
All I know of is Vitruvius. Any others?

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He's a good start. Spuybroek and Chu are interesting, and very contemporary.

Steven Holl although he's more an architect philosopher. Ove Arup also had a philisophical bent.

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More. I need more

There's a website with a bunch of stuff I found through this conference last year. Need to look it up tho.

I think Zizek references a few here, mightbe a similar talk tho

There's also a Derridean architecture guy at Yale called Peter Eisenman. Then there's also the situationists and psychogeography, but then we're starting to move away from philosophy proper.

Paul Virilio

Iannis Xenakis

>Peter Eisenman
don't read him. read the btfo he got from christopher alexander at the harvard debate

2nd this, his early work on bunkers is pretty interesting

>don't read him.
No, read him. He's got a weird perspective and an interesting base line for like how he thinks of architecture.
>christopher alexander
Good call, but I always forget he's an architect because A Pattern Language is almost mathematical.

Ironically Hitler


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virilio is severely underrated

hitlers architectural views are pretty mainstream these days tho

I don't really like it when architects get too philosophical. Maybe my school can only afford shitty lecturers, but it never seems like their specific views never really make their work any more special than any other contemporary practice.

Also, Vitruvius' three qualities is all that really matters. If you want to understand it's mostly that phenomenology replaced aesthetics as vitruvian beauty.

This probably would interest interest you. It's mostly on aesthetics and construction, if I remember correctly. The authors make frequent references to Deleuze and (I think) Baudrillard and others. Although, at the time I tried to read it I was barely familiar with names like deleuze, so I can't really talk about it lol.

I also have to mention Peter Zumthor. I really like him and he wrote a few books on his process and personal philosophy.

It usually seems like Princeton Architectural Press and Birkhäuser publish the most interesting books. I'm reading a book on color theory and architecture published by Birkhäuser right now.

I can't remember for sure if it was Virillo, but a (good) professor recommended a book about bunkers because I was interested in the Berlin flaktowers

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if you want to understand modernism*

>In b4 Wittgenstein and Rand

Bachelard, Poetics of Space

Benjamin, Arcades Project

thats a really cool picture

what's the book that you are reading right now

Paul Valéry

Augustus pugin

Jesuschrist - philosopher king & heavenly architect.

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not a philosopher per se - R. Buckminster Fuller

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What's with the Anime eyes

Robert Venturi

Jesus Kawaiist ;^)

Le Corbusier
Rem Koolhaas

Bernard Tschumi

Ralph Adams Cram. I particularly like Why we do not behave like human beings; and The end of democracy. Wikipedia doesn't even mention that he wrote this stuff lol.

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Thinking color in space