Is there any quicker way to tell a last man than to ask their attitude toward suicide? Some of the chaddest bravest most gallant men throughout history commited suicide, it's the most aesthetic way to end your material existence by far. Dumb normies have this reverence unavailable to them for their hubristic moralistic meekness and are lesser for it. Japanese ritual suicide is best but other informal ways are pretty good too.

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Mishima wouldn't have had to kill herself if she'd just transitioned

Suiciding cause you're a sad and depressed faggot is pathetic, but there are legit and honorable reasons to do it for sure.

The most based way to die is receiving the Crown of Martyrdom, and, seeing the current state of the world, in a few decades, the Celestial Kingdom will receive more brave heroes.

Most people who commit suicide are mentally ill last men themselves who have gotten bored with their last toy. There arent many people out there self-immolating in protest or jumping on a grenade or killing themselves to regain honor and criticize their superiors. The problem is cyclical.

>killing yourself because of unbearable mental anguish is faggotry, but getting yourself killed for whatever schizophrenically arbitrary value i deem worthy is honorabke

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I've made my peace with this.

>civilized values are arbitrary

>suicide because there's nothing more in my life to live for
>fulfilled my (self-chosen) purpose to its end
>don't want to die a decrepit old boomer, but on my own terms
Am I retard?

every toy is a lie.

sad and depressed doesnt exist. there is always a reason to be sad and depressed.

Completely wrong.
>What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?"- so asks the last man, and blinks. The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His species is ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest. "We have discovered happiness"- say the last men, and they blink
Nietzsche also defended the idea of rational suicide
>MANY die too late, and some die too early. Yet strange sounds the precept: "Die at the right time!
Die at the right time: thus teaches Zarathustra

What does chad have to be sad about?

I was more picturing soibois with burnt out receptors from 2 decades of SSRIs losing their switch profile offing themselves after a dramatic post to instagram. Neetch has already made his point, we are living in the ruins

the weak should just kill themselves desu
see if i care

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I wonder if what you call civilized is the culture you grew up in and have never seriously questioned
Also no. They are more than arbitrary, they are schizophrenic. "Honor" is a perceived and schizophrenic value. It doesn't exist. If you believe in it you are mentally unstable.

It depends. If he was "born Chad", i.e. he was already getting social approval and girls from puberty onward, then he will probably be a really happy camper. If he became Chad later, e.g. loser in High School who became cool in college, he will always have self doubts and be prone to depression no matter how much pussy he gets. Those are formative years and that shit sticks in your mind forever no matter how "alpha" you become later on.

acknowledging he is not really a chad.

Well then why didn't you do it before making this dumb thread?

>all humans from every high civilization to grace the planet were schizophrenic retards, but I, user who lives as NEET at his mom's house, am a scion of enlightened thought who sees past these petty illusions

>hehehe ad hominem that'll show em!
Hope you didn't pay for college or private school because it seems to have been a waste

I more for telling them about self-creation and then letting them choose life or death, because picking any existing morals is eventually going to throw them in despair once the doubt towards that system settles in. If they cannot create their own meaning, then they truly should kill themselves. But sometimes, in despair, it's easy to overlook power of self-creation as an answer and not everyone heard the idea.

Even the masses are needed...

>What betrays Good completely is the giving over of all human sovereignty, of human nature, its attempting to wander eternally within realms beyond the earth. Total refusal of nihilism and a moral will opposed to the body only ensures that the revelation of return, the end of the endless mysteries, brings an end to the sovereignty of man. His soul will be destroyed by the return to the wretched body. There can be no resistance to nihilism at this point, it is the harrowing of heaven, the expulsion of all that was undeserving. Christianity creates its own ruin in its betrayal of all laws of heavenly and human dominion, in its inversion of the laws of religion. Suicide becomes natural law when the heavenly spirit is apprehended by the wretched body.

>To bury the bodies apart would be to deny that there are no longer any natural deaths. And given the ugliness of the modern graveyard, all places unworthy of death, one would be giving sacred rites to those who commit suicide while denying them to those who wait until the eleventh-hour. There is a subtle recognition of this 'giving oneself over' in Chesterton's refusal of generosity and love before the suicide victim. He is advocating for crime and further despoilment of creation rather than an act of Good. For when there is no longer a sovereign authority to hold us to our oath then we must take the hemlock ourselves. Just as every beggar is Odysseus, every suicide is Socrates.

>Before the suicide victim we must imagine a betrayer, a denouncer, a traitor - and yet we must also imagine a man's humility in recognising his failure within the war against hidden forces, unknown evils. We must imagine that somewhere along his path in life he recognised that his spirit was beyond him, beyond the horizon, too far to reach within this world. For today we live in opposition to creation, a world digging itself into the underworld. How then can suicide be a sin if it is merely a continuation of being? One should consider that the suicidal man has been driven into misanthropy, he did not want it, the world tried to devour him. And with no Antigone left to care for the body, even as a hope or dream, he had to prepare his own burial rites.