/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

>What is the oldest SF&F book you've enjoyed?
>What is the most recently published book you've enjoyed?
>Are you looking forward to any as of yet unpublished books?

Monthly Reading for August: Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Finding authors that are similar to what you read.


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sanderfag a hack

First law audiobooks are great

white mages

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Any good novels in 40k?

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FUCK Miles Cameron

Asking again because I hardly got any replies last time. I'm considering doing another theme month next month, do YOU want me to do it or should we proceed as usual?

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whats a theme

Kinda like we did the Wolfe month after he died. But it would not be a single author, but something wider that allow both fantasy and sci-fi. I've not figured out any suitable themes yet.

>like we did the Wolfe month after he died
Don't play jokes like that. It's not funny.

user I...

Nothing amazing as far as I know. But the Gaunt's Ghosts books are good, as is the Eisenhorn trilogy, and Dan Abnett's stuff generally. If you like the setting then the first few Horus books are certainly worthwhile.

Sword and Sorcery of some kind, or perhaps some exotic setting?

Did she get too many dicks?
books with women getting too many dicks?

Anyone got a way to enhance the guy's face in the reflection over the kkk dog?

user.... He ascended to the new sun, he is passing through the mists, he has imitators and copycats trying to pass themselves off as him, he's gone to see the castle in the clouds.

Is there a single sci-fi novel that has an optimistic setting instead of all the ruined and conflicted future every book tries to portray?

Mass Effect

>Literally we are all gonna get eradicated by quasi-godlike beings
Not even anti-natalists can call Mass Effect "optimistic"

Culture series?

I've almost finished Star Trek Generation 1 and will be carrying on to Generation 2. Am I right in assuming that the rest is garbage?

Thanks. I'll check it out.

>kkk dog
Those are a white mage dog and a dark mage dog. The dark mage is in a rope because he's being detained for practicing forbidden magic.

No, unfortunately.

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There are so many though. There's bound to be at least one if only by pure chance.

No, they all suffer from disinterested authors who couldn't produce their own work syndrome.
Which is a shame.
The gotrek and felix books for fantasy aren't complete shit. They are kinda meandering though.

>pol actually believes it's own rhetoric about people other than them being sheeps
>they think people are stupid enough to not read beneath the line, or see within the photo
>they believe people don't see their "hidden" racism
>on the literature board and expecting people not to see what something is really saying when we do it everyday with the books we read

Are you mentally retarded or being meta meta?

Wasn't there a "response" to the Arecibo message? I seem to remember seeing something about it...maybe it was a dream

He’s a reddit tourist who spergs out every time someone complains about jemisin and her like. It’s better to ignore him. This happens literally every thread.

Most faggots here barely understand the direct meaning of one another's posts. Including but not limited to retards that can't detect a joke.

Re-reading Animorph currently.
Although it is very juvenile and with some important plotholes, I enjoy the self contained episodic format.

It bothers me greatly that it was never published in spanish past the number 12º book, so I always stop there because I can't enjoy the book as much reading in english

Any good sci-fi / fantasy that delves into irrevocable differences between races? Not obvious shit like 'orcs bad' but more along the lines of some races being more intelligent than others, attempts at mixing racial groups and failing/and/or succeeding. I'm interested by the racial question and how the race / nation conflict can be shown through fantasy / sci-fi metaphor.

Did you mean racist sci-fi?

>Not obvious shit like 'orcs bad'
lmao ok liberal

By leftist standards probably.

Orcs are obviously blacks. But what about asians? Whites? Etc.

>fantasy with gunpowder weapons

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I recently wrote a fantasy story with fireworks but not gunpowder weapons. Bit of a plot hole. So I'll have to slowly introduce gunpowder weapons because of that.

what is this your gay little indie game?


I mean, it was about a hundred years from the Chinese inventing gunpowder to their first firearm.

Thought I'd read The wheel of time since the show is being made but God the books are dreadful. Books 2 and 3 have 500+ pages of boring filler and book 1 was just kind of mediocre. Honestly, is it worth reading more? I heard 4 is the best, but I have also seen someone say it follows the same pattern as 2 and 3, great beginning, 500+ pages of nothing, great ending

No. The show is going to be shit anyway.

The Mote in God's Eye by Niven. I enjoyed it quite a lot.

>Orcs are obviously blacks.
Or slavs. Or mongols. Or native americans.

Or just americans

We came full circle.

Ever read a book and hated it but liked it at the same time?

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Can't you just post a review with your thoughts instead of a meme question, user? I'm interested in what you think!

I'm dyslexic and I don't want to embarrass myself.

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Read eisenhorn trilogy and want more detective adventures in space. Non 40k books. Any recs?

The first drizzt trilogy will give you some insight into how the drow operate. It was quite good. I didn't read the rest, though.

I'm down user. Maybe you could front some ideas in the next thread, get the ball rolling. Recently I've been looking over the new-age sci-fi and fantasy books that dominated in the 60s and 70s. I think that's an interesting period that doesn't get much traction in these threads. Or we could read a sample of stories from the old Galaxy, SF&F, Analog, Astounding, IF or Omni magazines. Maybe we could read some of the older stuff that either won or was nominated for the Hugo, World Fantasy or the Nebula awards. Though that would be pretty risky because the quality of those stories fluctuate alot.

