Is Islam compatible with Western Civilization?

Is Islam compatible with Western Civilization?

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Western civilization isn't a real thing

Abrahamic religion isn’t compatible with civilization




What part do you not get? They’re magnetically opposed concepts.

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Islam is the basis of Western Civilization
No Islam no Renaissance no enlightment

No, the west is too gay and shitty. Islam will have to destroy it.

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>No Islam no Renaissance no enlightment
If only Julian had stayed in Constantinople a little longer and purged the Christian generals, invaded Persia later and saved us all from Abrahamic bullshit.

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Kierkegaard says you are full of shit, and I'm inclined to agree with him having seen your posting history over most of the last decade.


Butterfly is based for once.

islam is the antithesis of what is currently western. traditionalists today have more in common with muslims than they do with their own contemporary countrymen.

Have you read Submission?

>have you read a book about Islam by a kafir who has about as much knowledge of Islam as someone who just watches action movies does about cobat

won't matter. you should ask if the West is "compatible" with Islam; you are going to see an effeminate Islam in your lifetime, you are going to see a lot more gay muslim marriages than you are going to see western converts.
hell, even if you did see a lot of European converts, a Western Islam isn't going to be very Islamic. maybe we'll see Mohammad icons, or Islamic Macdonald toys

>being this naive

Even though there is some overlap, they are two different aesthetic traditions at the fundamental level, and they cannot coexist without one dominating the other.


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Most Westerners can't even agree what constitutes as the cultural core or ethos of their civilization(s).

I wanna read but i have too much anxiety boiled up inside me to focus on that task

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Whoever brainwashed you sure did a good job.

Are you constantly in a state of cognitive dissonance?

as a former m*slim i can state that the isl*m is not compatiple with nothing related to the modern world.