Why isn't Christianity hardcore like this anymore?
Also, ancient Christian literature thread. Pic is from the Syriac "Paradise of the Holy Fathers", vol. 2, trans. Budge.
Why isn't Christianity hardcore like this anymore?
Other urls found in this thread:
We are trying to get it back right there. The desert fathers were awesomely based.
LOL this is me a month into nofap.
My brother is a painter and keeps human skeleton figures on his desk, and I make a point to observe the female skeletal figure often just to remind my brain to stop lusting.
I read similar advice from some saint (unfortunately I can't remember who or I'd try to find the quote for you), about how when you're tempted by lust you should try to visualize the woman and how they'll grow old and die and their corpse will decay and rot, etc.
What do bodies have to do with any of this?
Are you lusting after a person's soul? Is that what you think about when you fap?
>What do bodies have to do with any of this?
Do you mean the lustful urges? Or the dead bodies?
>Are you lusting after a person's soul?
Yes to both questions.
Practically all seminaries and monasteries have essentially been turned into homosexual brothels. Read Frederic Martel’s book In the Closet of the Vatican. 80% of contemporary priests are homosexuals. Essentially Christianity has been taken over by sexual perverts. These people are behind everything from the Novus Ordo to ecumenism to habitless nuns. Kill all the homosexuals and Christianity might get hardcore again.
The problem is Catholicism. Everything bad comes from Catholicism, such as Protestantism and the ensuing spiritual collapse of the west, which is Catholicism's fault. The type of authentic monasticism in OP's post would also be forbidden in Catholicism, because of its atheistic practice of having various monastic and religious "orders," an innovation which does not exist in the East.
You require more specialist help, I'm afraid.
Actually This kind of monasticism is perpetuated in catholicism and catholicism only nowadays.
A complete and preposterous lie. The monastic tradition in OP's pic still exists today in the deserts of Egypt, etc. as a continuous tradition and it's not Catholic.
ITT Catholics "forget" that Orthodoxy exists and pretend that Orthodox things are Catholic
do you deny the difference in charisms that manifest themselves in different people? Do you deny that monks/priests with religious vows can be called to different ministries?
Christianity aversion to marriage is pitiful.
The need for these "orders" is not felt in Orthodoxy. There is some sickness particular to Catholicism which causes them to proliferate. I think it is an issue of spiritual pride, to feel you are called to "this particular spirituality," but that is just my speculation.
Wrong. Cf. India, hinduism
Sometimes I wonder about this too.
What happened that the old ascetic priests were eventually replaced by the "modern" ones?
Western Christianity, aka "judeo Christianity", is a joke religion.
Older Christianity was amazing and lead to some beautiful architecture and art throughout Europe.
Itt ordocucks project.
When was the last time the czar let You have a ecumenic council Dmitry?
—Monasticism does not exist for any specific purposes related to this world. To quote an anonymous author of The History of Egyptian Monks (fourth century), “From the very beginning, the purpose of monasticism was following Christ in the desert, singing hymns and psalms and waiting for our Lord to come.” This seeming “uselessness” makes monasticism free from any services within the Church structure. The Orthodox Church preserved this original trait of monasticism as well as its many other aspects.
This is the archimandrate speaking above:
Here's another inspiring video:
Liar on both accounts.
Satanism isn't monachism.
You clearly have no idea wrf youre talking about, schismatic.
They never existed. Most of these incredibly hardcore ascetics are Christianizations of pre-existing pagan heroes and spirits ("sitting ontop of a giant pillar to display piety" is a pan-Semitic pagan archetype). When Islam came along, most of these hardcore Christians embraced it (the clergy of North Africa and Egypt were the first to convert) because Islam offers more opportunity to enforce purity than Christianity does.
In Europe, it's a little different as the Roman Aristocracy literally bought their way into the Catholic Church in the wake of the barbarian migrations. As such, owing to the great wealth of monks and bishops (most of whom were wealthy landowners operating massive slave plantations), the Church quickly adopted an aristocratic character.
>Liar on both accounts.
You are completely deluded, lol.
An innovator calling those who follow the original faith schismatic -- lol!
>"sitting ontop of a giant pillar to display piety"
Whenever I read about stylites the first thing I always think is, how did they relieve themselves? Was their just a big pile of shit sitting next to their pillar?
>is a pan-Semitic pagan archetype
First I've ever heard of that.
The irony of a Catholic calling anyone else “schismatic” after Vatican II happened is too much to bear. You are in schism with the Catholic Church from the first 1960 years after the birth of Christ.
In my personal opinion, I think that the Great Schism was originally the normal sort of schism that you see in Orthodoxy, people break off communion for a time for whatever reason and then it is eventually healed. Neither side is rejecting or altering the faith but there is some kind of issue which, perhaps unnecessarily, causes communion to become impossible. I think the Holy Spirit was still part of the Catholic Church after this, despite all of its irregularities, as its faith was still the same at its core, but only until Vatican I; this is the point at which Catholicism introduced new and innovative dogma (not just practice, but dogma) in the form of the papal dogmas such as infallibility. Previously their papal supremacist claims had been a point of departure, but they had not been dogmatized until Vatican I. At this point the Holy Spirit departed, and from that point Catholicism has collapsed into further and further heresy, sexual and cultural degeneracy, and all forms of evil. It is clear God is no longer with the Roman See, and I think that is the reason. It no longer follows the Christian faith, but its own papal faith with its own peculiar heretical dogmas.
Don't be scared.
Art and architecture are material things that will eventually rot and decay just like your own corpse, Christianity is the inner struggle to find oneself's own path into loving God.
It's fake according to the Bible.
>John 20:6 Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,
>7 And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.
Christ was wrapped in two pieces of cloth, one for his body and one for his head. I can't explain how the Shroud was created, but according to the Gospels it cannot be a true depiction Jesus.