I think it did a pretty good job capturing Byzantine degeneracy.

I thought orcs were muslims.

Tried to use the map to find more authors, but the shit I read is too niche. I just want paranormal romance with the male being chosen instead of the female.

Muslim are sand people from star wars.

They made bombs though.

>Byzantines let their women fight, loved refugees, democracy and encouraged homosexuality
I'll give you the last one

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You can’t get a book published in 2019 without military parity

Muslims are nagas. Orcs are definitely nigs.

>Muslims are nagas
Nah, not warcraft nagas at least.

Why do people still do this?
>I'll sell my soul and vision, but at least I'll get published

Need to eat.

I dont have time to tell you all the ways you're retarded so ill simply say this: Nagini are from hindu myth you mongoloid. If you're going to spout inbreed opinions at least try not to mix up cultures that any five year old could tell apart

>live in the desert

yup, everyone knows Las Vegas is a predominantly muslim community, which is why there's no alcohol there. good catch


>Outcast of Redwall

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But the people trying to stop the degeneracy are the baddies. Am I a baddie Yea Forums?

They were also working to usurp the right to practice magic. And allied with an invading foreign power.

So i am absolutely brainlet when it comes to reading and i haven't properly read anything in years.

What should i try to pick up? Fantasy or Sci-fi, doesn't matter. Something that hooks you quickly and keeps you interested. Not really into big monologues about how dusty your antimatter chamber is.

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Any recommendations for cosmic horror scifi?

Crooked by Austin Grossman.

So what are you into?
Classic sci-fi/fantasy, military, weird stuff, hard, soft, etc.?

Good magic is for cunts

Honestly, ready to test anything.


Cold Skin by Albert Sanchez Pinol.
Well written and enjoyable.
They also made a movie.

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Nice, thanks. Gonna check this out.

I hope you like it.
If not come back and we'll find something else.

I want to write pulpy sword and sorcery fantasy guys. For a gist of the novel, I want it to be about an aging warrior who seeks death in battle, and refuses to go out any other way. But he is getting older and more tired. He's seen everything, he has slept with many women and he has a daughter. He became a king but he fled the throne because he is just tired of it all.
Is it a good idea? Has it been done before?

>New Wave
Based and seconded. As far as the old mags go, Moorcock edited one devoted to new wave

Heave thee to goodreads, foul reddit demon!

Seriously, you either need to look for something here that catches your eye, or you need to read synopses until one clicks with you. If you don't have a clue what you might like, then it's hard to help you.

Kingkiller for me.

I got hooked up with Starship's Mage. I adhere to the female writer meme but at least these one can write pulpy science fantasy that's not preachy or full of gender theory. It's also a power trip to be following the second most important person in this universe. It's fun.

He fled the throne or he left to go die?
Depending on how you do it, could be great.
He could go back, reconnect with his daughter and other children, then he could either die in battle happy, perhaps against the enemy land where his death could be a legend for his kingdom in the future, or he could decide to retire with his family as a hermit and then teach the next generation. Perhaps he realizes it was all meaningless, and that whatever he did, he left nothing for the next generation.

Isn't that the whole Elric thing

If we're ideaposting, I think I've finally decided where to take my story and can get back to writing more
I realized you can't have a good scifi/fantasy book without forcing people to walk a really long distance for some contrived reason
Accepting this fact was a big step for me

Read it for the same reason. Its decent enough and I don't regret reading it but once you get to Sandersons books its glaringly obvious that Jordan had a lot of great ideas that he never gave enough time to. Instead he loved to give time to characters and side plots that in the end were pointless or horribly annoying. Also, he never fleshed out the bad guys at all. I could barely tell any of them apart except if they were men or women. I think he should have gotten a editor that wasn't his wife to clean up the monster of a series he made.

A dance with dragons would actually be a pretty good book if there wasnt boring danaerys filler every other chapter

That sounds like the complete opposite of pulpy S&S. Especially since you want it to be a full length novel. Make it a short story and it could work.

What do you mean? Set it in a large city and have guild warfare, or rival schools, etc.

Any good Eastern European sci fi? Other than Lem. I'm curious to read sci fi ideas from people who were shaped by life on the other side of the curtain.

Why is pic related the pinnacle of scifi survivalism?

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This chart is intended to help a newb get into the genre, although I'd skip the top row.

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I was expecting a run of the mill post apocalyptic fantasy but then Satan himself showed up. This is really good but what the hell am I getting myself into?

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Roadside Picnic or pretty much anything else by the Strugatsky brothers.

>everyone but me is a rebbit tourist

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Just ideas flinging around, he could have been a king or not. Not sure. I just found a publisher that accepts mostly S&S works, they're not looking for short stories but they have open subs for novels. Really not sure. How do you go about writing S&S at novel length?

here, I still need to read Elric.

