Can we get a Julius Evola thread going?

can we get a Julius Evola thread going?

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still Evola's best book

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Some please post the negroe magic semen theory.

Is it degenerate to enjoy jazz?

Revolt against the modern world just arrived, what am I in for?

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According to this picture no

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Can someone who has read Evola compare these two charts and tell me which one is better? I'm reading Guenon right now.


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Fuck forgot pic

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He seems interesting, but I have a hard time swallowing the whole wizardry/alchemy aspect. Is it literal magic or just a name for some contrived metaphysical system?

trad lit is like death in june, it's trash and it has absolutely zero quality except aesthetics.
don't like/can't keep up with modernity, just kill yourself bro, you will be reincarnated as a bronze age child who doesn't live to 5

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spoken like a true brainlet

I have read almost all of Guénon's bibliography yet I can't read Evola. It's just dumb. I can't read his works and take him seriously, his style, the content, infinitely more lacking in depth and substance than Guénon - and that says alot as Guénon lacks any 'immediate' characteristics to his writings.

imagine identifying with everything you read, imagine having an intellectual scope so low, so contrived you HAVE to adhere to something to read it, or the other way around, reading something makes you adhere to it. Just leave brainlet.

are most of those still not in English?

Evola has the style of a schoolkid's last minute and poorly researched essay.

More of the latter. A lot of it is 2deep4u metaphysics and symbolism with meditation techniques. Try reading Knowledge of the Waters and see if you like it.

lowest IQ post I've seen in a while, and I browse /fit/ and /pol/

street shitters.

wdym by immediate characteristics

remember when people were shilling stirner all over? now it's evola. i wonder who'll be the next

How right was he about Buddhism? Is it really based, redpilled and /SuperFascistPilled/ or was he wrong and Buddhism is just a cucked religion of Will to Nothingness that will simply in the end succumb to religions/ideologies that understands power dynamics?

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you know its true

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reading Evola makes me depressed. The ideas of the traditional lifestyle reminds me of myself when i still believed in religion. the make a lot of demands on the individual, they set lofty ideals that are so high nobody can live up to them.
But then I remembered that I don't believe in any of that shit. I don't want to live forever. When I die I will stop existing. An that is the true meaning of heaven. True bliss can only be achieved in a state of non existence.
And then I started to smile again.

>lofty ideals that are so high nobody can live up to them
Such as?

Most scholars don't agree with him on Buddhism. That doesn't mean much though since most Scholars also don't believe anything in comparative religion outside of their nice academic bubble. However, Evola undeniably forces his Nietzschean lens over certain religious traditions that he, at least at certain times, undeniably distorts them to fit his viewpoint. Calling a religion "cucked" is completely idiotic either way.


Ontology of death is an oxymoron because when approaching death we must as subjects; you are an eternal subject, and experience is all that you may ever know, for that is knowing. You must face that depression, as soon as you understand the quote which caused an epiphany within Evola, this is a Buddhist aphorism: "Whoever believes that extinction is extinction, understands extinction as extinction, thinks to extinction, truly believes that extinction is extinction, and rejoices in extinction, do not know extinction."

In other words, if you are conceiving of death, you are instantaneously bringing it into the realm of experience. The only valid option for those who believe only in logic, is thereby to renounce any discussion or thought of death, (a la Bertrand Russel) or indeed creation. For both of these things are outside of logical causality. Life is, as well as death.

Dios mio...


The ontology of (metaphysical) materialist is a desperate ignorance.

To me Evola just seems like somebody who lusts for power. They will hint that they have something that you want some great truth or power that will liberate you, but it's intention is exactly the opposite, they wish to enslave you. It's the same thing with religion.
I haven't experienced death first hand. No man has in fact and lived to tell the tale (Although some will try and convince you that they have). But I have seen death happening. My experience of reality may be limited. But I have to navigate my reality with the tools at my disposal (the senses and the reason) however limited they may be.
So conventional wisdom shows me that death is the end. I can live my life trying to be as happy and comfortable as possible, or I can live my life trying to chase pie in the sky ideals that might bring me nothing but disappointment in the end, especially if those ideals are nothing more than a carrot held dangling in front of your nose by those who want something from you. In fact there is very little (if any) evidence to support that there is anything even close to the illuminations promised to you by these men that exist in reality.
I choose the former.


Disconnected ranting.


Each to his own, in this case Evola is not for you. Wayne Dyer and other spiritualist books like Tao Te Ching maybe more to your liking. There is no one philosophy that will suit all lives.

Some don't want to spend their life in pursuit of power, but want to enjoy their life in whatever luxuries they can afford, and be grateful for what they have. For others, this life will never be enough and they only feel content in constant struggle to achieve and expand themselves on their environment, and on and on until they die.

Both are perfectly good ways to live, given its how you want to live. You can Buddha or a Trump. Do what makes you happy.

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You will now judge every wife who doesn't suicide after her husband dies.


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Currently reading Revolt.
Everything seems kinda far fetched but still rather interesting. A lot of it seems to be cherry-picking certain aspects and then matching them together to proof certain points but omitting others in the process.
Not quite done with the book though.

>what i am capable of

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tibetan buddhism was basically a bunch of based ethnonationalist badasses who fought and fucked bitches all the time
zen was the religion of the samurai
it's pretty ungay outside of alan watts new agey stuff

so kys you pathetic dog

I love Evola's works, they taught me how great liberalism can really be

I'd rather just beat the system, user. I want to fight the fight that I know I can win. And I am. And I will.

I've heard some rumors about that too but I can't understand how they justify it through the lens of Buddhism. Do you have any books to recommend on the subject?
