what's the best intro to leftist theory? what books should I get?
What's the best intro to leftist theory? what books should I get?
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the reason is because when you become far right and truly understand our irreversible descent into degenracy you want people to be exterminated
How can one be right wing and a Christian?
By being Southern
by loving the order order established by the church?
>ideology pervasive in higher learning and media
>isolated incidents totally negligible in the aggregate*
*one weekend in chicago of nigs chimping on eachother accounts for more "far right" shooting deaths in half a decade
More of a default position (unless you go for integralism) since the left wants to dissolve the family and replace it with government. This is also historically why the Catholic church has been anti-communist and anti-socialist.
>the left wants to dissolve the family and replace it with government
You're thinking of capitalism. The left wants to annihilate the capitalism atomization that turns us into a homogenized, rootless algorithm. You cheer it on while watching the Christchurch shooting over and over and jerking off because you think putting racist memes on social media will end capitalist alienation. You're bugged and cannot escape through the path you've chosen.
>How can one be right wing and a Christian?
Christianity is right-wing. Both are failed philosophies that result in mass murder, paranoia, reality denial, and child rape. Find a path to something real or dig your pit deeper.
>what's the best intro to leftist theory?
huff your farts
communist manifesto, the conquest of bread, kapital vol. 1
when did right-wing go from skepticism of authority and desire for maximized personal freedom to mindless obeying an international organization telling people how to live their lives and protecting child rapists?
No, I'm thinking of leftism.
False dichotomy, you'd think they would stop and think for one moment. Its not just annoying, its not logically sound.
Right and left may as well mean white and non-white from a pragmatic point of view. Most black and brown people are extremely conservative in regards to preserving black and brown culture and proliferating black and brown genetics.
Once it dawns on the enlightened white person that every other ethnicity in your nation has zero investment in the nation at large (beyond how it can immediately benefit them and their community) and doesnt care about its future or the liberal values it was founded upon, and that every one of these people pouring into your nation dilutes the power of your own franchise that much more, it becomes impossible to be "reasoned" into accepting leftism again.
The left doesnt have the nation's best interests in mind. The thought leaders consider themselves cosmopolitans who could easily fuck off to another generic city across the world if they fuck up America too badly, and their foot soldiers continue to feel more of an affinity to the land of their parents and grandparents even after several generations. People with zero/near zero buy in into the system dont deserve to have an equal say. And no amount of crying women propaganda videos or dead children propaganda photos will change that.
Right wing is only about suspicion of gov in th US, and unfortunately in the US conservatism is also associated with losing ideological battles so eventually they are subsumed by the Europeans submission to authority model of right wing
No, you're thinking of capitalism.
This is the lowest iq post I have ever seen. Reminder that you have to be over 18 to post here
No, leftism
>Most black and brown people are extremely conservative in regards to preserving black and brown culture and proliferating black and brown genetics.
not even remotely true, another /pol/ brainworm that just sounds "right" despite no historical basis whatsoever.
It's white people that INVENTED the concept of whiteness, which is specifically about transcending national barriers and accepting any kind of blending between peoples as long as you could fit into the white "Brand". Literally eliminating historical separations to justify the child abuse/kidnapping/theft philosophy behind slavery, lynching, rape, etc. Whiteness is new, you dipshit
I'm 41. Remember, you're here forever.
Anarchist anthology is a good start.
The actual reason is that they’re dumb as bricks.
Get it tattooed on your arm.
No, you're actually thinking of capitalism.
Fucking retard
That poll doesn't say what your post said. Where's "preservation" in that poll?
No, really. Leftism simply wants to expand the family unit (back to something ore historical) capitalism insists at the “atomic family”. But now its all about atomizing people further. It’s schizo. Multiple income earners just to keep from being put on the streets. I keep seeing articles about kid entrepreneurs busting their humps trying to supplement their families income. Governments are denying proper healthcare, even the tories in the UK are trying to whittle their health services away. Capitalism is destroying us.
