Any good right wing ethnonationalist revolutionary fiction like pic related...

Any good right wing ethnonationalist revolutionary fiction like pic related? I prefer more of a dive into the political undertakings if possible, but anything works. I've tried searching google and others, but everything that comes up is left wing revolution, etc.

Attached: 4377158.jpg (266x400, 26K)

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As a resident of Cascadia should I read pic related

The Pacific North West has long been a haven for far leftists, wobblies, Marxists, anarchists. Covington needs to toddle off to Arizona, because he’s not gonna have a good time with that 1488 bullshit

Theres a pretty established group up there, a few in fact. Portland and Seattle are not the entirety of the NW.

As far as WNF goes, it's one of the better ones. Some people that dont know what they're getting into can get turned off by the graphic nature of the book, but it's pretty good.

The works of Tito Perdue are good. He writes interesting literature and gives interesting insites.

Fenek Solère has written some good stuff with alot of action. His book the Partisan (2014) is some what related to his later book Rising (2016). I haven't read his latest book though.

I don't think Covington is going to toddle anywhere since he killed over.

Thanks I'll have to check both of those authors out

The ironic thing is if you need to try and establish a right wing culture in the PNW, it clearly wasn’t meant to be. Completely forced

There already is a right wing culture I'm the PNW. Literally everywhere but the major cities are very much right leaning. Did you even see election results?

Attached: 2016__election_results_by_county_by_ynot1989_daoioo0-pre.jpg (1109x721, 192K)

Harold Covington looks cool

Attached: harold_covington.jpg (580x320, 38K)

Looks like a racist grrm

>right wing nationalism

Attached: 1560890841653.png (633x758, 49K)

>revolting against the current state of the west isn't a revolt
>why? Because I said so, duh.
>checkmate bigot

Yea, every place that isn’t a liberal urban hell scape is technically right wing. Doesn’t mean the PNW is some sort of sage haven. Like I said, it’s fake and big ghey

It's not revolution, it's reaction fuckwit.

What is revolution other than a reaction then? So should it then be called the Reactionary War? They were reacting against a government they believed unfair to them and their belief system and wanted a nation free from the binds of the kingdom. The very definition of revolution even supports me, you brainlet.

>a: a sudden, radical, or complete change

>b:a fundamental change in political organizationespecially:the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed

>c:activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation

You may actually be retarded

What exactly would a rightwing candidate propose...
Closed borders? Reinstituted slavery?
Bernie Sanders is actually resonating with a lot of conservatives. The nationalists are outnumbered. Won’t matter how many shootings there are

Lmao, I'm not wanting a "right wing president." I dont understand how Bernie supporters can unironically say that they oppose white nationalism in the USA, and at the same time oppose those white nationalists from voluntarily separating from the rest of the country and forming a nation based around their beliefs. What's your solution then? Extermination of whites that dont conform? Sounds pretty close to the ideology you supposedly oppose. Freedom of association goes both ways. Those who wish for a white, national socialist ethnostate, shouldn't be hindered from separating from the rest of the populace. I assume if a group of blacks or mexicans wanted the same for their people, and to set up a community in texas, Louisiana, etc. For themselves and their progeny to live in a society that they view as positive, you would support that correct? Forcing white people to accept multiculturalism for the sheer sake of multiculturalism and not for anything else, benefits no one. It literally makes zero sense to prevent the people you dont like from leaving the places controlled by the left.

>You may actually be retarded
Dude you don't understand the difference between reactionary and revolutionary.

>Extermination of whites that dont conform

Is that what you actually think bernie supporters believe? Lol

whiggist brainlet

Enlighten me then, o great one. If the definition of revolution doesnt suit you.
What is the supposed solution for it then? Just hope that the problem goes away? How does he plan for his war on white nationalism?

Also, way to cherry pick the hyperbole in what I posted instead of actually coming up with a response, brainlet

>Enlighten me then, o great one. If the definition of revolution doesnt suit you.

