When is suicide acceptable, if ever?
When is suicide acceptable, if ever?
It’s only acceptable if you posted a question like this without reading The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus.
Vedas say when you are defeated in a debate. Or when you hear someone blaspheme the Vedas. You should kill the blasphemer too, or at least cut his tongue off.
Mind you, we're not anymore in the golden age, so these rules aren't followed anymore
>durr just be like sisyphus!!!!!
is there a more worthless piece of advice than this? true mark of a pseud.
Cato the Younger killing himself rather than submit to Caesar's empire is one example.
Camus is so fucking plebbit. Literally babby's first philosophy
>never read Myth of Sisyphus
Just because someone wrote it down thousands of years ago doesnt make it truthful or worthwhile advice.
What’s with all the retards on Yea Forums?
They all read the myth of sisyphus and thought it was insightful
OP’s question is addressed by Camus. Are you retarded?
Yes and no
never, its always a sin.
>kills self because of temporary suffering
>suffers in hell for all eternity instead
When you would rather die than continue to live.
suicide is acceptable if it becomes impossible to live a virtuous life
When you poison Alexander the Great.
It's always acceptable in that you are always forced to accept it if it happens same as death by any other means
The only difference between suicide and any other form of death is that committing suicide is the only real power anyone has over their own life and you gotta accept that too
By virtuous life you mean being chad and fucking stacies on the regular, right?
thats about as far from virtuous as possible
Gradually, I began to hate the chad/incel/stacy meme
English majors. Enough said.
Based and criminally underrated.
temperance,self control,prudence, courage,faith, hope,love,humility,kindness, patience,diligence,chasity,charity,righteousness,benevolence, compassion,respect,honesty,honour,duty and loyalty.These are some virtues you should try to act out in your life.You may say that these are faggy morals and they are outdated but there is one thing you need to know. 90% of all suffering existing and inflicted on you and on anyone else is manmade and it exist only because people failed to obey their moral codes, thus because they failed at living virtous life. If you only care about maximising your pleasure you will always be sad.and nothing will truly satisfy you.vanity of vanities; all is vanity...the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.but if you care about something transcendent above pleasure or pain ,something like discipline,morality or God, said pleasure and pain would lose it's grip on your life and you will become more powerfull and wise that you can imagine. Evola has said that "neither pleasure nor pain should enter as motives when one must do what must be done".Marcus Aurelius has said: "Let the part of thy soul which leads and governs be undisturbed by the movements in the flesh, whether of pleasure or of pain; and let it not unite with them, but let it circumscribe itself and limit those affects to their parts.". living virtous life is really hard and scary thing to do and you will fail multiple times but dont give up because it happens to everyone and you need a lot of courage and bravery to do that but you will get stronger.
being careless degenerate living only in the present hedonist is a local 21st century standard now but it wasn't always like that.there were and are those odd people among us who do not accept the local standard, who demonstrate the alarming truth that a quite different behaviour is, in fact, possible. Worse still, there is the fact that these people, even when separated widely inspace and time, have a suspicious knack of agreeing withone another in the main—almost as if they were in touch with some larger public opinion outside of our echo chamber. What is common to Zarathustra, Jeremiah, Socrates, Gautama,Christ and Marcus Aurelius, is something pretty sub-stantial.we find in ourselves even now a theoret-ical approval of this behaviour which no one practises.Even inside our echo chamber we do not say that justice, mercy,fortitude, and temperance are of no value, but only thatthe local custom is as just,brave, temperate and merciful as can reasonably be expected. It begins to look as if theneglected rules even inside our echo chamber wereconnected with some larger world—and that when theterm ends we might find ourselves facing the public opinion of that larger world. But the worst of all is this: we cannot help seeing that only the degree of virtue which we now regard as impracticable can possibly save our race from disaster even on this planet. The standard whichseems to have come into the 21st century from outside, turnsout to be terribly relevant to conditions inside our degenerate realm. It may be the custom, down here, to treat the regimental rules as a deadletter or a counsel of perfection: but even now, everyonewho stops to think can see that when we meet the enemy this neglect is going to cost every man of us his life.
holy fucking based
How to Die
this is a good example