who's applying to law school? reading any law/jurisprudence material? what was your LSAT and how is that personal statement coming along?
Who's applying to law school? reading any law/jurisprudence material...
>studying the law of caesar and not the divine law
>not studying both
Law was so boring that it makes studying chemistry exciting. Maybe you can see the examples of practical applications of hermeneutics.
still a ways off from actually applying but that's what i'm going to end up doing
I work in a firm doing dictations and request for production motions and page and lines and shit and its honestly really fun
I've been dying inside for almost 3 years now. It's mindboggling to me that burgers would get themselves into a shit ton of debt just to study law. Keep this shit out of Yea Forums.
The only happy lawyers I see are are extreme extrovert salesmen at heart, the type of lawyers here are people who cant figure out where to ride that little pink english degree. I cant for the life of me figure out why all these threads keep popping up.
but chem is exciting
How ugly are your genitals
If I'm an extreme extrovert salesman at heart but couldn't give a fuck to remember minuscule details (chem is hell for me) but I'm fantastic at remembering concepts and bringing them into reality (I can tell you are a family man based on a million details, I won't push a sale because I can tell by posture you have been burned by it a few times, etc.), would I fit or is law school as autistic as I imagine it to be?
>doesn't prep you for the BAR
>doesn't buy you a guaranteed internship
>doesn't teach you what practicing law is
>that'll be $200k minimum plus tip
please do your research before blowing hundreds of thousands on a liberal arts degree. if you don't like networking events or being a sales person, law is NOT for you
>Not getting a full tuition scholarship like me
Don't listen to the people who come into /law/ threads just to complain OP.
I have no idea but girl lawyers are fuckin sexy, if they know their philosophy, 26/10
This same thread is posted monthly by the same guy. He even uses the exact same image. Stop using Yea Forums for career advice. Just since something vaguely pertains to books doesn't mean you should be posting it on here.
Of all the numbers why '26' ?
a law chic is just that HOTT
I'm in Law School now. The people here are like high school student council members. Most students love to hear themselves talk and never miss the chance to bring up irrelevant personal stories. Does it get better, or should I remain an introvert and focus on myself?
Bring a dog
>it makes studying chemistry exciting
Chemistry is top tier science you idiot. Just because you have difficulty understanding it doesn't make it boring.
I wanted to do law for the first 3 years of my undergrad. I started studying really hard for the LSAT this past summer and had an epiphany. I realized that I didn't want to study law. 150-250k in debt wasn't worth anything, especially not a prosecutor job paying 60k a year and not for a biglaw job paying 160k a year but working 80 hours a week. No matter how I looked at it, I just couldn't justify law school. And being a lawyer is terrible anyway, I just saw it something I'd enjoy and put my analytical skills to use.
Anyway, I have now decided to get an MPA(masters of public administration) instead, and I'm excited to start applying. Part of the reason I wanted to get into law was because I wanted to get into government and maybe political jobs. With the MPA I can do that as well but not have crushing debt, retarded long hours, and if I don't want to do government stuff I have many more options than just being a lawyer.
I'm excited for the future and I'm totally at peace not fucking up my finances for the rest of my life just to be a lawyer.
get into jurisprudence
What books do you reccomend to get into it?
Good job for figuring that out
just skim through it. joseph raz and ronald dworkin are the two most influential living legal theorists
>ronald dworkin
Is he related to Andrea?
no, lmao. also fuck i forgot that dworkin is dead
Seconding this.
Attorney here. 155 on my LSAT. Jobs are plentiful, but relatively low paying. I'm overworked, billing is difficult, my supervising attorneys constantly tell me how terrible my writing is. Careful what you get into.
This is the truth.
This is not the truth
I live in the UK, so not going to Law school. I'm applying to study Law at uni.
I have my sights set on Cambridge so I've spent most of this year inhaling as many books as I could from Cambridge and other reading lists.
-Letters to a Law Student by McBride
-The Rule of Law by Tom Bingham
-OUP VSI on Law by Raymond Wacks
-OUP VSI on the Philosophy of Law by Raymond Wacks (which I really enjoyed)
-What About Law? by Catherine Barnard et al.
