Is there anything more arrogant than comitting suicide?

Is there anything more arrogant than comitting suicide?

>Suicide evokes revulsion with horror, because everything in nature seeks to preserve itself: a damaged tree, a living body, an animal; and in man, then, is freedom, which is the highest degree of life, and constitutes the worth of it, to become now a principium for self-destruction? This is the most horrifying thing imaginable. For anyone who has already got so far as to be master, at any time, over his own life, is also master over the life of anyone else; for him, the door stands open to every crime, and before he can be seized he is ready to spirit himself away out of the world. So suicide evokes horror, in that a man thereby puts himself below the beasts. We regard a suicide as a carcase, whereas we feel pity for one who meets his end through fate.
Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Ethics, trans. Peter Heath, Cambridge University Press, 1997, Part II, p. 146

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Take the Mainlander pill and fuck outta here with your normie sensibilities.

I love how the always-already wrong Chesterton tacitly acknowledges the escape of suicide here, without bothering to layer his religion on top of it.

There is always this disconnect between the religionist, and the brute fact of life. They /sense/ death when they are confronted with it.


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No need to kill yourself when you're already dead.

I tried narrating a poem guys, how did i do?

I would just use that as an opportunity to ask for some money or connections to literary agents. Anyways, OP, since you are so much against suicide, could you give me a referral to a literary agent? Thanks.

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There is nothing niave about wanting your fellow man to enjoy the time the lord gave him.

What about the hermit

>Oh no, how can you imply that world created by YHWH may suck and deserving of destruction?
Seething christfag.

>suicide = killing everyone
If only...

Looking down on suicides is typical of christian morality, always getting most things wrong.

Suicide solves everything._.For me.

So suicides are actually people who are too much of a coward to face their fears?

I like How atheists can't even read the name Chesterton without seething and devolvono to an animal like state of "consciousness" (If We are to be generous enought to call it that) in which they can only argue by ad hominem.

This But unironicaly and my ideas aren't native they are factual. I'll gladly save You from your latest suicide attempt and condemn You to a live as a vegetal. I'll Even pay for the nano-treatments in the future so as to extend your """Life""" as long as feasibly possible. You're expected to Thank me.

I think you have devolvono to an animal like state of "consciousness" yourself

>altruism in attempt to be worshipped like christ
This is so beginner, just read one fucking book.

"Oooh he made a typo I dont have to Listen to him!"
Helicopter rides ARE too merciful.
Don't want to be worshipped, want to be thanked by the person I will humiliate the most. If anything I'm satanic.


A guy who's being translated on reddit, the messiah of social democracy.
His works will not be translated however because the long mode trine is on it.

This sentiment is like the opposite of normie these days

>suicide is arrogant
interesting take OP
also nice quads

>the man who kills a man kills a man

why don't you just pay me right now so i don't have to suicide

>everything in nature seeks to preserve itself

wrong. ducks, dogs and octopus commit suicide all the time.

Suicide is an ultimate representation of weakness and mental illness.

You can kill yourself if you want. Funny how most of the people who promote suicide aren't willing to commit suicide. Life has suffering and suicide is the pussy's way out.

So mentally ill/cowardly individuals kill themselves. Got it. This analogy is weak and doesn't accurately represent the circumstances of most that commit suicide (there's no other choice; there's only suicide or fire). What frivolous bullshit

Fellow man never enjoys the time the Lord gave him because he is weak and worldly. He doesn't want to believe in God so he can become part of the "enlightened" and "intelligent" atheist minority (anything less would be an affront to their pride). They don't want to find a way out of their suffering because their suffering is not unendurable. So they wallow in their suffering and filth and glorify it (and go to Yea Forums to glorify nihilists, atheists, anti-natalists and the like). Those that really suffer either go to otherworldly treatments (God/spirituality) or worldly treatments (alcohol/drugs).

>you can destroy the world because your flawed and unhealthy judgement tells you the world is bad because your life is miserable and pathetic and you'd rather whinge and complain than heal yourself

People who won't commit suicide always glorify suicide. Christians look down on it because it's a one-way ticket to Hell and does ultimately nothing; it's a selfish act. I don't understand Yea Forums's infatuation with suicide.

The more I read the posts of atheists on this board the more I start to think they may actually be related to primates. Can you do anything other than throw feces?

Animals do not commit suicide, that's just a human projection. It's like a boomer grandma saying that "her dog is giving you kisses" or that "her dog is crying." If you would look into these "suicides" you will see they are not what you think they are.

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depressive animals will absolutely commit suicide, or are you saying that it's not really suicide, but an evolutionary adaptation?

If that's your argument, couldn't you say the same about human suicide?

