What are some books not written by kafka, but that can accurately be described as kafkaesque?

What are some books not written by kafka, but that can accurately be described as kafkaesque?

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Works that have pseudo Kafka atmosphere. Lovecraft, W.S. Boroughs, PKD. The dystopian, existentialist, absurdist despair of modern life with a hint of surrealism and humor

Londonfrog’s collected works

The Stranger by Albert Camus. It's almost Kafka fan fiction.

Lovecraft and Borges

The Blind Owl

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Butts can be buxom too?

satantango by krasznahorkai

George Saunders

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Hehehe I would sure bury my nose up her butthole if you catch my drift

i don't think so, i fucked up


what the fucking fuck

user sees the same hints of it too His own style overwhelms it of course.

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Glad I'm not the only one who god Kafka vibes
>miserable alcoholic trudges through the muck so he can sulk in an abandoned building
>turns out he can't because some child prostitutes are already sulking there


it borders on lynchian, but I would definitely describe it as kafkaesque with slight shades of kubrick

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The Fifth Head of Cerberus

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Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz. His whole gist is vivid, dense personifications of inanimate objects in complex, unknowable realities.


The Unconsoled

top tier bait

That's a weird take on it.

Bend Sinister

Where has that finger she's smelling been? Answer that first Kafka faggot

Thomas Ligotti is really good. Also agree on Bernhard and Schulz.

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Callipygian courtesan?