Completely BTFOs tedfags and christcucks

>completely BTFOs tedfags and christcucks

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Capital is imperfectly sentient, and so perfectly human.

is this real??

the christcuck screeches, unable to muster a response due to his inferior intellect
truly B & R

>Pinker was born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1954, to a middle-class Jewish family.

Guaranteed that no one here can disprove a single one of his points

>the christcuck screeches, unable to muster a response due to his inferior intellect

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More like no one here cares enough to waste their time with the drivel he spews.


Pinker's future is more scary than Land's one. Imagine a clean, shiny, white room which floor is so clean it you can eat from it, but just behind the wall are slaves working 24/7; Dropping dead and screaming every minute, but no one hears them because the walls are sound proof. Only a robotic monotone voice echoes through the room: "Human progress truly knows no bounds."

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He's based. Hardly anyone here actually values data and prefers to jerk off to the Greeks instead.

How is it drivel?

It's pure science and fact.

and jerking off to a jew is better?

Stephen pinker is a moron, he would rather stifle creative thought along the lines of what can we do, what is humanity capable of.

He would rather stick to his non-disclosure agreement and prevent the advancement of science, rely on his pseudo philosophical impressions of the world and not accept that we are purely biological in nature.

For fucks sake, the man can't help his heritage. He's a reputable scientist. Not everything is a conspiracy.

that made me kind of hard

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lol "BTFO" of Ted Kaczynski. Right... Pinker can't hold a candle to Kaczynski's intellect, accomplishments, or contributions to knowledge and understanding.


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>prevent the advancement of science
His latest book is literally about the importance of scientific progress
>not accept that we are purely biological in nature
The blank slate is all about how much influence our biological nature has over us. You clearly haven't read his work at all and just want to sound smart by criticising something.

Don't forget his KDR.

lol. even without that.

I hate this guy and his whole class. I allow myself to hate truly one or two people. This is the one I hate today. This fucking dude. This transhuman piece of shit.

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Is this bait
>Kaczynski's intellect, accomplishments, or contributions to knowledge and understanding.
>dude lmao just become a hunter gatherer lmao youre too socialised bro

Lol. A luddite terrorist passes for an intellectual here. It's so sad.

seething tedfag. Kaczynski accomplished nothing but getting himself sent to prison. far more people, including people with power, have been influenced by pinker's ideas.
no idea what this is referencing
imagine having your limbs tied to a wheel and being broken with a sledgehammer, and then having your guts ripped out and burned in front of you.
or imagine being sacrificed to the gods by aztecs who set you on fire and rip out your heart.
an incel like you should take a safe white room anyday.


>A luddite terrorist
If that's your only conception, then your ignorance is really showing, and your naïveté.

The youngest mathematics professor in UC Berkeley's history, the author of mathematical proofs that astounded his peers. The author of volumes and volumes of groundbreaking social theory and philosophy.
"Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How is Kaczynski’s well-reasoned, cohesive composition about how revolutionary groups should approach our mercurial future….. I recommend that you read this compelling perspective on how we can frame our struggles in a technological society."
-- The Tech, MIT's oldest and largest newspaper

“Kaczynski understands what those of us more fully participating in the technological system are unable to fully appreciate: that technological society is beyond rational human control and will result in cataclysmic harm. What he presents is a sound moral argument with what should be eye-opening historical social illustrations that are, together, too numerous to refute.”

—Jai Galliott, Ph.D. School of Engineering and Information Technology, UNSW Canberra

There's a difference. Land projects a future. He reads where the money is going and crunch numbers to see where are the elites heading to. Plinker wants and promotes between aristocrats and Oligarchies of first and third world his own model. He wants that shit, Land just says "In this part you have to hide and avoid making noise".

>Lol. A luddite terrorist passes for an intellectual here. It's so sad.

i just come here for book recommendations. everything else is CHUDs looking for mental entertainment.


Ted is already forgotten while Pinker is part of the most important movement of our time.

>far more people, including people with power, have been influenced by pinker's ideas.

the kind of people that don't matter (and even that you want to alienate) if what you seek is a revolution against the technological system.

