things that characterize modern life.
Jordan Jones
I question sometimes if the so called autism epidemic is just a regression to hunter gatherer ancestors. I realize the further down the spectrum the more animal like autists tend to behave. Like depression booming maybe it's just a case of being born 200,000 years too late.
Gavin Rodriguez
>If civilization was so great, why was it forced on these tribes at gunpoint? Because they're retarded savages who stand opposed to the dreams of the higher barbarian races.
Jose Jones
you have such a pitifully naive understanding of how the world works, how hedonic adaptation works, historically illiterate, too, as if there weren't hordes of barbarians banging at Rome's gates for hundreds of years trying to prevent their assimilation into exactly the "natural" machinery of civilization you're so stupidly trying to fucking defend
needing to wear some animal skins to stay warm in the winter doesn't presuppose capitalism as fucking axiomatic, you nigger retard chimp bitch faggot bitch
Adrian Morgan
either the state of nature is hell and all these "dumb fucking savages" would have begged to be inducted into the fold of civilization, or maybe life is a little more complex than that and the state of nature was neither hell on earth or paradise, but meaningful and real and that's the most you can ask for.
you're a fucking idiot
Cameron Thompson
It's still meaningful and real for everyone who isn't a retarded savage, bro.
Michael Johnson
It's not. Autism is a severe obsession with objects, to the exclusion of individuals and social relations (a general masculine tendency taken to a far extreme). The fact that it's an overwhelmingly male disease made some people suggest that it might be a case of "extreme maleness." It has nothing whatsoever to do with hunter gatherers, who had a very strong sense of group identity and a high degree of sensitivity to the social environment.
Kayden Parker
So, what are we doing? What are we progressing towards, that these retarded savages just can't understand or appreciate? Show me.
Asher Howard
>BioChristian KYS.
Michael Gray
Galactic conquest.
Jaxson Morgan
Cool, now give me an answer that wasn't influenced by sci-fi vide games and 40K
Joshua Green
What a simple fuck you are.
Who gives a flying fuck about galactic conquest?
Jaxon Reyes
The art reflects the desires of the elite. Galactic conquest is the goal. Things like human genome mapping, gene editing, 3D printing, and robotic automation are all for increasing research and production towards greater space exploration.
>Who gives a flying fuck about galactic conquest? Everyone who's spent decades traveling the planet and is now bored with it.
Colton Reyes
So we can spend light years traveling the galaxy to get bored with that. You and your faggot masters have played too much 40K. Jesus Christ I can't believe this worlds destiny is in the hands of faggot boomer tourists
Jonathan Anderson
absolute yikes
Wyatt Fisher
What's the better alternative? Eating and fucking is nice, but it gets boring after a while.
Chase Stewart
Oh wait you weren't being ironic? Yes the only alternative to eating, shitting, sleeping is becoming a horde of interstellar locusts.
I want to strangle cyborg faggots like you to fucking death
Daniel Collins
You aren't providing an alternative because you know deep down that it would expose your ideology as being the same as the elite's. You seek power like everyone else and you seek to model society in a way that suits you and increases your power. You want to keep the technology that you feel benefits you and remove all of it that doesn't, and you want to keep the people who you feel benefit you and remove everyone who doesn't. You're the same, except you're more bitter because you're not doing so well competing against others for power.
Zachary Bell
I think depression is not some weird biological quirk that an increasingly large portion of the population is experiencing that "for some reason" your body "just happens" to not release the endorphins that it's supposed to. and we're supposed to believe that this is just a mistake of nature and our brains are just malfunctioning when in fact it seems more like our brains are adequately and correctly reacting to the stimulus they receive, if we are aware, be it subconsciously or consciously, of the fact that we live in a fucked world where our offspring will likely have to struggle to even survive and it is actively telling us "fuck it man, there's no winning here." Maybe the solution isn't to put chemicals into our brains to trick our bodies into releasing joy endorphins when there's nothing to be happy about we should consider improving overall quality of life to be a greater imperative.
Josiah Turner
>if you criticize sociopaths you must ve one yourself
Save the armchair therapy for the people actually on top you cringenigger
Fuck off faggot no one wants to join your gay little circlejerk, we can already discuss whatever the fuck we like here you attention slut
Angel Watson
The only way to "cure" depression is removing the cause of it: the modern world.
Kevin Rivera
My accusation is correct until you provide an alternative
Aiden Hernandez
People will say that this the best lifestyle possible, and there's no other way, and just think it's acceptable for tons of people to commit suicide as virgins in solitude with no purpose and belonging to any tribe or community. Think it's okay to eat garbage food filled with chemicals and deprived of nutrients and work in some shitty worthless job. They can't imagine anything else. This world is fucked to the core.
Jace Bell
It's already next to impossible to just go out into the wilderness and be left in peace. At best you'll have planes constantly flying overhead, at worst you'll have heat vision drones and wardens moving you on. In 250 years it will be impossible for anyone to escape the grasp of society.
Jaxon Harris
If the cause of your depression isn't clearly a result of some childhood trauma, then it's likely a result of isolation / lack of association with the right people. See pic related.
If that's the case would extreme masculinity would be a disadvantage in hunter gatherer society? If I recall correctly it's been theorized that autistic cavemen were the innovators and might have been responsible for highly detailed cave drawings. Perhaps autism created civilization which is why it's prevalent in tech hubs and highly populated cities? Notice how mass shootings happen more often in smaller populated areas than high density cities.
You can't claim to know me or my life or the experiences I've had to lead me to this place, so don't claim to know the inside of my fucking mind, asshole. That quote is literally apropos of nothing.
Brayden Gomez
If you guys want to blog so bad, maybe try and see how that works. They have an user post feature
>why do they invariably chose to abandon their old ways and join the modern world?