I made the mistake of trying to read Moorcock's Elric in chronological order and I found those stories to be tedious and mopey. Apparently I should have started with pic related which are the first, and apparently best, Elric stories Moorcock wrote. I also wholeheartedly recommend those Glenat Elric comics even if you're not a fan of Elric (like me). The art is amazing and they remove the emo/mopey vibe found in the original stories.

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>How do you go about writing S&S at novel length?
Read The Hour of the Dragon by Robert E. Howard (the only Conan novel Howard ever wrote) and The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend by David Gemmell. Both of those will give you an idea of how to write long-form S&S without it being dull even though S&S is better served in short story form.

Never heard of Druss but I have been meaning to read Hour for a long time, alrighty I'll snag it. Thanks user.

The reason I recommended First Chronicles, and not just because it's a great fucking book, is because I remember reading it and thinking how episodic it came across when compared to the other Gemmell novels I read. It felt more like a collection of short stories melded together with an overarching story tying them all together. And like I said; S&S is best served in short story format so First Chronicles feels like an almost perfect way to write a full length S&S novel.

They are somewhat mopey/emo stories but I thought they were absolutely beautiful stories about destiny and coping with fate and circumstances outside your control, even if you seem to be the cause of them in some way. The ending of the series overall was deeply moving to me. I'd say it's the best ending of a story I've read. It was a perfect ending and really tied the whole story and its themes together. Overall they are stories about destiny, duty, and accepting and living a fulfilled life despite things outside one's own control.

That is actually one of the things I thought of doing, to be honest. And now I kind of think I am going to try and pull it off. But I feel like I'd be pulling a lot out of my ass, as I don't really know what to write. It sucks, I haven't written anything BIG in almost a decade.

Why do you think that? The primary motivation for travel is to remove the hero from their every day life. It is also a convenient excuse for time to move on, as not every important event happens immediately. That doesn't mean you can't write an excellent book with minimal travel.

I know it's Scifi and that long distance travel is both safer and faster, but look at Neuromancer. Travel is never longer than a paragraph because it doesn't need to be. You should ensure that you don't limit yourself with arbitrary assumptions about literature.

what do you think of a fantasy story that starts with a map largely obscured, then every few chapters includes an updated version of the map showing new provinces etc.
is that way too corny?

It's a good idea, although it may pose some formatting problems.

Honestly almost any sort of gimmick is fine as long as you can execute. What you're describing won't make your writing any worse, but it won't save it if it can't hold up on its own.

Will it live up to expectations? Will logen appear?

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The expectations of being shitty grimderp? Absolutely.

>'Delightfully twisted and evil' - The Guardian

I just want bayez to get his comeuppance and to find out what happened to ferro even tho I couldn’t stand her character till the very end

Shut the fuck up pinkskin

There was a lot of commentary on the refugee crisis in Europe in this book and it read like a retards meanederings.
>refugees good
>they do no crime and are just poor
>everyone that thinks otherwise is an inbred farmer or a racist sexist homophobia who will soon get his comeuppance by beheading via woman's sword

The good thing about leftshit fantasy and sci-fi books that deal in CURRENT POLITICS age like milk that no one will read years from now.

I've thought about it some more now and a specific time period, award winners or short story collections are some of the potential themes I've come up with. Most awards have, not entirely undeserved, a bad reputation in this general but I think the biggest problem is that many of the winners are actually very well known books. I feel like reading, for example, Hyperion, The Dispossessed, Neuromancer or Harry Potter (lol) as monthly reading would be kinda pointless.

To the user who said Gormenghast was bad:
Sincerely, fuck you

apology for poor english

when were you when gen wolf dies?

i was sat at home reading my thesaurus when gayman ring

‘gen is kill’


Is it in any way plot relevant?
If you had an expedition or something and the map would reveal their attempts at catographing the lands it might be pretty cool. Or if it were gradually filled with more detail and/or markers for certain events, as an army marches through a territory the commander stats out with a very rough map and fills in the details as he goes along.

If it isn't plot relevant it is just a small gimmick and I wouldn't see the point.

Book of the New Sun. It's always Book of the New Sun, why'd you even ask?

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To the user that keeps recommending Titus Groan: get fucked and stuffed you slimy cock.

Same goes for Teddy Beale and his shitters. We will never have someone like Ursula again

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Tep kok

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>Same goes for Teddy Beale and his shitters
What current politics is he commenting on in his books?

Fascism for incels

>Fascism for incels
That is about as "non current" as I can imagine.

The refugee crisis was actually a thoroughly debated issue, but I am not aware of any such debates regarding whether or not we should implement "Incel Fascism" happening anywhere in the vicinity of people with political power.

Let's say he's an edgelord not worth mentioning further and he's such a pathetic fuck Scalzi of all people mentally damaged him.

That didn't answer my question, I didn't ask about your opinion of him, but what current politics he writes about.

What, you're telling me he isn't a neofascist? Neofascism is not current?

What is /sffg/ opinion on the Fighting Fantasy books?

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>Neofascism is not current?
No, obviously not.

There are no explicitly "pro neofascism" people in any part of mainstream politics.
There is no political debate about whether or not to implement neo fascism or not.
There is no relevant political movement which tries to establish a dictatorship and other Fascist policies.