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Depends on whether or not suicide increases the fitness of humans (ability to pass on genes).

>Animals do it too so it's fine

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He never said it's fine, you lying rat

Straw manning faggot, I'll find you and kill you.

I hate GK Chesterton, that stupid bloated paradox-monger

no lol, grow up

people who say shit like this have never been in a truly dire situation

It's not strawmanning it's based on what I've seen in my life. Nothing is made up, and crying "strawman" is a pussy's way of saving face when something hit too close to the mark for comfort.
>muh strawman


> coward to face their fears?
Thats on the same level as the advice "just be yourself" and shows a lack of understanding and empathy. Is that really what you would say and think if a family member wanted to kill themselves? Then there is something wrong with you

People that say stuff like this are odd to me. I think they have never truly been in a depression situation and so they cannot understand or empathise. I do not think they are fully developed emotionally

Except I'm not enjoying it in the slightest, retard.

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I'm not passing a moral judgement of whether it's good or bad. Kant's whole premise is that there's something unnatural about suicide, but if it's not, can we still say something about the moral character of a suicidal person?

Based on real life faggots like you have never worked a day in your life

>Is there a bigger display of unfounded presumed power than committing suicide

Yeah, almost anything. Suicide is a show of weakness, not power (even if presumed unlawfully).

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This made me laugh, just thinking of a suicide pact between a duck a dog and an octopus. Maybe that's what my novel should be about.

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>BTFO'd by stoics 2000 years ago

I'd read it. What was the music for tho?

Go ahead and kill yourself right now.

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Only one thing you truly posses at all times is your own life. Is there anything more arrogant than telling people what they should and shouldn't do with it?

>Only one thing you truly posses at all times is your own life


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I think Plato said something like that, at leas that most suicides are like that.


Fine and dandy if you are willing to accept you weren't given life by God but merely lent one.

There are few things less arrogant than christians
>muh contradiction wiyh fundamental christian beliefs
Yes welcome to hypocrisy. Nietzsche wrote that the only true christian who ever lived died on the cross, and he was right.

>Is there anything more arrogant than comitting suicide?
From an outside perspective, you can make that assessment and see nothing contradictory. However, suicidal people are most often plagued by torment that is incomprehensible, or has no counterbalance in their lives, so they will -with equal validity- see that those who demand they won't depart as obnoxious, lucky and/or selfish.

Usually people who do approach suicide end up having spiritual epiphanies, as they near the point where they are prepared to surrender everything. I had one. Nothing but soothing warmth, healing songs beyond imagining. Had I opened my eyes I was certain I would have died in a sense, in a more total sense, in a sense that I would have lost everything negative about me. All my tragedy, all my shortcomings, it would have all been forgiven and forgotten.
I was too attached to open my eyes. I was too afraid of that sort of death.

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If suicide is the result of reasoned rational choice as a response to circumstances and any attempt to prevent it is immoral. Suicide when dying of an incurable and painful disease or when trapped in a burning building is perfectly rational.

Industrializing cringe may help you avoid your duty to confront unlikable facts.

>reasoned rational choice
Why would the emotional choice be wrong? Reason always follows habit and desires. Always. Reason has no say in which goals are worth anything, it merely states how to accomplish them or which one is difficult.

>is also master over the life of anyone else; for him, the door stands open to every crime

This is absurd and unfounded. A man can value having control over his own life whole recognizing that right stops with him.

>What betrays Good completely is the giving over of all human sovereignty, of human nature, its attempting to wander eternally within realms beyond the earth. Total refusal of nihilism and a moral will opposed to the body only ensures that the revelation of return, the end of the endless mysteries, brings an end to the sovereignty of man. His soul will be destroyed by the return to the wretched body. There can be no resistance to nihilism at this point, it is the harrowing of heaven, the expulsion of all that was undeserving. Christianity creates its own ruin in its betrayal of all laws of heavenly and human dominion, in its inversion of the laws of religion. Suicide becomes natural law when the heavenly spirit is apprehended by the wretched body.

>To bury the bodies apart would be to deny that there are no longer any natural deaths. And given the ugliness of the modern graveyard, all places unworthy of death, one would be giving sacred rites to those who commit suicide while denying them to those who wait until the eleventh-hour. There is a subtle recognition of this 'giving oneself over' in Chesterton's refusal of generosity and love before the suicide victim. He is advocating for crime and further despoilment of creation rather than an act of Good. For when there is no longer a sovereign authority to hold us to our oath then we must take the hemlock ourselves. Just as every beggar is Odysseus, every suicide is Socrates.

