Are there any good books about criticizing the LGBT movement/criticizing homosexuality?

are there any good books about criticizing the LGBT movement/criticizing homosexuality?

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I fucking love ladyboys but i hate lgbt movement fuck gays and trans

didn't ask for that mate

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And why would that be a “good book”?

I was literally just asking if there were any books out there I could read about the subject that were good. What does your question even mean

Bible, Vedas, Quran. I bet any scriptures from time tested religions, really. Or any literature that criticizes sexual degeneracy. Plato was against sex used for anything other than creating progeny, so naturally he was also against faggots.

The Bible.

based and redpill.
Did Plato write a book specific book about that, specific chapter in one of his books about it anywhere?

Plato's "The Laws"
Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics'
Musonius Rufus fragments

The attempt to make a community out of lesbians, gays bisexuals and transgender people is/was a nobly intended projected. Being marginalized isn’t fun. Do you feel marginalized, user? People staring at you in convenience stores and malls wondering if you’re going to start shooting them?

Identity politics has been a net loss, but that’s just my opinion. You don’t need a whole book to stroke your scared white cock for that. This thread is shit.

go fuck off, fuck off again and proceed to fuck out of this universe
and don't you ever fucking come back you homosexual fucking piece of fucking fuck

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Calm down nerd
why exactly are you against LGBT stuff

I would greentext but this post must must be bait. Seriously what the fuck are you even talking about.

Remember kids, tripfagging is the cancer that kill both your braincells and the board.
Retards like that faggot up there don't deserve your (you)'s.

fair point, sad I even gave them one.
Niggas like that probably about to get bitch about this thread on discord

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>I want to read something that reaffirms my beliefs

It's not. She's that retarded. Don't encourage.

just fuck off you dumb hapa

>I want to read something that reaffirms my beliefs
How many people do differently on those kinds of issues?

You're right in a way. This is why most political readers are absolutely insufferable.

Doesn't matter what others are doing. You should make an effort to seek out celebrated works that disagree with you. How else can you properly figure out how you feel about something?

I didn’t call OP a homosexual. Wrong pic, mang.

You just got here. Read the OP first.

>Plato was against sex used for anything other than creating progeny, so naturally he was also against faggots
Holy fucking shit how does someone get this wrong
Yeah dude read the Symposium so you can see how much of a fucking idiot the other poster was. If you want critiques of "queer culture," you probably shouldn't turn to a bunch of famous pederasts and boy lovers like the ancient Greeks.
jesus christ does no one on Yea Forums know how to read

Holy shit you cannot be serious

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>More empty reaction images/responses
Your objection is?

>being this new

Do you mean stuff that is just disgusted by acts of homosexual behaviour or stuff that criticises the modern culture of unearned pride taken in hedonism displayed by the community?

Homosexuals should be encouraged to form long term relationships. Scientific advances in artificial gametogenesis will enable them to procreate via test tube babies and artificial wombs. This may reduce degeneracy, increase birth rates, and cause gays to be more invested in the long term stability of the society.

>unearned pride
Are you proud of white male culture?
>taken in hedonism displayed by the community
The parades are a freak-show, but carnivals of heteros are common enough

You likely have never read Plato.
For Plato, love was supposed to be spiritual, not physical. In his opinion, sex tarnished and dirtied love.

>Holy fucking shit how does someone get this wrong
>says nothing else

every time

Romans 1

>jesus christ does no one on Yea Forums know how to read

Let's see

Plato's "The Laws"
>That was precisely the reason why I stated that in reference to this law I know of a device for making a natural use of reproductive intercourse, – on the one hand, by abstaining from the male and not slaying of set purpose the human stock, nor sowing seed on rocks and stones where it can never take root and have fruitful increase
and also:
>And whether one makes the observation in earnest or in jest, one certainly should not fail to observe that when male unites with female for procreation the pleasure experienced is held to be due to nature, but contrary to nature when male mates with male or female with female, and that those first guilty of such enormities were impelled by their slavery to pleasure.

Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics"

>(1) Some things are pleasant by nature, and of these (a) some are so without qualification, and (b) others are so with reference to particular classes either of animals or of men; while (2) others are not pleasant by nature, but (a) some of them become so by reason of injuries to the system, and (b) others by reason of acquired habits, and (c) others by reason of originally bad natures. This being so, it is possible with regard to each of the latter kinds to discover similar states of character to those recognized with regard to the former; I mean (A) the brutish states, as in the case of the female who, they say, rips open pregnant women and devours the infants, or of the things in which some of the tribes about the Black Sea that have gone savage are said to delight-in raw meat or in human flesh, or in lending their children to one another to feast upon-or of the story told of Phalaris.

>These states are brutish, but (B) others arise as a result of disease (or, in some cases, of madness, as with the man who sacrificed and ate his mother, or with the slave who ate the liver of his fellow), and others are morbid states (C) resulting from custom, e.g. the habit of plucking out the hair or of gnawing the nails, or even coals or earth, and in addition to these pederasty [lit: "the of sexual intercourse for males"]; for these arise in some by nature and in others, as in those who have been the victims of lust from childhood, from habit.

Musonius Rufus

>Men who are not wantons or immoral are bound to consider sexual intercourse justified only when it occurs in marriage and is indulged in for the purpose of begetting children, since that is lawful, but unjust and unlawful when it is mere pleasure-seeking, even in marriage. But of all sexual relations those involving adultery are most unlawful, and no more tolerable are those of men with men, because it is a monstrous thing and contrary to nature.

Conservatives are pathetic cowards

>Are you proud of white male culture?
I don’t take pride in achievements that aren’t my own just because I have things in common (that I do not control) with the people who achieved them
>The parades are a freak-show, but carnivals of heteros are common enough
The parades should be about normalising homosexual relationships and reducing homophobia, and instead they’re about glorifying fetishes, thereby increasing homophobia
Straight people don’t have organised parades to show off that same hedonism, not where I live at least
This tbqhwy, gays aren’t going to stop being a thing so they should be discouraged from hedonism more than they are
That being said, heterosexual people also need to sleep around less, marry sooner, and have kids

I literally am a classics phd student I can read fucking attic greek go read the Symposium. It's like all you know is the modern English expression "Platonic love" and you're taking that to in some way map onto anything Plato ever fucking wrote you goddamned idiot (hint: plato was a happy pederast like every athenian aristocrat)
It's the kind of intro level shit that amazes you when you see people so confidently wrong. Literally just spend five minutes reading. You can even start with the fucking wikipedia page

How the fuck would you argue with people that say ignorant shit this confidently? It would be like if someone tried to tell you that the Romans were anti-expansionist. It just doesn't make any fucking sense

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How so?

I hope you do understand and agree evolutionary ideas apply to societies and ideas.

No successful society has glorified homosexuality as we do in the west now, now this might be a fluke but it's most likely that it's disadvantageous to promote homosexuality.
Even the greeks did not praise homosexuality and most thought it womanly to be the receiver.

Now if this is the case should we still promote homosexuality even though it might lead to the collapse of our society because there is nothing objectively bad with the idea of two people of the same sex engaging in coitus?

I'm I don't agree that homosexual sex is worse than other non-procreative sex, but to say that those philosophers didn't oppose homosexual sex acts in those books is not true

>Are you proud of white male culture?
I have not read this thread so I don't know what the argument is about, but I am going to address this anyway. Why does it even matter? Proudness is subjective anyway so there's no reason to be arguing about it, unless you're retarded. I personally don't know any books for op so I can't help anyway.

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holy fuck being in college for a decade must have fucked up your brain pretty bad to be that stupid.

Because homosexuality (and heterosexual casual sex for that matter) are simple satisfactions of body with body, and fundamentally distract from the development of the soul.
OP, check out literally all classical philosophy with an emphasis on Plato.

I don't really care if I am marginalized or not. What bothers me is when it makes my chosen career paths difficult or not. If someone says something mean in public, I'd just ignore them and watch my back. Only money matters in this society.

>Straight people don’t have organised parades to show off that same hedonism
I was with you till here. That’s incorrect.