Enjoy your pointless existence, escapist

So Balsonaro, Salvini, Kaczynski, Orban, Assad, Erdogan, Le Pen, Putin stopped existing all of a sudden? Fucking cool

>tfw one of your favorite modern writers disappears off twitter and you don't know why

Gene Wolfe died man.

>So Balsonaro, Salvini, Kaczynski, Orban, Assad, Erdogan, Le Pen, Putin stopped existing all of a sudden?
They are the populist right, as none of them actually exhibit any more characteristics of Fascism then Winston Churchill did.
I also do not know why you put an imprisoned anarcho primitivist in there, a core feature of any Fascist regime was the embracing of technology, as can be seen eg. in the art of the Italian futurists.

Do you mean that Beal commentates on the populist right?

Oh yes, Churchill the primeval fascist. I think we're done here.

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You can't even read a fucking Yea Forums post, stop pretending you read books.

>Oh yes, Churchill the primeval fascist.
I said he was about as much of a Fascist as someone like Le Pen or Orban, of course neither of them reached his levels of "Racism".

>anarcho primitivist

The Polish leader is an anarcho-primitivist? Man, you are absolutely fucking ignorant

If you mean Kaczyński say Kaczyński and not Kaczynski, or does Yea Forums swallow the Unicode?

Recommend me some SF&F where nothing really happens and it's just interesting characters existing in an interesting world.

Why would you assume I would put an irrelevant loon next to Salvini and Erdogan?

Because he is regularly brought up in far right circles and he is the only somewhat politically relevant person with that name.

The man pulling the strings in a 40 million people country on the Russian border with an economy almost as big as Spain's is not relevant but an imprisoned fringe loon is?

>The man pulling the strings in a 40 million people country on the Russian border with an economy almost as big as Spain's is not relevant but an imprisoned fringe loon is?
Kaczyński is certainly relevant politically, but you talked about a person named Kaczynski.

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This has to be bait


Because it is too retarded not to be.


i find this post to be shallow and pedantic

Yes, I also have emotional issues with many posts here.

The Demolished Man

I'll demolish you man

I'll smash yer mam's back doors in you cunt

So... You want a male with a harem of catgirls or vampires?
The male version of Anita Blake?

How the fuck does Gloteka have a daughter? It’s unrealistic enough that he’d get married let alone be able to impregnate that whore

Did you not read the first series? It’s not his kid by blood.

Give a little what these books are about.


Read a blurb on Amazon or something. What the fuck is wrong with you?

They made sure that he can't get airs. He's singing soprano if you get what I mean.

West didn't deserve a whore sister like that.

You are the one shilling them. You just drop a cover and expect people to read it?

West didn’t deserve anything that happened to him.

>he thinks it's a comic book

Talking about a book is not shilling it. I'm not writing you a fucking description when you can look it up yourself.

>Savine dan Glokta - socialite, investor, and daughter of the most feared man in the Union - plans to claw her way to the top of the slag-heap of society by any means necessary.
How did Joe get away with this!!?!?

tbqh the failing of Powder Mage wasn't its magic system, it was the fact that the author was a hack fuck who couldn't write for shit desu.
pre-Puppies Jemisin
>AIDS would be good if it wasn't for the low T-cell count.

Oldest sf book I read and really liked was The Time Machine and the Invisible Man.
I just reread Interview With the Vampire.

Sounds neat

Not to worry user, we could sample some novellas or short story collections instead. Stuff like
>Great Work Of Time by John Crowley
>A City in Winter by Mark Helprin
>The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
>Memorare by Gene Wolfe
are all fantastic reads that have been unfortunately dwarfed by other works these wonderful authors have produced. Perhaps we could shine a light on the stuff that wasn't able to scratch the mainstream while reducing the page counts so that potential anons could still be invested.

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the guardian would say that because it's deconstruction.

no more joe for me, i want to keep an appetite for fantasy

>What is the oldest SF&F book you've enjoyed?
Does Frankenstein count? Otherwise it's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
>What is the most recently published book you've enjoyed?
Circe, published last year.
>Are you looking forward to any as of yet unpublished books?
Yeah, Perhaps the Stars.

How can ancilliary justice be so popular? It is a terrible written written book, with a stupid as shit plot, a twice as stupid IA that cannot see tits.

Are there any good vampire books besides Bram Stoker's Dracula and Blindsight? I enjoyed Necroscope, but it was pretty shitty to be h, just dumb entertainment with a few cool ideas. I'd like to read something that really gets into what it would be like to be the oldest creatures on the planet and the mindset that accompanies that.

wow. that's literally from the blade itself, being rehashed 13 years later

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Why on earth are people so obsessed with the assassin's apprentice series?
Literally a cuckold protagonist

I think it sucks but it's the best example of recently written le genderpilled SF.

This is both why it's so popular and why it's on the chart.

UKlG went down the shitter when she actually started reading feminist screeds.