I'm currently reading Eve was Framed by Helena Kennedy, and I'm planning to finish the general reading list and King's College reading list, save 'Learning Legal Rules' from the latter and probable 'How to Do Things with Rules' from the former, because they're both ~400pgs and I dunno if I can be arsed.
I'm planning to read some other short texts as well. (OL, OTSC, 2ndTOG, TRTS, etc.)
Any other Bonglanders feel free to jump in
It is though. That user figured out that law school was a scam and being a lawyer was terrible before it was too late. I just hope other anons can follow him and do the same.
What school, faggot?
>he studies law to become lawyer
What else would you do? Spending 200k on a law degree to not be a bar licensed lawyer is retarded
>Spending 200k on a law degree
Imagine living in a first world country
I got a 156 and had a 3.8 gpa and I didn't get accepted
Holy shit, why? That's like the worst law school in the country, unironically
Did you not read that pathetic LSAT score?
yeah after a year of agonizing I realized that making money and working a challenging job is important to me so I ruled out other options. I'm upper middle class so I'm not especially worried about tuition. I'm procrastinating studying logic games now. And I'm reading Sartre's plays.
Have zero idea how I’m going to get a LOR from a professor. Applying this cycle hopefully but can’t take the LSAT til November. Only plus is that I’m PTing a ~160 with just a few weeks of practice
For example University of Utah(I'm from there) accepts people with a 155 but it's a top 50 school.
There were infinitely more options. Or just retake
Just ask them for one in person and follow up to remind them if they accept. PT harder. If you take like 20 PTs more you'll probably go up a few points. In my experience I did better on test day than I did on PTs
>tfw just got into law
>don't have to pay shit since I'm /scandi/
feels good man
Fuck off. Scandi fucks should get their own internet because nobody gives a shit what they have to say
feels good to be superior desu
>extreme taxes for social programs for immigrants and stupid shit is superior
I'd rather keep my money. Thanks
we've got too much money, so we have to spend it somehow
I don't care. I hate Europeans so stop replying to me.
Whiter than you, Mohammed
I started at a 156 and hit a peak of 168 when PTing, but you need to be warned that the tests get a bit harder as time goes on. I ended up PTing in the low 160s and that is what I got. I don't know what PT's you are using, but the earlier you are the easier they are typically.
Anyone else starting 1L on monday?
Why are Yuropeans so embarrassing? This is Yea Forums, not /int/. Grow up
Justify going to law school and paying as much as you do to work 80 hour weeks after
Fuck Europe. The best parts of the continent sailed here, euronigger.
>doesn't teach you what practicing law is
A Liberal Arts degree shouldn't. Law school teaches you about practicing law. Prelaw for undergrad is a bad idea, because a lawyer will need a lot of general soft skills, like writing and argumentative ability. Guys like this user fucked it up at one point, if their writing is shit.
Delving straight into case law and jurisprudence will teach you little of that. If you want to go to Law school, something like philosophy or political science is your best option. This is something that's been understood in legal education for a long time.
>According to data from 78,000 law school applicants in 2011-2012, provided to U.S. News by the Law School Admission Council, students who majored in prelaw were less likely to be admitted to law school than those who chose other majors.
>While philosophy, economics, and journalism majors were admitted to law school at rates of 82, 79, and 76 percent, respectively, those numbers were much lower for prelaw (61 percent) and criminal justice (52 percent) majors, according to LSAC, which administers the LSAT.
Same article links to this:
>There is no single path that will prepare you for a legal education. Students who are successful in law school, and who become accomplished professionals, come from many walks of life and educational backgrounds.
I ran into the same thing wanting to get into Law Enforcement. Majoring in Criminal Justice is wasteful, if you want to be an officer, but people have this robotic approach to career advice. These types of careers need a rounded education, and not just for the individual basis.
If you got a full ride, you can always get a mediocre job with mediocre pay. But being an attorney sounds awful.
I pay little so idc
The one I’m going to ask I only had for a semester but she commented that my writing and presentations were quality. Her only class this fall semester got cancelled due to lack of interest.
Using the past tests for practice. On 28 right now, but I skipped around a lot and only did some sections on previous ones for targeted practice
I want to practice law so fucking bad :(
For what purpose?