>Before the suicide victim we must imagine a betrayer, a denouncer, a traitor - and yet we must also imagine a man's humility in recognising his failure within the war against hidden forces, unknown evils. We must imagine that somewhere along his path in life he recognised that his spirit was beyond him, beyond the horizon, too far to reach within this world. For today we live in opposition to creation, a world digging itself into the underworld. How then can suicide be a sin if it is merely a continuation of being? One should consider that the suicidal man has been driven into misanthropy, he did not want it, the world tried to devour him. And with no Antigone left to care for the body, even as a hope or dream, he had to prepare his own burial rites.

They are good ideas, but there are those who are totally disconnected from them, and drag others down with them. If you've never felt sanctity, how can you defile something?

This, honestly

Life is pure garbage, unless you're lucky. Your life is no more meaningful than a bug's. There is no reason to exist if you don't want to.

this is just your elite capitalist malthusian outlook, get bent you international cockroach

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>For anyone who has already got so far as to be master, at any time, over his own life, is also master over the life of anyone else; for him, the door stands open to every crime, and before he can be seized he is ready to spirit himself away out of the world.
This is something in Kant’s logic that I don’t understand. If the sin of suicide is the negation of man’s unique gift of will, the gift which belongs to no other animal, then isn’t the act of suicide the ultimate conclusion of will? To act against life and against self-preservation itself, to negate existence rather than to strive for it, isn’t that the absolute violation of animal self-preservation and communalism and the absolute fruition of individuated will? What am I missing or misreading?

u gotta be a special kind of dim to think he meant that as a suggestion to be said to suicidal peoples faces.

>sanctity of life
But suicide can be a positive act done out of reverence for life: saying "no" when one can no longer say "yes" as Nietzsche wrote.
>The man who does away with himself performs the most estimable of deeds
>Thus should one learn to die; and there should be no festival at which such a dying one doth not consecrate the oaths of the living!
>My death, praise I unto you, the voluntary death, which cometh unto me because I want it.

How else would I know real life stuff if not through working with other people? Also I do work but it's none of your business

"Tips miter"

This. Better to die with dignity than spend 20 years alone in a nursing home being abused by Tanesha

Based quads and correct. I feel as if most of the flowery and heroic explanations of suicide (often accompanied by the name-dropping of Greek characters) is just a sugar-coating of what really is just an ultimate manifestation of pride and mental illness. To commit suicide, you must be mentally ill. Explain away but this fact remains.

We need euthanasia centers for people to go kill themselves at

>the man who kills himself kills all men

if only it were that simple

there is a reason why almost every state on earth and in history denounces euthanasia and suicide. If people had access to an easy form of suicide we would see masses of our population kill themselves in the same fashion the masses consume media or fast food.

Bugs .. easy on the carrots haha

You're not enjoying it NOW. Things change, user, and things worth having don't come easy.

What's your point dude?

>Is there anything more arrogant than comitting suicide?
Downplaying the gravity of suicide, as you are.

One can argue(and psychologists often do) that suicide is a form or selfishness or at the very least a fixated self conscioudness tetering on self obsession. It seems contradictory but the person who commits suicide is so fixated on their feelings of sadness and hopelessness that they can't imagine a moment where they could be happy or that there might be other people who are happy they are alive. Living seems worse than death, only because it seems unbearable, cause let's face it, what do the living really know if death? They're still living.
It's a action driven by the need to escape a disease state(depression) that is so profoundly terrible. If you remove them from the state, you remove the need for suicide. So no, suicide should not be allowed and it's not an individual "right." It's not okay.
They need our help to lift themselves h
up, not our judgement or permission to let themselves go.

>bait garners nine replies
in case you wanted to take Yea Forums seriously

Thinking that Christians should not commit suicide.

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Depression is not curable numbnuts.
Killing yourself is selfish but forcing a person to chronic suffering and pain because of your beliefs isn't?

Agree. It is moral tyranny, and the hubris of thinking that God would kneel before them causes them to act like male succubuses. It's a perverse worldview, and an even worse religion.

If only this is what the average person thought. Instead, there are those who intentionally make your life harder and those who only mind their own business and never provide help for a fallen man. It's extremely rare that I've met a truly kind or generous person, and even then their power is limited.

Would you like a little bit of pestilence with your torture?

It can be curable sometimes but other times it can be managed.
The person shouldn't have to feel that way most of the time and death shouldn't be the only way to escape it and frankly it isn't.
I did not bring religion into this so i hope thats not what you mean by "beliefs."
Suicide is only an attempt to end a(chronic) unpleasant state of feeling, not a life.
They don't want life to end, they just want the intense suffering to end. Suffering can be lightened at least, if not mostly aleviated. Saying death is the only way out shows you dont understand depression and is negligent.