Go into detail

I could vent about these books, expounding on how boring and milquetoast the whole thing is at length, but let me cut to the matter at hand and answer your question.
People say they like them because of the characters. Slow, deliberate development, they say. More depth than any other epic fantasy series, they say. I read the first two books and I don't see it. Quite on the contrary, I was perpetually mad at the knucklehead protagonist who never seems to learn his lesson. Keep in mind, I never reached the part where Fitz gets cucked by his oblivious father figure as some form of poetic justice and double cucked by his uncle's retarded plot magic. I spend a lot of time reading genre fiction and even I consider the time spent with Hobb wasted.
On a less bitter note, Robin Hobb is a turbocougar for her age and so is her daughter.

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it's not like i even liked Molly or anyone else in the series but with Burrich?
That series was what made me never trust any books written by women.

Yes, with Burrich. It's retribution for Chivalry cucking Burrich. Very poetic and painful.
Go read some Kay to see how it's done. Not the cucking, the poetic and painful part.

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Is there a good audiobook for each of the original Dune series? I'm having trouble finding a good version for the first one let alone any of the others, the full cast version is terrible.

Fevre Dream

I'm still baffled how a upper-class prep girl who was so privileged she had no clue how shops work became the voice of left-leaning fantasy writers.

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Only reason I've consumed Abercrombies books is Steven Pacey doing such a good job with the audiobooks.

Saurfang from World of Warcraft is like that.

>tfw you go a week without reading for the first time in years

I can already feel my imagination atrophying

I read Light ages ago when I was 12 or something, and it left quite the impression, but I remember it being full of gratuitous nudity. Are the sequels the same? They seem the same from the synopsis. Are they worth reading anyway?

Sword & Sorcery is BASED

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Reading the thread, I felt like I was transported to Yea Forums, /r9k/ or Yea Forums. Fuck off losers.

>she had no clue how shops work
Wait what?

uh, no?

Why is sanderson so comfy bros

He's a faggot.

Three hearts and three lions fucking sucks. Fantasy written by a baseless plebe trying to apply pseudo science to myth as if it actually improves anything, his grand standing about modern morals is absolutely at odds into a traditional setting, and the writing is mediocre.

>lol I'm a retard
We know. Stick to Malazan and Sanderson.

The science bits didn't do anything for me, but I did enjoy it.

What about it did you enjoy?

I liked the plot. I didn't read a lot like it so it was new for me. I was enamoured by the plot, by the romance, the characters, the fights. Had a little bit of everything I liked.

What would you consider to be "like it" vs "not like it"?

What are some good sci fi(old or new) that deal with mysterious alien artifacts, ruins and technologies?

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Eon by Greg Bear (sort of)
Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge
The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven
The Spiral Wars series by Joel Shepard
Roadside Picnic by Arkady Strugatsky
Blindsight by Peter Watts

good book

I remember being really disappointed by the ending but can't remember why

it's been downhill since The Blade Itself

Fitz get's absolutely fucked as a character, cucked by the girl, his whole story rendered pointless by the rain wilds, it's just a big clusterfuck

>a run of the mill post apocalyptic fantasy
Can you recommend more post apoc fantasy?

The Jerusalem Man trilogy by David Gemmell. The setting is a wonderfully crazy mix of heroic fantasy, post-apocalypse, Western, and sci-fi with a protag who is a cross between Solomon Kane, Roland from The Dark Tower, and any number of protags from Western films. Probably my favorite series from Gemmell.

Roadside Picnic is fantastic and absolutely worth a read. I also enjoyed Broken Angels by the guy who made Altered Carbon, but there were a few times when I had to roll my eyes, so maybe it isn't for you.

What do you mean?

The graphic sex scenes seemed very out of place and went on for far too long. There were others but I'm drawing a blank on what they were right now. Overall it was a pretty neat story.

moorcock is terrible

Not like it? Most fantasy novels I've read, which is stuff like Game of Thrones, Eragon. It seemed slightly similar to Lord of the Rings, where they met up, formed a friendship, and went about their business, though is still very different.
I'm still very new to reading fantasy and sci-fi stuff beyond the typical ones, so I can't really compare it to much.

Read Book of the New Sun. It was written by a man who helped make Pringles but also looked like Pringles Man and also wrote books about a Roman soldier who was all Memento and then a bunch of other books like the one that Isaac Asimov read wrong at an award ceremony but then the misreading was used as a name for a short story collection by the author because he had a sense of humor.

You hitting the gym fatty?

If I haven't already read BotNS you would have made me steer clear away.
Punctuation nigger, do you use it?

>What is the oldest SF&F book you've enjoyed?

Frankenstein and H.G. Wells stuff.

>What is the most recently published book you've enjoyed?

The three body problem

>Are you looking forward to any as of yet unpublished books?

Nope, got so much on my back log that I don't even think about novels that have yet to be released. Currently finishing the 4th book of the Hyperion saga. Love it!

After that, I will probably finally come around finishing A. C. Clark or some other classics that I missed out on, before I start with contemporary sci-fi.

He's trying to write as poorly as Cormac McCarthy.

Did he get his kicks shitposting while very tired?

If you haven't read Earth Abides or a Canticle for Leibowitz then you really should.