>Everyone prefers to live easier lives. Like a drug,...
Luis Rogers
I don't need to. Depression, when not induced by malnutrition / inflammation, is a result of mental "illness" aka a cognitive misalignment with the environment you find yourself in.
Chase Hall
Explain why third world immigrants travel miles to get to comfier first world civilization.
Cameron Ortiz
EASIER IS NOT BETTER. Porn is easier, you have access to the best looking women with no effort. You can satisfy your sexual desires the way you want just by typing your fantasies. By your logic, porn is better than sex, because if people preferred sex, they would just get it.Don't be naive. Porn ruins your brain, hurts your personal life, makes you unhappy while giving you pleasure. As all the luxuries of the modern world.
>There's literally zero proof of this. None But there is, there are ample amounts of proof lmao, that is, if you are not a dishonest bugman looking solely for sources that validate your reductive claim. Pick up any anthro book for instance, book a plane ticket and go visit the pygmies. Take a trip to Papa new guinea. Hit up some local tribe in the amazon (well... should've done that last week)
>If savage peoples were so content with their way of life, why do they invariably chose to abandon their old ways and join the modern world with all its technology and pathologies? What? The vas majority of primitive tribes left in the world are ACTIVELY rejecting modernity and technology. Read la société contre l'état faggot.
>people kill themselves for no reason >"like yea bro what's the point man lol I'm just gonna kill myself because idk yolo I guess lmao"
Go fuck yourself op. You're delusional.
Asher Brooks
Amish have the lowest rates of depression and suicide in the United States, Google it
Kayden Peterson
I meant they had no real, worldy reason for doing it. They do it for reasons purely in their mind. A lot of them kill themselves solely because of mental problems.
No i wouldnt. I want to live in glacial Europe, hunting mammoths, rhinos and cheetahs. Then i'd die at the ripe age of 40 and be reincarnated as a malaria mosquito so i can kill dirty Africans.
It's funny how all you were ever told about him was pictures making him look like a nutcase, but he was very eloquent despite being someone clearly isolated from socialisation. Clearly intelligent, rational and in a reasonable state of mind. But they portray him as a mentally ill, barely human autist.
Eli Cruz
>I mean they have no real, wordly reason >they do it for reasons purely in their mind
I don't even know what to say to you right now man... Get off of the internet for a while and reflect on the stuff that you write. Also, lay off the booze. I spoke in the same, voluptuous, meaningless, poetic, abstract manner when I was pounding back booze every night for 2 years. You read as if you're soo convinced of your own convictions and I hate to break it to you man but you have a terribly naïve perception and understanding of the world. If I had to guess, you're still in High school.
Jordan Mitchell
I'm not being vague at all.
Killing yourself because your kid or wife died makes sense. Killing yourself because you lost both your legs makes sense. Killing yourself because one day you woke up after 1000 other day exactly like it and said "yeah I can't handle even being alive any more even though I'm physically fine" doesn't make a lick of fucking sense.
Mental illness is purely brought on from civlisation, technology and society. It's not your brain spazzing out.
Jayden Lewis
this is unsettling on a lot of levels.
Charles Moore
So if we follow your line of logic and assume that in the former examples (the wife, kid dying) that the person killing themselves is in fine physical condition (as is the case with the latter example), wouldn't it be nonsensical (in your line of logic) for this person to kill themselves considering their sound physical condition?
And if mental illness is "purely brought on from civilization", then wouldn't it be reasonable to expel schizophrenics, such as yourself, deep into the Siberian tundra?
You have problems man. I wager that you suffer from a mental illness. Exile yourself to the woods and in a few years let us know if you get any better. Considering that you idolize a man like Kaczynski, I suggest following in his footsteps, but if you ever have the urge to kill someone start with yourself, you nutcase.
Isaac Reed
>for this person to kill themselves considering their sound physical condition? No because they have completely reasonable reasons for feeling so emotionally anguished they want to die. Whereas depression is treated like a brain problem, not as a result of something outside your mind. >then wouldn't it be reasonable to expel schizophrenics, such as yourself, deep into the Siberian tundra? If you're going to be a retard I'm not going to respond. No, it's not reasonable to expect someone raised in a cage their whole life to learn to survive in the wild all on their own.
James Flores
Anyone read this book or has a pdf? It was recommended to me by a man I once met when travelling who lived as a hunter gatherer hunting wild goats in the bush with a crossbow and gathering herbs and making fire with a bow drill. He would speak about how free he feels in the bush outside of the cage of domestication. Very strong and impressive man.
He used to phrase "surrogate activities" - he clearly read Kaczynski. the government and media establishment learned not to humanise shooters after columbine, for better or worse.
Josiah Myers
>It's astonishing that suicide, depression and other such things are considered normal, every day experiences that are just part of being human. Who considers it normal? >People, for no real reason, will hang themselves. No one they loved died, they didn't lose a limb, they didn't have cancer. These are always the most tragic things normies are able to think of, along with being Jewish and being an African child. Are you by chance a normie? >Civilisation is a parasite, it feeds you comfort so you don't get rid of it and while you're distracted it sucks the life out of you until you forget ever knowing anything else. Is this babby's first philosophical thought? This sounds like the exact same thing that edgy 14 year olds are always saying. People have been depressed with or without society for millenia. Those who refuse the comfortable are usually the most successful in the game of life. Nice Kaczynski bait too, Kaczynski threads always get 300 replies. Now, I have to mention that this post doesn't even attempt to be literature related, so I have to sage and report it and tell you to suck a cock and die like a faggot.
Jaxson Williams
>SQUEEE did my favorite mass shooter just indirectly mention my favorite bomber!? He mentions kaczynski directly. Lurk more, faggot.