Pooperson has just now encountered the hyperreality and he's unnerved and frightened

Pooperson has just now encountered the hyperreality and he's unnerved and frightened

>I can tell you from personal experience, for what that’s worth, that it is far from comforting to discover an entire website devoted to allowing whoever is inspired to do so produce audio clips imitating my voice delivering whatever content the user chooses—for serious, comic or malevolent purposes. I can’t imagine what the world will be like when we will truly be unable to distinguish the real from the unreal, or exercise any control whatsoever on what videos reveal about behaviors we never engaged in, or audio avatars broadcasting any opinion at all about anything at all. I see no defense, and a tremendously expanded opportunity for unscrupulous troublemakers to warp our personal and collective reality in any manner they see fit.
>Wake up. The sanctity of your voice, and your image, is at serious risk. It’s hard to imagine a more serious challenge to the sense of shared, reliable reality that keeps us linked together in relative peace. The Deep Fake artists need to be stopped, using whatever legal means are necessary, as soon as possible.

Attached: peterson cry.jpg (255x176, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where he is going wrong is calling for legal action against technological advancements in the ai and artistic art forms

And this is just the public technology available.

Why is he always so dramatic? Lmao

he's a public figure and his voice is legally IP

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People who do the Internet are usually dramatic.

The only practical solution is to stop believing any media is non-fiction. This technology will not stop.
So yes in the future, everyone will be photographed all the time, but the problem solves itself. Outside provenance you trust completely, such recordings will be useless as proof.

That's his whole character: he doesn't have much to say but he knows how to sell it, it's like his retarded theory on how "Post-Modern Neo-Marxists are plotting to take down the West".

>Peterson finds out about the concept of hyperreality
>reads Baudrillard once
>goes full postmodern neomarxist

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Because people are altering his voice to say shit that he has nothing to do with. This is borderline identify theft. I don't even like Jordan Peterson but this is plain wrong on so many levels, I don't care about your "epic meme".

People who post those vocaroos should be permanently banned on site. This is a complete infringement and abuse of an individual's rights.

Some people think this is super clear cut, and it isn't. There might end up being a bit of a wild west period in some places for bit, but the spirit of the law is to allow people in the public eye to be reported on without being constrained by IP claims. This is where I'm noticing a lot of people not getting some of what's going on now, like with the Gigi Hadid lawsuit. There were some well-educated commentators out there that thought it worked clear cut against her, but don't fool yourself, in a million years a court is not going to find you don't own the rights to your own image in the first instance ever. You can use that image only because you fulfill a useful role to society, that of a reporter. Similarly you cannot take someone's appearance and use it to make fake news, nor is it likely you'll be able to take away from them their work product (although the latter is the more contentious part and why I said about wild west shit above, however that has not stopped people being taken to court or prosecuted in the past for all sorts of things).

Because he has an immense sense of responsibility. People like Peterson are leaders, unlike you and me, because they can take burdens on that we regard to be trivial.

>I happen to think Rap God is an amazing piece of work
what the fuck did memerson mean by this?

>but this is plain wrong on so many levels, I don't care about your "epic meme".
How many levels exactly?

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More levels than there are stars of sand in the sky.

the differences between real and unreal and already meaningless to peterson's followers
you just have to spout enough buzzwords and mention things they don't understand (marxism, post-modernism) to whip them into a frenzy

HAHAHAH, why is it so funny to me that he thinks this can be stopped, or that it is even meaningful in the slightest to attempt it?
There's something so disgusting about this mans ego, it's almost like there's a deeper reason it was his fake voice this happened to, and got traction.

Daily reminder Petersteins wife is a jew

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Fuck, I was gonna run part of his post through the website but they've closed it up for the moment

Fuck off commie marxist
If you're a fellow proud member of the alt-right you'd know that the jews are our real masters, they and their shareholders will btfo you socialist cucks

I don't think this is the right site for you

Yeah he's such an egotistical loser! Imagine not wanting people to use your voice in fake context to trick ignorant people into thinking you said something you didn't! What an egotist!

I remember he mentioned how strangely some real life stories tend to unfold, he himself also said when he was becoming a public figure how he was extremely careful with what he said at all times, and now there's a website dedicated to making him say anything. Sometimes I think we're living inside a story generator with the nuance turned off.

>Imagine not wanting people to use your voice in fake context to trick ignorant people into thinking you said something you didn't
It's no longer "your" voice when it gets taken over by a more clever AI

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Thank you for using the right word.
t. Glad Max: Merry Bode

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He's really not. He advocates for humor and watches the Simpsons. He's a bro who's just plagued by mental illness and a case of the philosophy blues. Most of his haters hate his fanbase (warranted) or are just edgy hate filled nerds who would get angry at everything that gets attention

>tfw I’m Nazbol

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>What’s the alternative? Are we entering a future where the only credible source of information will be direct personal contact?

wtf??? How do any of us know Peterson wrote this sentence???? We need laws to prevent sending text on the internet!

What is the point of a strawman post on this level? Virtually everybody on this board could identify what you are doing. What drives you? Is it me?

he also said "I think Rap God is an amazing piece of work" in this article

>The Deep Fake artists need to be stopped

Literally will never happen. If anything pajeets will develop the technology if US bans it, so they can use it to scam gullible idiots.

>Post-Modern Neo-Marxists are plotting to take down the West
This is always invoked as a putdown but a) if you say this to any moderately educated person they'll get what you mean and b) that idea that pops into their head when you say it has a lot of truth to it. Nitpicking over the exact definitions of those terms is just pilpul by exactly the sort of people the phrase describes

>I can’t imagine what the world will be like when we will truly be unable to distinguish the real from the unreal

Looks like character assassination's back on the menu boys! *Orc Yell*

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Jordan Peterson has an announcement to make: vocaroo.com/i/s1MaOTCMwjPP

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Yeah, it's more of a provocation than anything, which amusingly goads self-professed diehard materialists into offering their expert exegesis on the most abstruse and mystifying ideas ever written.