You should replace it with The Windup Girl, a much better book, and also very "recent"

She didn't know how stores, especially offline book stores operated, she thought they keep their stock forever until sold and wrote multiple articles attacking Amazon for stripping.

>wanting to read dune after book one
There is an easy way to spot a person who has read less than 400 books, or has shit tastes. They haven't read enough quantity and variety to make astute judgments on whether a book is good or not, or their tastes are so shit that they continue anyways.

You forgot Pol too. They are tourists. They will leave when summer ends.

>trying to sneak some recommendations from the user

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I can't read Moorcock any more after learning about how hypocritical his seething hatred for Tolkien is. Imagine waging a entirely one-sided war against another author for 50~ years because they criticized how you dressed in the fucking 60s.

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>but also looked like Pringles Man
It's the other way round. You know they based the Pringles mascots on him right?

>Currently finishing the 4th book of the Hyperion saga. Love it!
>Love it!
You just announced to the entire general that under no circumstances should your word be taken on anything. You have beyond utter shit tastes.

Who is the mommy on the left? I want to go deep.

Looks like one of the who's album covers

Is Undermoon Lake the Ghostwater of Desolate Era?

What is being released in August?
When are we getting tight pussy 2?

Sounds like Wagner's "Kane". He's been a king, sorcerer, pirate captain, mercenary general etc. Cursed with immortality, can only die through battle, has lived so long he's bored of everything except taking risks, doesn't form relationships anymore because everyone dies of old age eventually

Attached: kane_wagner.jpg (334x499, 37K)

So he's Conan?

Last chancers are great.

Sonthis where the one piece guy got the framework for dragon or whatever the fuck that guy that doesn't die is called.

Kaidou? That sounds about right except he can't die period. Dude survived multiple hangings, attempted decapitations, jumping off a sky island, and so many suicide attempts they've become a hobby. He's even implied to have survived drowning which unless he's actually a dragon with an innate shapeshifting ability outright violates the rules of the setting.

not that it matters of course, by the end of wano we know he's going to be successfully decapitated. [spoilers]the only question is whether he'd actually let Zoro do it. presumably he'll just kill the shogun instead[/spoilers]

Moorcock is a cuck. This is well known.

>What is the oldest SF&F book you've enjoyed?
Chamiel probably, it’s only from the seventies but it was a fun read.

Is this the end of the world? We are living in times described in books.
The Amazon "rain"forest is on fire, we have a dictator in the white house, we are planning to colonize mars and the moon, we are building artificial wombs for humans, we have extinction many animals, almost everything in society ending novels are coming to pass.


working on a fantasy novel, and I'd love some honest crit

be forewarned: I am still a novice writer, and naturally much of the draw of the story when its done will be its complexity and overall development. I'm posting this prologue hoping to see if I am doing anything completely terrible that I'm too stupid to notice

if you've got a minute give me a read and tell me what I fucked up, I'd appreciate it

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>Imagine waging a entirely one-sided war against another author for 50~ years because they criticized how you dressed in the fucking 60s.

Attached: raw.gif (434x246, 1.07M)

Inspired by Conan, but he's no Conan clone (a Clonan). He's very much a villain though and not a rogue like Conan.

Antifa bugman

>doesn't form relationships anymore because everyone dies of old age eventually
This isn't true. He was best friends with a poet in The Dark Muse and had somewhat of a fucked up "relationship" with a girl in Bloodstone. And I don't know if I would call it a relationship exactly, but he was keeping a girl as a slave basically in Undertow because he wanted companionship.

Please recommend one of those trashy self-published novels with lots of sex.

Attached: couldn't get past the first one, from how horrible the writing is, but he covers are great.png (333x500, 395K)

>lots of sex
If that's your only criteria.
Read Good Intentions.

You mean an average Romance novel?

no, those are made for women.

You are a woman.

What do you think of this:


Aside from the fact that they spelled NK Jemisin the Hotep /sffg/ princess' name wrong?

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Is that pic Australia? A dingo eating a shark while snakes fuck on the corner of the road.

Not too bad, Kingkiller is the only truly bad series among their main recommendations. On the other hand, if you take the forever unfinished trait of ASoIaF into account Kingkiller is a spot on recommendation.

desu I didn't even know I had it on my laptop
maybe I've got somnaustralism

Harmon Cooper is a shit author with horrid prose and grammer. That series (only read the first book) is a self insert novel, where the author fought the government's secret swat team that did a surprise visit to capture him and won. Don't read anything by that author.

Don't get your pic.

That does beg the question: do you prefer a perpetually unfinished series, a phoned-in continuation with blatant ghost writing, or a less talented son's attempt to wield his father's pen?

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You do realise there is free porn on the internet right?

>less talented son's attempt to wield his father's pen?
You aren't referring to Christopher Tolkien, right?

When will spurdo go the way of pepe and pedobear?
Also, I think you meant to reply to the dune poster.

I had exactly the same opinion. I've read some bad KU smut in my time and his stuff is definitely some of the worst.

I should make an amazon self published avoid book chart. I have FAR more avoid books than good ones.

