What's some good commie Yea Forums besides Homage to Catalonia?
What's some good commie Yea Forums besides Homage to Catalonia?
10 Days that Shook the World
The Road to Wigan Pier
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
>homage to catalonia
I mean, I suppose it's related to commies in that it shows just how incompetent and inefficient you guys are
In what ways exactly, user?
In all seriousness, to quote Matthews, "The book did more to blacken the loyalist cause than any work written by enemies of the Second Republic.”
Despite having overwhelming Soviet support, Orwell describes the absolutely pitiful state of the Republican's arms, it's been years since I read it but I still recall how incredulous he was that his fellow fighters often had rifles from the mid-1800's, if they were lucky enough to even have ammunition.
Not only that but the Republic forces couldn't even agree on how radical they wanted to be, and there are plenty of documented massacres of clergymen and landowners by bloodthirsty anarchists. It's no wonder that Franco won while they were tearing themselves apart from within over how equal they wanted to be.
I read once that Spain went through some thirty to forty revolutions or regime changes in the 1800s alone. Like it or not I'd say that Franco brought the stability through force that the country needed.
Forgot to add that the Soviet-supported Communist faction literally made the POUM that Orwell was part of "illegal" because they didn't toe Stalin's line and the entire last phase of the novel documents the infighting taking place. I don't think they ever fought a single Fascist, too busy suppressing wrongthink as Communists are wont to do.
lastly for the love of god please take off the fucking trip
>Despite having overwhelming Soviet support
Which you show Orwell blowing out n the next sentence.
>the Republic forces couldn't even agree on how radical they wanted to be
This would be the Bolshie reds deciding to massacre 200+ anarchists. Orwell documents this. (Ah. There’s your follow up posts on this now)
And I don’t care about the clergy documentation. They’re probably exaggerated but well deserving of the people’s ire. That kind of rage doesn’t come from nowhere.
So you know it wasn’t some “incompetence”. It was a literal civil war before the invasion. Fucking tankies ruin the whole revolution once again.
>Fucking tankies ruin the whole revolution once again.
At least we can agree on that front. That said, they were the main Communist faction, so I don't think that supports your argument against my claim that they were "incompetent and inefficient".
>Which you show Orwell blowing out n the next sentence.
Supplies were being provided to the Republican forces as a whole from the Soviets before the purges started later, but they were so fucking incompetent at distribution that their army was running around with 80 year old equipment.
That said, it wasn't just the Communists fault, as you seem to be fond of placing all the blame on them. "The [anarchist] revolutionaries had 60,000 rifles in Barcelona. They refused either to give them up or to go to the front themselves to fight."
>And I don’t care about the clergy documentation.
Convenient you ignore "and landowners", there were a huge number of innocents slaughtered. Hemingway had an especially poignant account of one of these massacres in For Whom the Bell Tolls, in case you're interested, but it certainly sounds like you don't care about how many have to die in the name of your ideology.
As an aside, can I point out the irony of you following an ideology of equity and equality
And using a tripcode to stand out on an ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD
>I fuckng love communism!
dilate tranny
OP is an incel
Have sex.
Reading Marx, as a factory worker, anarchist and prime target audiance, made me realise what an ill throughout con Marxism actually is. It's a backdoor to full on state authoritarianism, dressed up as liberation and targeted at the uncritical working classes. Marx made me a fascist, because at least they were honest about their new machine and it's issues. Pic related. No commie does it because they want to dig potatoes in a field and get paid one potato for it, if they're lucky. Communism severely lacks self reflection. In fact, it actively surpresses it in favour of treating Marx as infallible gospel.
>marx made me a fascist
this is what a real life galaxy brain looks like
absolute chad
Basic Economics, Thomas Sowell.
But Marxism is so /fa/
The cuckold
>Marxism is fucked up man
I'm telling you bitch I'm going to become the chairman of USSA and fuck hot blonde bitches with big boobies *lick* and asses *sniff*, all the while breathing cocaine until I have a heart attack.