That user is creeped out by gay pride parades. He called it unearned pride. As if one needs to earn pride in oneself. As a white woman, I am equal parts proud and disgusted by so-called “white” culture. Mostly just in awe at the whole thing now.

They obviously didn’t make you read Laws VIII. I can (kind of?) understand how you didn’t get the message of Symposium, insofar as Socrates is pretty flirtatious to draw young men into philosophy but the core idea is that physical attraction is base and to be shunned in favor of spiritual development.
All that said Laws VIII is almost entirely Plato dabbing on faggots, you’re delusional.

Imagine believing jew/lefty revisionist lies on early Greeks. Now this will blow your mind faggot: Spartans were separated on gender not because they were homos (which doesn't even make sense, why would a sexually degenerate society impose gender restrictions), but because it was believed act of sex destroyed man.

Read Pythagoras and his followers' notes on celibacy and conserved seed leading to physical and intellectual vigor.

There is no such thing as white culture and neither white people.

>the core idea is that physical attraction is base and to be shunned in favor of spiritual development

Yup. I don't get how someone can think the Symposium was pro-sex when it clearly said the best love goes when the lovers keep it spiritual

The collapse of society will occur due to environmental destruction, wealth disparity and other similar factors.

Not because a bunch of people have sex with one another. Do you think women shouldn't vote either?

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>white male culture
There is no such thing as "white male culture". There is British, French, Swedish, and etc. cultures. Many of them have similarities of course but lumping them altogether as "White male culture" is retarded. For example, I don't like modern French culture, but I think the Germans, British, and Swedes were okay before Migrant Crisis. The French are a bunch of decadent scumbags like you. Why don't you just move to France and host LGBT orgies? The French fuck around so casually to the point it is considered normal for children to catch sight of their mothers having sex with strangers.

All you stupid out-of-board faggots do is come here and ask for "books" to confirm your already held beliefs.

Some people are disgusting and they should be destroyed.

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Maybe if you behave as a normal being people wouldn't stare at you. Stop trying to normalize unnatural behaviour. The worst problem with the internet is being able to connect freaks together and giving them the illusion that they are not freaks.

Yet in history whichever society endorses sexual liberation is followed by a collapse within 100 years, while those practicing restrain rise to the top. Pure coincidence.

At least he stands for something, fag.

He stands for absolutely fucking nothing, fag. That's why he's here; to have people feed him the beliefs he wants.

>The worst problem with the internet is being able to connect freaks together and giving them the illusion that they are not freaks.
where do you think you are

>In history everything I made up is true
no one gives a shit, babby

>The collapse of society will occur due to environmental destruction, wealth disparity and other similar factors.
I did not directly argue against this. Just because one thing is bad it does not make another better.

Keep this in mind when reading my reply below.

>Do you think women shouldn't vote either?
That depends what you mean. Whst I think ideal and moral is that that the state should never infringe be on the individual freedoms as long as they do not direct harm others, in that sense I am a Libertarian.

Of course one should not sculpt society by what one think is the most good but rather what is the most realistic.

If no societies beforehand has promoted homosexuality or equal rights, in all aspects, to women then one should beware of promoting it in our society.

I am against both homosexuality and voting rights for women, not because I deem them immoral, but because I deem them dangerous.

Why the fuck do jannies not ban tripcoding faggots?
These obnoxious little niggers always show up to shit up threads and never provide meaningful conversation.
What advantage does having a tripcode even provide, besides to be a fucking Z-list e-celeb faggot on an anonymous imageboard?
Fucking do your work and trash these unfunny little faggots. Holy shit. Just fucking post without a trip, you fucking useless cucks.

Most people here are at least counscious of their position as freaks. When have you seen a thread where people pat each other's back for pissing in bottles? We don't go around trying to impose a view that it's okay to be weird.

The wiki entry on sodomy is fascinating

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I agree in principle, which is why I put it in quotations. This doesn’t stop a good portion of Anonymous posters from believing in it and showing unending pride in it every other thread.

You are brain damaged, and yet I would rather see you healed as destroyed.

