Yea Forums - Dating and Relationships; Incels and Trannies; Frogposters and Wojaks

>Yea Forums - Dating and Relationships; Incels and Trannies; Frogposters and Wojaks.
How could we let Yea Forums sink down to such a pathetic level? Yea Forums is dead and we killed it, it's our fault.

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If you read Spengler you would understand that Yea Forums is also no exception to the organic life cycle that all things share. The decline was inevitable, the soul well of /lit has run dry and we are in the late winter stages of it now. All you can do is accept it just as you accept your death as a natural part of life

Lefties did more damage to this website and it’s boards than anything else ever. You are the worst people.

The percentage of virgins is higher than on any other board

And what of rebirth?

Incels are literally 30% of men, you’re one of the most intolerant people of all time if you hate them.

Maybe because it's summer in the northern hemisphere? Too many dumb and unoriginal undergrads posting right now.

How Ladies cry out, “my beef is so clean”
Conjuring thoughts of rose petals agleam
Like the crease on cake at knife’s first slice
A discernible fissure hiding her spice
But woe to the saps tonguing girls’ crevasse
Eating diseases while their dates sext “Yaas!”
Rashes, lesions burn men’s faces quite bright
Medicines laid low by her microbes’ might
Abstaining from whores appears absurd lore
Inviting teases: virgin, cuck or bore
All the while marches Papilloma
Sickening box eaters to basal coma
The next tumescent dongs wave as thick fronds
Colors of sable, sand-dollar and bronze
Harpies shrieking to punish their flowers
Stabbing, drubbing by dick-smithy powers
Toning their snatches with trendy pineapple
Dogs and Juggalos, inside her they dabble
Stirring satyrs and thugs to coitally joust
Paired pistoning peens spraying ‘till so dowsed
Parading creampies to afront authority
Beefed-out snizzes unite in sorority
Their only guide a dick’s golden Magnum
And trilling fizzy queefs their slut’s anthem
Asserting a right for deep-dicked girl guts
Demanding diverse penetrative ruts

And it's only growing higher because modern female standards for men are continuing to rise

lol another seething commie

If we had any moderators whatsoever there would be no problem. There are so many obvious rule-breaking posts that take 12+ hours to get removed.

>Sickening box eaters to basal coma


Can't some shut in high-conscientousness incel here get on that ?

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absolutely based


improve yourself and then have sex

women are 51% of all people you dumb retard

That's coming once the zoomers read more books and the oldfags fuck off

ironically you're contributing to the trash with this very thread

Mods are sjws that hate tbe /r9k/ so it's an unmodded wildfire that includes the incel reddit exodus. Also most boards and chans are dead so 8 channers.

t. /b2/ robot tier user

>lefty complaining about problems they caused
Before you fucking crusaded in the name of political correctness there was no problems. People had obscure forums and subreddits, board cultures weren’t attacked and anons could safely filter between board experiences but now everyone has to hide on still “good” boards like white flight refugees. You couldn’t handle the worn down building full of rats and now the town is full of rats.

Just fuck off, go away and never return you fucktarded intolerant mental cripple lefties

These threads are no better than a million stoner threads, what can I expect from moby dick threads, dfw shitposting, the forced nabokov meme, etc
Yea Forums was always at this level but thanks to your two digits IQ you thought the shitposting you first saw was actual literary discussion. The trend moved away from those memes and you think this place has gone to shit. It hasn't, really. It's just different shitposting.

The speed of the board is not slow. You're invaded.

It's nearly impossible to become a mod on this fucking site, since they're all friends and don't let anyone into their club. I've been to the IRC, I've seen evidence of this.

They're normalfaggot sjw's due to the lack of transparency among themselves and probably think of Yea Forums as a comedic madhouse to be spat on whenever they feel down that day.

If I posted an image of one of them you'd instantly understand that zero mods would be better. As it is actual channers are just jannies with no power.

There was this deleted picture on the /r9k/ about how a bandana wearing moderator discussed having shadow bans and such. Can't find it but he looked like an obnoxious extrovert if real.

You probably have to go to a Yea Forums meetup irl and stay in contact. Even jannies are forced to stay in contact with one another.

Any autistic janny will be legit reading most of the day. That's a lost cause. Alternatively it's gonna be that thpe of faggot you don't even want on the site.

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make me

I'd rather have on topic shitposting than off topic shitposting

then keep hating and coping my man


I dont see why the fart huffing retards have a problem keeping their shitposts to their respective containment boards, and why they are unable to see their own flaws in their argument that they must post it here.
>WHAT!? You want me to keep my purely political shitposts in /pol/!? B-b-but people make moby dick shitposts! W-why can't I shitpost about Communism and Donald Trump if they can post about Moby Dick!?
Repeat the above greentext with Yea Forums posters, /r9k/ posters, blogposters, Christian LARPers any other migrants who fail to even pretend to make literature related posts and you have identified all of the problems of Yea Forums.