It’s about a female character in a fucking fiction book, you incel


Depression is psychiatry babble. Being sad is not suffering. Having parkinsons is

there isn't an objective answer

You're not a Christian. You're an atomised, soulless computerised automaton. Christianity is nothing for you but something with which to season your petty little online spats. You are a cumbrain. You have no authentic religious feeling. You don't care about God. You don't care about man. You're simply not touched. Grace gives you a wide berth. Read your own posts. Do you seem like a religious person? No. You talk like one of the damned. You have an acid-tongue, used only for destruction. Your spirit is entirely corrosive. God won't even need to spit thee out, you were never in Him.

I cant find a problem with that notion

No joke, I honestly hope you die.


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This is a stable and well-adjusted human being, folks

Oh no, they don't sodomize eachother constantly - what a life devoid of enjoyment.

What do you do when nothing the real world has to offer is of any value to you? Where do you turn? Suicide is a way out when you're not able to both meet society's expectations while also having a fulfilling life.

Well put, this is the thought process of an AIDS-ridden faggot who blames God for his dad raping him

Sou you think saving yourself unnecessary agony is a sign of mental illness?

animals kill themselves too when conditions become intolerable, usually when they're housed in our insane situations for them that treat them like shit. Maybe you can see the parallel to human suicide in civilization.

I would never judge a person that decided to commit suicide, you have no idea how much they must have suffered to actually take that plunge, that every last one of our instincts rebels against.

Any God that would deny us that is not a God i would follow.


It is a profound argument against the so-called sanctity of life that life does not seem to hold even itself sacred. Kant in the OP speaks about nature's tendency to preserve itself but this is in fact a kind of illusion - nature after all is not the trees, animals, or even men, but is all of reality. Nature is uncaring and indifferent. It is actually not even real, the idea of "nature" is just a construct invented by men and thrown over the material in an attempt to deify it, which is really just a covert attempt man makes at deifying himself. He hopes that by deifying Nature he may himself be deified either as its child or as its master, according to his inner nature.
If we look at "nature" with honest eyes we see no such thing as sanctity of life. Instead we see a system which is predicated on death, for the only universal law of nature is that all things must die - all plants, all animals, all men, and even the stars, a notion which no doubt would have been horrifying to ancient man. Nature tends itself not towards preservation but towards destruction - destruction is its ultimate end.
Any real life that can exist must be immaterial - it must exist out there, "away out of the world". Whether or not life exists is therefore impossible to know.

There is nothing grave in suicide. It is a joke, a parody. Suicide is a mockery of life.
It can even be a good joke at that. I would be more inclined to agree with someone killing themselves for the lulz. The depression talk and muh suffering with its undertones of miserabilism is not a serious reason to suicide. Boredom might be if anything.

>Is there anything more arrogant than comitting suicide?

Humanity commiting suicide

Thats considered a sin too

Why do you think only atheists kill themselves?

good post friend

>Just as in a drama, by shortening the time and condensing the events, one is enabled to see the content of many years in the course of a few hours, so also one wants to arrange oneself dramatically within temporality. God’s plan for existence is rejected, so that temporality is entirely development, complication-eternity the denouement. Everything is arranged within temporality, a score of years devoted to development, then ten years, and then the denouement follow. Undeniably death is also a denouement, and then it is over, one is buried-yet not before the denouement of decomposition has begun. But anyone who refuses to understand that the whole of one’s life should be the time of hope is veritably in despair, no matter, absolutely no matter, whether he is conscious of it or not, whether he counts himself fortunate in his presumed well-being or wears himself out in tedium and trouble. Anyone who gives up the possibility that his existence could be forfeited in the next moment-provided he does not give up this possibility because he hopes for the possibility of the good, anyone who lives without possibility is in despair. He breaks with the eternal and arbitrarily puts an end to possibility; without the consent of eternity, he ends where the end is not, instead of, like someone who is taking dictation, continually having his pen poised for what comes next, so that he does not presume meaninglessly to place a period before the meaning is complete or rebelliously to throw away his pen.
Soren Kierkegaard Works of Love, 1847, Hong 1995 p. 251-252

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Nah dude. It's all about that equilibrium where you are too afraid of life and too afraid of death to really engage with anything and watch everything slip away into a disaster of your own making.

we cant have the slave population simply killing themselves now can we? the masters might actually have to do some of the grunt work themselves.

>Is there anything more arrogant than comitting suicide?
choosing to not have kids

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>People who won't commit suicide always glorify suicide.
Hi presumptuous christard. I did attempt suicide. Fuck you.
>Christians look down on it because it's a one-way ticket to Hell
Monotheists look down on christianity because it's a one-way ticket to Hell.

and that's a good thing.

Quite arrogant.