Haven't gotten to the meat of it yet but
>All these garbage paragraphs on what he believes leftists to be
Am i going to regret getting memed into reading this
Haven't gotten to the meat of it yet but
Other urls found in this thread:
Idk OP, are you a leftist? I assume you are otherwise your prefabricated identity wouldn’t have its feelings hurt by his words. Just out the book down now you won’t get anything from it.
no. it's very important. and very insightful. no other manifesto is so logically precise, comprehensive, and lucid and easy to read. As a work of social theory it's without parallel.
There are specific, important reasons why leftists get hammered in the beginning. read till the end and then read the essay "The System's Neatest Trick" and maybe you'll understand.
Not a leftist no, my feelings weren't hurt i just found most of the points surround leftism to be bad such as "Leftists hate Western civilization and America because they are strong and successful" which i find on par with Bush saying things like "They hate us because of our freedom"
I'll keep an open mind, thanks.
Forgot to click on your post
keep in mind the point of the manifesto (as with all manifestos) is to paint a comprehensive picture in as brief and accessible a form as possible. That's it's purpose. If you need more detail, more evidence or argumentation for the points, then I recommend you read his book "Technological Slavery."
yes that book is a shit meme written by a mentally ill tranny
lol. imagine being this lost.
Hurt feelings - the post.
>Leftists hate Western civilization and America because they are strong and successful
Sounds pretty on point
It's like 40 pages. I know Yea Forums doesn't read but is that too much?
Yeah I bet he's exhausted. Speed readers ftw
But you can't be right wing and hate industrial society.
Industrial society is western civilization by default because whites started it. Before industry whites were nowhere compared to anyone else.
Who is Ted kidding? He hates industry, so he hates western civilization, so he hates white people. So he cannot hate leftists.
Maybe by leftist he means liberal. I guess I hate liberals too. You can be leftist and hate liberals.
Seethe more
You either haven't read it, or have missed Uncle Ted's point. While he clearly states that, right wing people indeed support the industrial society, as Ted writes:
> The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.
For him, the problem with right-wingers is that they don't see or address the issue of technology, but instead, secretly support it (technology) by focusing on traditional values.
HOWEVER, he is by no means a leftist either (in his definition of leftism). What he calls leftists are the oversocialised types that fight for human or other political rights and injustices: social, gender, psychological , economical, and so on... Not that he's against any of these groups or people who belong to these groups, he sees the problem with people who will politicise everything on a basis of one (out of many) oppressed groups, and NOT address, what Ted sees, the REAL issue: Technology. This is also why Ted is more hostile towards leftists than with right-wingers, because, he says, they will talk as if they are revolutionary rebels, while they love the technological system and will do everything to keep it, they fight for these human and social values so that more people get accepted into the system. However, according to Ted, the issues themselves cannot be ultimately fixed or solved, because they stem from the system and are produced by the system.
Example that proves that this is not a political issue, as leftists would have it (your post):
> Industrial society is western civilization by default because whites...
Look at: China, India, Japan, Brazil and co.
Guy is a retard. Rapid tech changes take place in developing nations too, but they still keep their traditional and conservative culture for the most part. See any Muslim country.
Garbage? Lolwut? They're literally the best and most parts.
>All these garbage paragraphs on what he believes leftists to be
Appearently a ruse
It's clear to see which anons either have poor reading comprehension or are purposefully ignorant. I won't explain your fault, re-read the book if you want to know the mistake you made. If not, you will continue repeating incorrect things and it will be obvious to everybody who has actually read the book that you don't know what you're talking about.
The key to understanding Ted is that his logic is purely objective. He analyzes things in a very methodical but dry way. If you're too foolish to see how he's right then just don't bother reading any further.
Ted said somewhere that the leftist talk was a ruse to not attract the wrong people. It is either stated by him in his book Anti-Tech Why and How or though an corrospodent. I will see if I can find it.
That might be true, but it doesn't make what I said to be incorrect. Re-read the book.
He's a burger, ofc he doesn't know any real Left.
Name a single Muslim country that isn't in the middle of an identity crisis. The whole of the middle east is in fire, and Indonesia has death squads killing deviants.
The manifesto reads like the result of being force-fed LSD for weeks.
>Haven't gotten to the meat of it yet
why are there so many anti-technology, anti-degeneracy people on Yea Forums lmao
stop using the internet and go larp as a deer or something
I WISH I had the power to live in the outdoors but the corrupt government stops me from doing so, so I have to rant about technology from my home. There is a bloody revolution coming as soon as they let me leave my house.
he is analyzing their psychology, not their arguments. yeah they probably have legit criticisms of America, but why are they so drawn to uncover them? why are they so emotionally invested in defending outsiders and tearing down obviously good things?
t. weak and insecure leftist
Pretty sure he doesn’t say that in Anti-Tech Revolution, all he says is that it’s important to keep the wrong sorts out of your movement. He never explicitly claims that’s what he was doing in ISAIF (but it’s not a big leap).
