What're some comfy novels/stories that'll make me hopeful about life?

What're some comfy novels/stories that'll make me hopeful about life?

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You want to be lied to?

The Dharma bums; two buddies just climbing mountains and talking about the beauty of life. I also thought Stoner - despite all the triviality and tragedy - was a comfy read.

... I wish I read more comfy books.

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Isn't that ntr?

Life isn't always just contained to despair user, there's room for hope too. There are plenty of reasons to hope and feel good that don't require huge leaps of faith nor mental gymnastics; ever cared to notice your writing on one of the most powerful machines in the world; that you can read and write; that you're alive, breathing the wild air? - Those are miracles user.

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Sweet Jingrock hentai

The Gospels

Yeah, okay.

What if I told you the psalms were comfier?


A lot of bucolic poetry from ancient Greece and Rome is mad comfy. Theocritus, Bion, Tibullus, Vergil...

Nothing comfier than reading about Vergil and his bees.

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this is some cuckold shit isn't it

>pic related
The danger of being betrayed is too high for me.
But at the same time this makes me want to have a normal life.

Good post

How do I gain the power of commanding bees to attack my foes?

First play Metal Gear Solid 3 to begin your understanding

blessed and optimistpilled

Become a beekeeper and treat them well. Bees are legendarily loyal to their keepers. There are even stories of bee swarms descending upon the funerals of their beekeepers to send them off.

that's the joke

I saw a beautiful girl at the airport a few days ago that sent me spiraling into a fantasy world similar to your pic. I imagined us living in a small brick ranch style home in the suburbs together. I came home from a comfy day at work. It was chilly outside and, as I walked through the front door, I was greeted by the smell of some delicious hearty food coming from the kitchen. She would kiss me softly after I hugged our child. I would change out of my dress clothes and sit on the couch, watching TV with our child and listening to my wife hum from the kitchen while she finished cooking our meal. She must have been from South America or maybe Portugal and she was beautiful in a very plain way. The whole experience gave me some fowels the Collector vibes tbqhwy since I'm beyond being able to pull something like that off naturally. The Japanese probably understand these feels better than anyone so manga may actually be the best bet.

What's that?

the glass bees

It better be NTR

Growth of the Soil, and In Watermelon Sugar do it for me.

I love when that happens.


damn fine material here

jingrock it's ntr

>What's that?
Japans version of cuck stuff.

The Bible.

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it's not, actually otaku wish fulfillment

Why did you ask that?

Strange Weather in Tokyo (original title "The Briefcase")

you should be nice to all bees as a rule, they do important work

walden and emerson's essays

I want a pregnant wife with the physique of a she-cow

I read this. Good book but what was hopeful about it? It just said that love is an incredibly fragile and short-lived thing awash in ambiguity and loss.


Fucking hell I remember I used to beat my dick to his thicc bloomer wearing milfs on my Wii when I was younger since I didn't have a phone or personal computer at the time. I wish I could go back to those times. Crazy how he descended into more of the NTR shit though.

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reminds me of those retards that set that shadman ntr pic as their phone's home screen pic

Anne of Green Gables
Northanger Abbey
The Sound of Waves
The Story of a Soul (Edmonson translation especially)

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tristram shandy
the vicar of wakefield

>I remember I used to beat my dick to his thicc bloomer wearing milfs on my Wii when I was younger since I didn't have a phone or personal computer at the time.
lmao same but with lolicon

Growth of the Soil

Oops, someone already said it here
serves me right for not Ctrl+Fing

>tfw you'll never have this

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What Men Live By
How Much Land Does a Man Need?
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
O. Henry

>tfw vanilla doujins and shojou manga radicalized me more than any internet propaganda could ever hope to reach

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Oh wow you post about muh rope day on /pol/ in your tighty whities all day, yeah you're radicalized alright user

Radicalized probably wasn't the right word then, and I've never posted on /pol/, but there is war on romance.