>Aristotle’s correlates whiteness to the universal representation of mankind throughout the text. This may have been an early attempt to unify Europeans under the banner of Whiteness since Aristotle experienced ethnic discrimination within his lifetime. He even goes so far as to say that “So we cannot combine ‘white’ repeatedly with that which already contains it or call a man animal-man, for example, or two-footed man”). This implies that men are automatically White and that the term is already affixed to all men. He correlates it to “animal-man” and “two-footed man” which are two terms that Aristotle holds to be indivisible from man. Therefore, it logically holds that Aristotle’s universal mankind is White.
Are you dumb? There is an overwhelming amount of data that suggests blacks and other non whites care more about "preservation" than whites.
Why not both?
Modern Leftism is a symptom of late stage capitalism.
Are they not one in the same nowadays? For fuck's sake Burger King tweeted a shout out at antifa that they were selling milkshakes in the UK a few months back the day before some protest or whatever. Anti capitalism is simply a lifestyle/sense of self that advertisers have cultivated your desire in in order to get you to buy their shit and do the illegal things they'd never get away with doing.
Read pic related or watch The Century of the Self.
Same could be said about blackness, nice try Noel. Muh historical injustices doesnt make it any more real, using your line of reasoning. It's just a hodgepodge of random western African culture mixed with French and Irish culture to ascribed to a rootless group. Just ask the people of Rwanda if blackness is real.
Plus you sidestepped what I was talking about in the first place. A black participant in black lives matter isnt being progressive, hes acting on behalf of his own group and no one else. Not for the betterment of America, but for the betterment of the sliver of America that he actually cares about.
Do you need to be spoonfed everything? Tell me what you see in that poll.
what about something that is less than 100 years old
>the left wants to undue things that capitalism caused, like requiring multiple earners in the home to make a living wage
Perfect example of the symbiosis of neoliberal feel good faggotry and hard core capitalism I was talking about here. Women back in the 60s couldnt wait to get their own jobs so they could be enjoy enough economic liberty to divorce her husband if she got bored with him, the two income household is literally touted (maybe not in form but in substance) as one of the major achievements of feminism in the postwar period.
I feel like what you believe to be leftism is something closer to distributism, unless you're just trying to dress up your bullshit in language you think someone like me would find disarming.
You need to define what the left historically means, not how the right defines it (umbrella terms of 'sjw' for anything remotely progressive).
If you mean communist or anarchist thinking, start with the classics like commie manifesto or prole.info.
Go to marxist internet archive.
But the most important think is learning how to think (dialectical materialism) and how social forces work (read history).
this. women entering the workforce was one of the main reasons why you now need multiple incomes per household to survive. does anybody *seriously* think that corporations wouldn’t notice these social changes, realize they could jack up prices thanks to inelasticity of demand for most products, and then restore consumer surplus parity back to equilibrium while laughing all the way to the bank? of course they took advantage of it. anybody with a brain would take advantage of rising household incomes to raise prices to cash in. but nobody talks about it because that wouldn’t be “woke” and politically correct.
now we live in an inflationary hellhole. thanks a lot faggots
I don't think it's going to be easy, or even possible, to get a population that's simultaneously clannish enough to want an ethnostate but WEIRD enough to not care about looking their your own immediate kin. Short run maybe, but long(>50 years) you'd see drift either back to the base state or a decline in living standards.
>learning how to think (dialectical materialism)
The logical conclusion to enlightenment thinking is to reason yourself into dismantling your nation wholesale and distributing it to the barbarians who havent learned to doubt themselves yet. I posted a picture of starship troopers because that seems to be the only argument for a democracy that could stand the test of time that I've come across simply because of the amount of effort it takes to earn the franchise and the amount of pro-state propaganda you would have to internalize by the time you earned the right to cast your first vote. If that couldn't ensure that the majority vote for what they believe to be good for the whole rather than their own selfish interests, then I dont think democracy itself could possibly be tenable for the long haul.