It's not my own defintion. You can literally look up the revolutionary // reactionary defintions. Anyway, even Hitler didn't consider himself a revolutionary.
>What is the supposed solution for it then? Just hope that the problem goes away? How does he plan for his war on white nationalism?

Nobody is planning a war on white nationalism, it's so fringe it's not considered noteworthy to address. Only the violence done by said fringe group is notable to address, mainly in form of mass shootings. As a political philosophy, it is unlikely WN will go anywhere. The 'browning' of America is not evidence that WN will hit mainstream, actually the opposite. There are already communities that are 95%+ white.
Why would I respond to you as if you aren't as insignifcent as your views?

I posted the definition of revolutionary for you, so it seems I am correct. Second, Bernie has literally stated he will go to war against white nationalism, so you are wrong again. Further, the washing away of white people in their own nation, i believe would bring about more support for a far right ethnonationalist to hit mainstream. It's happened before, it will happen again. Time is cyclical and we are all along for the ride

people don't want to be labeled as "reactionary" because (I think) the reactionary-revolutionary paradigm was defined by socialist thought, with "reactionary" actually meaning "bad" and revolutionary meaning "good". They aren't morally neutral terms. As a right-winger you would not want to adhere to definitions written by your enemies, similar to how left-wingers today vociferously reject being labelled "anti-white" because they would cede moral and rhetorical ground in doing so. In attempting to force the slanderous word "reactionary" onto right-wing political movements, you are trying to get said right-wingers to cede that same ground before a debate even begins

Ethnonationalism is gay

No time right now, but here’s one big solution to your problem.

Stop thinking whites are superior or have any real claims to native lands. Not telling you to go back to your ancestors country, just telling you the reality of the situation. Law is fiction. Be gracious guests on this earth and show some damn humility and common sense

Outside of the large cities the PNW is extremely redpilled. Its pretty much the same situation everywhere.

I've never claimed superiority, nor do I believe in a superior race. If whites have no claims to the lands of native americans, then brown's have claim to the lands of native europeans. A separate place for every place should exist, those that wish to live in a brown multicultural society can do that, I do not wish to prevent that nor exterminate those who do not align with me. An ethnostate for every race is the natural way of the world. Like attracts like, people are more likely to feel at home with members of their own race, and that goes for every race. It's not wrong to agree with this sentiment, nor is it immoral or lacking in common sense.
>ethnotribal cultures existed for thousands and thousands of years prior to the advent of multiculturalism
>the modern world view must be correct because it is in the present
What a weak argument.

Bernie says that he despises open borders. It's true, but he is still a fan of mass migration.

Just about all of the WN paranoia comes from the fact that every historically white country, including native white countries, are going through the same process of ethnic change. American WNs do not see Europe as a safe home for white people because Europe is being similarly browned, albeit at a slower pace. Since white people, according to the moral system that has been imposed upon them since the middle of the last century, do not have a moral claim to any land, they are emboldened to take frantic action to protect any land they do have. This includes North America which is "rightful native clay" because white people know for a fact that no one will look at them with any sympathy when they make similar appeals to ethnic determination/homogeneity in Europe themselves.

No, that's the best of the genre, and Covington's views on women are bluepill. Pierce's book Hunter was better than TTD, but he was also bluepill, because his mentor Revilo Oliver was too cool for the Logos and too busy denouncing communism to notice sexual degeneracy in the way Rome stopped being Roman.
Terrorism isn't a viable strategy, only Jesus can save us.

Well said.

An actual rightwing government would ban no-fault divorce because what God has joined let no man separate, end welfare because he who will not work neither shall he eat, and end affirmative action for women because women shouldn't have what pertains to men.

>law is fiction
>use some common sense
This won't turn out the way you think it will

The book Victoria: A Novel of Fourth Generation War and its prequel are also about right wing militias taking on the feds, but with more militias over a longer time period.

Yeah, it will.