Was more thinking of Brian Herbert. Christopher was mostly a translator and editor.

More like a pastebin listing 1000s of titles

>No The Worm Ouroboros

but they don't have any characterization or plot and it's not as good to listen to while girding in Runescape.

Needs proofreading. Based naming sense. Not well written. Doesn't flow. Voiceless. High school level generic at best.

I am closing the thread and hope I never see a post by you again.

Absolutely do not listen to . It's a cuck novel.

I'd recommend Rise of the Shadow Rogue, Celestine Chronicles, Heartgem Homestead, Swing Shift or Steel Sirens.

>It's a cuck novel.
explain, I already began to listen to the audiobook.

Ignore him he's obviously a virgin. I'd guess it's because the Succubus wants to sleep with other men while the MC sleeps his way through the rest of the female cast.

Correct. The succubus gaslights him into an open relationship

The book being about a succubus should have been your first clue. They aren't very particular about who they sleep with. But the serious cucking happens on the second book. The first book introduces the MC and his past lives and how he suffered from betrayal at every single one of them. In the second book it seems like the author does a 180 and just forgets all that and lets go for the open relationship without consent.

If you want spoilers, goodreads.com/review/show/1054080519

They agree to an open relationship as long as both parties give the consent beforehand, which she openly ignores.

Try simplifying your prose.

>Theywaited, shaking with fear, until Endwin realized just how long there was quiet. Not silence, but whispers.
>shaking with fear they waited until Endwin realized just how long there was quiet, whispers but not total silence.

It's a fucking sex book. You autistic virgins are taking it far too seriously. She sleeps with a guy (she's a sex demon ffs - what do you expect?), MC says "I don't like you doing that", she agrees not to and will only sleep with other women which he's fine with. That's actually more character and relationship development than in 99% of other smut trash.

>She sleeps with a guy (she's a sex demon ffs - what do you expect?), MC says "I don't like you doing that", she agrees not to and will only sleep with other women which he's fine with
Incorrect. He says, "I don't like you doing that", and she does it again, with two men at the same time!

There's plenty of sex books around. If cucking is your thing, absolutely do go on, enjoy yourselves.


That does sound very cuck-ey, tbqh. Dropped

your loss, it's actually one of the better smut series I've read

thanks, Ill remember this when I go back over and proof

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Any of the books I listed here is a better book: I'd add Tamer (with remarks since the author was B&d and will probably never finish), Star Druid, The weatherblight saga, Ice Reavers, Djinn Unleashed, Curse of Magic, Power Mage and Waldo Rabbit (although this one is pretty tame). All these have varying quality. Just pick your poison and drop those that you think are too bad.

>Tamer (with remarks since the author was B&d and will probably never finish)
From what i know hes still in talks with amazon.
He met with them in july again. He actually kept working on his books but said unless amazon gives him a concrete NO hes not publishing his books on other platforms. Amazon keeps dragging their feet for some reason and comes up with different excuses every time. Don't know what the latest word is but supposedly there's 13 books in the tamer series now all just waiting to be released as soon as he either gets back on amazon or they tell him objectively no and he publishes them on other stores.

>He met with them in july again.
That's what he said last july. I don't think amazon will reinstate him, tbqh I think he already has another pen-name (Logan Jacobs, Erick Vall?) that he's publishing with. Can you copy paste the last post where he talks about this? I've been banned from his facebook group.

> Any of the books I listed here is a better book
In your opinion.

I've read Heartgem Homestead and it was fucking terrible and seemed to be aimed at 13yr readers which I'd guess is the age of the author based on his prose and grammar.

Swing Shift isn't even smut. It's one of that authors milder / ecchi novels and as generic as his others.

I'll give you Rise of the Shadow Rogue. That is a rather good fantasy series that just happens to contain very infrequent sex scenes.

>pen-name (Logan Jacobs, Erick Vall?)
Different guys. He actually had a falling out with Logan Jacobs once. I also thought for a time he was Erik Vall but he actually had a public appearance at dragoncon and so people know its not him. I don't actually have a facebook account so i cant post anything from there. my knowledge comes from random news articles here and there and what his fans have been posting.
Supposedly sometime in mid September everything is gonna be decided for good.

>look up Tamer
>kind of reminds of Ultima Savage Empire
Fucking sold

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A warning: the first half of the first book is fucking atrocious. Skip the scenes where he keeps ogling women when it gets repetitive. It eventually stops.

Care to explain?

Seems bad somehow became based. My mistake.

>I just found a publisher
Fuck that. Self-publish it and as long as it's ok you'll find an audience. Sell it as an ebook and audiobook down the line. Amazon has great tools.

> Amazon has great tools.
Except for advertising, marketing, audio book production, cover art, physical store presence and a good proof reader and editor.

Self publishing may be cheap and you get higher revenue share but it's often a false saving.

Getting a vanity publisher is even worse.