15 seconds on google scholar and I already found 2 papers showing dual incomes reduce inequality.
Also, your model doesn't make sense to me, why are corporations responding to an increase in the number of wage earners by suddenly increasing prices? Wouldn't you just keep the price the same since you're already choosing the price that will provide max profits?
I see.
Always found it weird how leftards cry out about one right wing mass shooting but can ignore dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks and, ya know, the whole 13 52 thing...
What the fuck is this nigger even trying to say? Can someone rephrase his argument in not down syndrome gook speak? Thanks.
Basically what this nigger said. Leftists complain about shit that doesnt matter, doesnt exist, or obfuscate crucial facts while trying to downplay relevent ones. I hate a lot of faggots on the right and some of those nigends do the same shit, but leftys are so much worse about it, and they hypocritically think they're "the good guys" and "on the right side of history" when they're basically just as dogmatic and brainwashed as the puritans were during the salem witch trials.
But nah, people will listen to this Shaun faggot because he has a following and skull head avatar and I'm just some anonymous faggot who says nigger too much for most people's sensibilities. Fuck this world. I'm inclined to ignore someone online nowadays if they dont say nigger enough, or, god forbid, are afraid to.
Reading history made me stop being a communist, so definitely do this.
Hah. Read who’s history?
Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
Its very easy to read you can finish in an afternoon.
Think about the perspective you come from, and the two papers you cited.
Getting women into the workforce meant that their income went from 0 to comparable to a man. Wow, earth shattering revelations that needed to be published in an academic journal right there.
Now think about the next step beyond that. The work force is doubled, twice as many wagies. Everyone is expected to work. No longer could an 8th grade education and a line job at a car factory buy you a house and two cars, because now theres suddenly a lot more money on each house and more people can afford to pay more for the same amount of stuff.
Yay women. They got their petty hubris for mere cost of damning themselves and the other sex to a future of diminishing returns. If you only think about women, and only think about things from a materialist perspective, this is a great victory. But you are a self centered dipshit and dont deserve the right to vote because you dont gibs a damn about the good of anyone outside your little pet demographics.
>antifa is a plot to sell hamburgers
Refute this.
With the exception of, maybe, this shithole of a website, literally anything you get involved in that isnt under your direct control is a plot to get you to buy stuff.
Theres good money in catering to people who oppose capitalism, not to mention reinforcing those people's notion that your business goals (open borders, lower wages, lobbying for government overregulation to overburden potential competitors who dont have enough capital to play ball) are a moral good that is worth fighting in the streets for
>measure is in inflated dollars instead of actual spending power
>Theres good money in catering to people who oppose capitalism, not to mention reinforcing those people's notion that your business goals (open borders, lower wages, lobbying for government overregulation to overburden potential competitors who dont have enough capital to play ball) are a moral good that is worth fighting in the streets for
a sentence can only be so based but you have outdone yourself.
>muh gdp
Give it 5-10 years and you'll refute yourself, conservacuck. Your role in the system is to be the controlled opposition, and lose gracefully while adhering to your principles.
You're measuring success in material terms. By doing this, you're already ceding a ton of ground to the marxists a priori.
Theocratic distributism.
That isn't right wing outside of the US.
Mass shootings are less unpleasant on a day to day level. I have to carefully word everything I say around 90%+ of the people I interact with due to political correctness. I don't realistically have to worry about getting shot by right wing mass shooters.
There is nothing "theoretical" in Shaun's grift. I’ve never seen Shaun talk about economics once. His content is all just glorified reaction videos to equally obnoxious right wing dipshits talking about feminism in video games. He's only "leftist" in a vague cultural sense, he's a middle class larper who makes way more money than the majority of people in his city, for literally doing nothing but playing videogames and making one poorly edited video a month
That's a very, very, very idealistic (if not just dishonest) depiction of the left. If they were actually vocally pro-family and pro "conservative" (i.e. cooperative, communal) social values a lot of people might support them.