There’s nothing wrong with girls in love with each other

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How can you even begin to reconcile Platonic metaphysics with any sort of endorsement of homosexuality? Because of something that was said in the Symposium? Are we to take Euthydemus completely serious as well now? You seem like you haven't actually read Plato, considering that a beginners glance at the Phaedo, Meno, Apology or even Gorgias would totally disprove any argument that Plato supported any form of hedonism or material pleasure, which is what he viewed homosexuality to be (see Laws). Where exactly do you base your belief on Plato supporting homosexuality on?

He read on reddit that le Greeks were the le epic gays and then the evil church invented homo hate.

A classics phd student to boot. Must have been quite a rigorous program, he is able to discern the entire philosophy of Plato by a surface reading of one dialogue lmao

Greeks were mad gay

The irony, user, is that your a freaky faggot on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Starting with you fucker

I remember a Classics professor writing against Stoicism who clearly have never read even Epictetus, but only secondary literature. So, the article was full of errors that even amateurs could pick.

But I would expect Plato to be read more.

Would you kiss me?

user didn't ask for your life story and a lecture on your feelings about lgbt culture, he asked for a book recommendation. Unless you care to offer one just fuck off.

I see, you argument is person X is weird so people who behave according to behavior Y aren't weird because of X.

It's hard for me to see how that is not a non sequitur.

Lesbians don’t actually exist. You’ve taken dick, almost all lesbians have had sex with men, do you think that gay men all have sex with women once? No they fucking know they are gay. On top of that lesbians are so ugly on average compared to the gay, and they encourage things like age just being a number and beauty being inside while gay men actually care a lot about beauty. You can see how this shows up in their general image just by searching on google images “lesbian women” and “gay men” and comparing the two. The lesbians are all ugly and the gays are all clean and fit.

Nice job outing yourself as a massive idiot

It's bourgeois degeneracy

Foucault outs homosexuality for what is is, petit bourgeois individualism. He was a faggot himself.

Start from the beginning. Made simpler with my having a name

Literally any philosopher before the 1960s.

Here's Kant:

>"Sexual union is the reciprocal use one human makes of the sexual organs and capacities of another. This is either a natural use...or an unnatural use, and unnatural use takes place either with a person of the same sex or with an animal of a nonhuman species. Since such transgressions of wrong to humanity in our own person, there are no limitations or exceptions whatsoever that can save them from being repudiated completely"

sad to see Yea Forums went down the gutter like this
/pol/ is the cancer that killed this website for real

t. Discord ""femboy""

Silence, uncool semite.

>People staring at you in convenience stores and malls wondering if you’re going to start shooting them?
So being a white man in the 21st century?
Fuck off

No, because no one besides idiotic Christians cares enough to criticize queer theory, because queers are and will always be an inconsequential minority. Just read books that promote heterosexual values and move on, there's an endless number of them.

>Homosexuals should be encouraged to form long term relationships
Never gonna happen. Homosexuals are legit sex fiends. A significant portion of gay men have 500+ sexual partners. This is why the whole gay marriage thing was so stupid— it’s trying to force bourgeois respectability on a group of people who are fundamentally hedonistic and degenerate.

I can say this because, well, I’m something of a degenerate hedonist myself.

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Dude you got sick owned by butterfly, just admit it.

I mean, just because he has the opinion that heterosexuality is more how nature intended it since it produces kids wouldn't mean much.
There are scores of things that humans have done or created that are unnatural.
Our history has literally been mostly us struggling to defy nature. Somes succeedibg other times ytterly failing.
Why should homosexuality be singled out as the worst of it?
Are you against genetic engineering and vaccines too? What about electricity and polymers?

>He’ll go along with the idea.
So this has happened to? And you don’t like it, right?

There are literally plenty of gay guys who had sex with women at least once before confirming they were gay. You have no idea what you're talking about. You likely don't even have gay friends let alone interacted extensively with them but i won't go so far to make that assumption.

>why is everybody who is not me so stupid
I want you to spend the next 10 minutes staring at youe hands. Stare at your hands for 10 minutes.

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Besides the fact that you are literally stereotyping an entire group of people and assuming that all homosexuals participate in pride parades, do you really think that none if it is done ironically to piss assholea like you off?

Not a single actual book rec.

They're actually trying to redefine sodomy. Fucking leftists