Late to the party, but I fucking hate Hobb because she writes FitzChivalry with no conviction. When men read fantasy they want to see a man with strong convictions, or one who learns of their necessity. Agency, self-determination, and the desire to rage against Fate itself. These are qualities that make most protagonists interesting. Hobb's books read like a slow, methodical rebuke of masculinity. A listless boy carried around as though by the wind. Following tired old men clinging to duty on faith alone. Meanwhile the wise women know better. They stay home suffering, safe in the knowledge that the world would be a better place if man simply stayed home. Safe in the knowledge that if man could just forsake his pride, his honour, and above all his duty, all would be well. Meanwhile, Empire crumbles around them.

I think the most annoying part of the books is their lack of a likeable character. Perhaps Verity before he becomes a turbo autist. Though the subsequent annihilation of his character wipes away any goodwill I may have for him.

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I'd vote for short stories, have nominated a few collections to the monthly (they never win) like Vermilion Sands. The other themes would be good too though. Decent idea user.

Just because Fitz makes lots of mistakes and the entire series is written with a sense of melancholy doesn't mean it's "a rebuke of masculinity". Not everything has to be Conan.

> lack of a likeable character
That's kind of the point which you obviously seem to have missed.

>Just because Fitz makes lots of mistakes and the entire series is written with a sense of melancholy doesn't mean it's "a rebuke of masculinity". Not everything has to be Conan.

You're absolutely correct, not everything has to be Conan. I don't expect him to to be masculinity incarnate. I don't expect him to be flawless, to never err. However, FitzChivalry is spineless. I find him frustrating to follow, and frankly, a little unbelievable. He fails repeatedly and yet seems to rally time and again, as the plot demands. His willpower is monumental by comparison to the passion within him, either a terrible oversight or an intentional omission, I don't know. Ultimately, his greatest work is not even his own. He is compelled to Verity by inescapable magic. Yet again, he is not master of his own fate.

> lack of a likeable character

This is fine when the story comes fluidly, efficiently; or there are external stakes to keep us invested; or even if the book is firm in its commitment to making a point. There's none of this across the Trilogy and simply makes for an onerous read. It seems to languish in its own self-made misery. Pain the reader cannot even truly share in because there no sympathetic characters. They are all human, certainly, but there is no warmth to them. A disinterested observer might question what one stands to gain from enduring such pervasive bleakness.

In the end, I simply do not like the books. They are not why I read fantasy, and I read fantasy for a great many reasons. That is fine, books are still allowed to exist even if we do not enjoy them. I simply find Hobb's cynicism absolutely poisonous. You may disagree or argue that I miss the point, that's fine too.

>his whole story rendered pointless by the rain wilds
This was honestly the worst part of all.

How the fuck could he end TUC like that

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Is he the only writer that could make a battle between a naked sorceress with a magical sword and a gigantic, ancient dragon the most boring shit imaginable? I don't even remember how it ends; it just went on forever and I zoned out.

Addendum: Say what you want about Steven Erikson (and Allah knows I have), but at least Erikson is genuinely great at writing battles and action scenes and combat and all that good shit. As boring as Malazan can be you definitely can't say the action is boring; unlike Bakker's crap.

Eh, that sounds like something a reddit user would write.

>t. reddit user

Beowulf, 700-1000 AD

>most recent
I'm currently reading Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr by John Crowley, Oct. 2017
it's good

>looking forward to
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

>starless sea
Sell me

Star Trek is an optimistic setting in general.
Most books need a fucked up setting to generate conflict. Without conflict, those books would be boring.
Only really positive for The Culture, other races are pretty fucked up a lot of times and that is where most of the books are set.

He is truly /ourguy/

That diadem he's wearing looks so gay

Go away, imgur

Christopher is pretty good, but he's more of a cuting room guy than a creative mastermind.

So I get to choose between Wheel of Time, the Rama sequels or the Brian Herbert Dunes. I'd rather be illiterate.

Please do user, it would make a lot of posters here seethe.

I don't know about this, go on.

Out of that bunch I'd choose Weel if Time I think.
Rama is completely out, Dune can at least be read as summary on wikipedia without having to go into details, but I still wouldn't read the actual books due to the general consensus that they are horrible, inly WoT left.

I would like to hear this as well.

Moorcock was a disgusting hippie and Tolkien told him to stop being a faggot and after that Moorcock dedicated his life to crying about Lord of the Rings.

There isn't anything more, that's literally all that happened, young Moorcock met Tolkien who didn't much care for the cut of his jib.

Never mind, just reas Epic Pooh, his essay. He lumps in Adams, Tolkien, Tennyson, Lewis as conservative shitters then bitches about the quality of their ideas. While I agree they're not quite avantgarde and that Lewis was a shit writer, his points fall flat most of the time and he seems to be a butthurt twat.

thoughts on the 80s~ kane chronicles?

The what?



this nigga

Sanderfag a fucking hack


Where is the slave? I cam't make a thread atm because my tablet is on the fitz ad o'm gping to bed. reallu tired can barely kep my wye open

Has anyone here read The witchwood crown? Is it any good? How does it compare to Memory, Sorrow and Thorn?

Also, has anyone here read Gene Wolf's Knight+Wizard books? Are they anything like the new sun?

New thread

It’s called the second apocalypse series for a reason user.