>All these garbage paragraphs on what he believes leftists to be
why do you think Yea Forums shills this so hard?
this is completely false. look all over the world, asia, africa, south america, technological progress removes all meaningful traditional cultural differences and replaces it with a culture that is conducive to technological growth--a unified global technological culture. It's been robbing (and will continue to rob) traditional cultures of their real qualities and differences while at the same time maintaining or allowing only the most superficial differences. You see this all over the world, and as technology continues to advance, it will only further homogenize the world.
>leftist talk was a ruse to not attract the wrong people
this is not clear to me. can you clarify what your are saying here?
Stop pretending you’re not trash. It’s not m right wingers who want anarchy. The left pushes immigration which is a universally abhorred value to everyone but the rich. You can’t ever actually argue, you have to keep this discussion in this metaphysical plain of identities without ever daring to descend into actual debate. The right by contrast is begging to talk about actual issues in practically every post, which you must deftly ignore.
please show me an example of a "garbage" paragraph and why you think it is.
He didn't want his movement to be infiltrated by what is now called social justice warriors. But since I can't find the source for it you might as well forget this.
I will look one time again at the Amazon reviews, if it is not there it could be on theanarchistlibrary. I'll look there too.
dude the whole thing is like 30 pages and you needed to stop and make a thread midway through.
Not even a little bit no
If everybody hates immigration then why do they immigrate? You're crazy. I fucking love leaving places.
t. immigrant
One of the best works on anarcho primitivism, but that doesn’t make the ideology any good. So worth reading, but not worth following.
He's explicit about the term 'leftist' not being the right one, but he picked it for pragmatical reasons. You're some buttblasted idealist if it stops you from reading further.
BY THE WAY - IN EVERY OTHER LANGUAGE - LEFTIST HAS BEEN TRANSLATED TO PROGRESSIST. As much as TK is a genius, he's still american therefore completely misguided and dumb when it comes to politics and correct political nomenclature.
Luddite dude
lol, I guess we're fine then.
TK is explictly against "anarcho-primitivsm", whatever that means and entails. He's completely against any type of ideology, ideals, fantasy, romanticization. He wrote an entire book about it ffs.
OP here and updating :
It hasn't made me stop reading, i almost finished the manifesto and plan on reading more continuing with "the system's neatest tricks" and "anti-tech revolution: why and how" i only started the thread to know if he went deeper into these critiques of leftists which i found really bad in general anywhere else
Well formulated and thought answer as rarely are seen on Yea Forums. Well done
Anti-Tech is his best work, by far. The manifesto feels extremely weak and lacking once you've read anti-tech.
While I'm not going to disagree that his book "Anti-Tech Revolution" is a far more impressive work--intellectually speaking. I think it's wrong to say one is BETTER than the other. "Industrial Society and Its Future" was always meant to be a brief and concise introduction to the anti-technology and pro-wilderness position. "Anti-Tech Revolution" is meant for people who want to understand the theory on a much deeper level.
Also, I think the book "Technological Slavery" is also extraordinary and on the same level as "Anti-Tech Revolution," though it also is geared toward a more novice reader.
You have to understand, that for Kaczynski, writing and thinking is not some kind of game, or part of a career, or a simply ideas and knowledge for ideas and knowledge's sake.
Kaczynski writes from a specifically PURPOSEFUL reason: namely, all of his work is directed toward aiding in and guiding the formation of an effective anti-tech revolutionary movement. To that end, there are very specific, strategic reasons why he seeks to keep leftists away. But by no means does he hold leftism in a particular kind of contempt (he holds rightists with similar contempt), it's just that he does not foresee the same degree of danger to an anti-tech revolutionary movement from the right as the left.
Just read Ellul
is anti-tech revolution different collection of writings than technological slavery?
it's probably the best primitivist primer out there. primitivism is cringe and stupid however.
Yeah a fair bit of the start comes off as an obnoxious diss-track. He doubts the sincerity of protesters as if as if he could know, as though the problem of other minds didn't exist. But, what he says about stuff like affirmative action in that section, is true. It claims to warrant privilege to minorities when it in fact warrants whiteness to them. And this is the issue with the center left: they (unwittingly, imo) want to build us all up into equally-powerful "white males" with a fence and a dog and an office job and so on, without recognizing that this isn't an ideal existance either. It's the commonality between the american right and left: they put that life on a pedestal.
>a dozen people read you as saying X
>but I meant Y
>the problem is y'alls reading comprehension
Emigration is not immigration
Random pic
You can't be white and hate technology. You must be no white