Almost the entire left and right are grifts.
I hope the most extreme Stalinists win so that every political activist is put in a gulag.
Who is Shaun's 60 minute takedowns of PragerU and Black Pigeon Speaks aimed at?
People who already agree with him and just want to listen to him talk about how right their opinions are?
Breadtube would ironically be the first to be executed as class enemies
Oh god yes. This is why I vote hard left. I don't even care if they dig up my internet record of neo-nazism as long as I die in the same lineup as the hyperliberals who infest the institutions.
*Audio file.
Shaun is too lazy to make a video
Actually I forgot to mention
>encouraging these people to suppress and water down 'problematic' cultural expressions so that said cultural expressions (christmas, st patricks/cinco de mayo, sports, every famous IP of the last 50 years) can be marketed towards a broader and broader demographic
They feel good for pointing the finger and whites and yelling racist, while at the same time making whatever the just tore down bland and nodistinct enough to appeal to anybody
Theres literally not a thing that the far left believes in that doesnt buttress the megacorporation brand of capitalism that they supposedly hate so much.
>funny how the people who claim that a [Very widespread mainstream phenomenon] on the left is what pushed them to the far-right are somehow able to resist the [Statistical rarity] on the far-right pushing them left
>when did right-wing go from skepticism of authority and desire for maximized personal freedom
liberalism is left wing, just because other are further left doesn't make liberalism magically right wing
>my blog post, the book
>one group tell you you're shit by virtue of your birth, you seek acceptance elsewhere
>someone tangentially similar to you does something bad, original group that said you were shit reminds you once again that they think you're shit
>Shaun: "wow these people are irrational, clearly it's in these shitbird's best interest to side with me"
hey, didn't you know that Contrapoints and Breadtube are converting alt-righters IN DROVES to the left? The Economist™ wrote an article about it, so it's totally proved!
Nobody loves the online communist revolution as much as The Economist™!
My sides
write a blog dude. The dissonance between marxist ideals and progressivism needs to be firmly and clearly made public. Whether you're right wing or left wing that remains true.
I don't even see things the same way as you but you are making very valid points and you should elaborate on them in a longer format, I can tell you've thought about this stuff enough to have ideas worth sharing by the clear concision of your posts.
Even if people may have made the observations before, discourse is ongoing and truth needs to be reinforced, and every person's perspective will unite new things that didn't exist before in conjunction.
too bad that's just not true and the entirety of the left is globohomo
I second
Please write this in a larger format if you can. I would honestly love to read it.
Meh, I watch more left-wing ecelebs than right to understand their philosophy, and I haven’t been converted to the left. I mostly watch destiny, Shaun, hbomerguy, I’m not watching contrapoints, morally refuse to watch a trannie lecture me.
Part way through.
>Zizek is right to argue that, far from constituting any kind of progressive corrective to official capitalist ideology, liberal communism constitutes the dominant ideology of capitalism now.
Isn't this precisely what the right has been arguing?
I'm a normalfag with a career in a hyper progressive field, and I have a wife and kids. Not looking to get myself doxxed by butthurt antifa by putting myself out there.
I highly recommend watching century of the self (it's on YouTube, 4 part mini series with each episode being an hour long), and if you're further interested read Propaganda by Edward Bernays. Both describe how advertising was developed and over the 20th century began to consume every facet of our lives. Black pill warning, it's some soul crushing shit - literally everything you do and think is a result of the propaganda you consume.
Everything else I've mentioned can be pretty easily traced back to Mencious Moldbug, and the Youtubers Endeavor, The Distributist (especially this guy, sharpest mind on YouTube imo), and The People's Veto (formerly known as The Alternative Hypothesis).
>not how the right defines
You are literally the only people who define the left as being communist.
That shows Aryans (white people) are truly twice-born and are the inheritors of the Vedas and the guardians of Dharma. The other races are unable to reach moksha in their current lifetimes because they are unable to conquer their egos and realize their atman since they still cling to petty notions of like exterior identities such as race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
What does left even mean?
>opposes capitalism
>every policy position they advocate for helps capitalists, hence why every capitalist caters to them
>pro environmentalism
>pro-free movement of people around the globe
Seriously, fuck you.
>claim to be pro union. Are legitimately pro teachers union and pro other gov workers unions
>oh well, guess you're labor was too expensive so we outsourced your American labor to india/china/wherever
>alternatively "lol if you got undercut by an illegal or an h1b then you need to go to college like an actual white person and quit working at a meat packing plant, that's dirty spice work. Lrn2code xD
Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
nah man ive read and seen everything you're talking about, Bernays and Moldbug i know especially well, you are synthesizing new concepts even if you don't realize it.
I get not wanting to write a blog because it is in fact insane out there and you will get targeted. I guess just keep posting as user, you have good ideas in your head. And again im not totally on board with what you're saying, i do have different ideas that kind of conflict with them.
all the best to you and your wife and kids, you clearly care about truth and that is rare as fuck.
The right doesn't have consistent definitions for either "liberal" or "communism", much less the specific way Zizek uses the phrase. For the right both "liberal" and "communism" are just words for the thing they don't like.
The right doesn't even "argue", anyway. It runs on pure pathos. Any and all arguments are made in bad-faith, and can always be boiled down to perversity, futility or jeopardy.
Shit book.
all you need is literally any extensive book written by a very verbose intellectual
a nice thick heavy one with a lot of deep information with it
and then you pick it up and slam your head into it repeatedly
liberalism evolved from locke, through Mill to Bentham. It's about the rights of the individual as opposed to monarchical ideas, it was tied to capitalism and nationalism in the 18th and 19th century turmoil of the west especially.
communism is an ancient idea evoking the almost tribal nature of the commmune but most people assocaite it with Marxist communism, a supposedly inevitable stage of historical development where there are no classes and no state and the entire civilization resembles a commune.
Explain to me how this is a bad faith argument. I am as far right as you can be.
My fellow leftist, you need to read more theory. The idea of abolishing the family is marxist. Better to defend yourself by saying "I'm not a marxist" rather than "abolishing the family" is not leftist.
>why do bad things happen?
>because Bad People are doing them!
>but what if it's the result of systemic causes?
>no, it's the Bad People.
lel. Here is the zizek article for those interested
>actually thinking that someone would make all of their arguments in bad faith
No one is that self-deceptive. Get over yourself and learn some counterarguments you lazy nigger.
>hasn't even read the commie manifesto
You're non-representative for the right. Take a quick walk down /pol/ and you'll see the retards the right is actually composed of.
But yeah, to actually answer your question from more earnestly: The difference is in how both sides arrived at the conclusion, and the implications of it.
The left sees this "liberal communism" (or "progressive neoliberalism" or however you want to call it) as a deflection tactic, designed to subsume and subvert all opposition to the underlying imposed hierarchy.
The right sees the phenomena as bad actors having unjusty infiltrated positions of otherwise deserved power, and are now trying to distort a natural hierarchy.
For the left it means cutting across the culture war miasma and double-down on material egalitarianism. Because the liberal communism is flexible, but it will not go against its own material interests.
For the right it means a purge, and a restoration of the natural order. Anything less is a half-measure.
As you can see, despite having superficially somewhat similar analyses, the the conceptions are very different. The left and the right can't, for example, "join forces" against the hegemon, not even in a temporary alliance.
(and it was the left who argued along these lines first. Your wording implies the left has been awoken to a reality the right was aware of all along, when it's the other way around)
This, the left just means shitskin colonialism.