He ironically enough prevents the scientific process he himself wishes to see in the world

You misunderstand blank state was a criticism of the fact that we cannot know everything about ourselves because the biological mechanisms that determine who we are cannot fully be explored. He argues for a philosophical groundpoint that effectively counter argues for deep genetic knowledge that could improve mankind. His argument was whether we are born with knowledge or whether we acquire it as a result of growing up and if we can achieve a so called blank slate where we start all over again or if genetic determinism which he argues against plays a large role. Stephen Pinker suppresses all thought on the matter when there is much more to be discussed.

He was literally a luddite and a terrorist by definition. The only thing that's ignorant here is you. I'm well aware aware he was a gifted mathematician but he was also a terrible philosopher who took his half-baked theories far too seriously, isolated himself, and commited acts of terror that cost people their lives. There are things to be concerned about regarding technology, sure, but that doesn't excuse his ignorance or inhumanity.

This. Pinker is the true acceleratonist.

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OP btfo

No. Not even remotely. I'd like to see you actually discuss that fag instead of shitposting. You can't, because you're a brainlet.

>He ironically enough prevents the scientific process he himself wishes to see in the world
Provide arguments instead of making retarded assertions

Pinker was seated next to him and someone took the photo. He didn't even like the guy. Look it up.

The data points to likely ecological collapse in the coming century, among other plausible existential threats to civilization. Domesticated urbanite dweebs won't fare particularly well in the ensuing barbarism.

I will unironically offer you 100 000 euros if you agree to fight with me in a cage while livestreamed, to the death.
Just give me a time and location 100% serious I will kill you your lifr will end there

Time: November 2nd 2019, 3 p.m.
Location: Mexico City Arena, Mexico City, Mexico.
Deal or are you a pussy?

saved, thanks user

I'm not a tedfag and even I know he isn't an anprim. Stupid fucking meme nigger

Holy based, are you that guy from that animal rights thread little while back who vowed to strangle progdrones like the one you're replying to? Keep on keeping on

Aight let me check ryanair first

he's not an anprim but he does desire a return to hunter gatherer societies. at least that's the logical endgame of his reasoning.

1) Wrong. He's one of the world's foremost philosophers.

2) The people he killed were not "innocent" and he was not "inhumane" to do so. Promoters of tech and progress are some of the worst criminals who have ever lived. Neither Hitler nor Stalin could ever dream of the horrors that technological progress itself will unleash.

3) You're what's know as a "normie" or, if you prefer: "normiefag"


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>hates on Nietzsche

how do i become a transhumanist with morality involved? when Nietzsche said "man is something to be overcome" he meant moralism altogether. that's what holding back humanity to make the next step.

post the picture of pinker eating dinner with Epstein.

Oh, OK that answers all our questions, Steven. What a coincidence!

I learned quite a bit from The Blank Slate. He is absolutely and unequivocally right in that book.

how is this allowed?

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I don't think ANYONE fairs well in that scenario, dweeb

>I don't think
we can tell

came here to post this fpbp /thread

This man has had sex with dozens if not HUNDREDS of lolis

Neoliberal jester, will caper even as we run aground

A dweeb and a pedant, what cruelty

>implying morality hasn't always been the necessary path forward in mans evolution.

This i

Jesus Christ, left-wing people genuinely deserve extinction.

>He didn't even like the guy. Look it up.
Must've had some differences regarding kids, just like Trump

chapocels gtfo, no one wants your ilk here

t. data cuck

Goodnight, Federales

>The data points to likely ecological collapse in the coming century
No they dont. Not the actual data at the very least.

So what's all the hubbub about the sixth mass extinction event?

Jews first. Otherwise I'm going to have to think this is a con.

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>Ecological collapse
That's called 'low average iq'. The demographic or economic change that's happening will also cause a social collapse, akin to Yugoslavia.
I hope no jew survives.

Can you read a sentence? Like how did you get left-wing anything from that you mongoloid.

Jewish lies to make You feel small in your pants and make You buy beverages made from a certain oriental plant instead of milk.

It's the definition of modern left wing, pseudoscientific jargon to force degeneracy upon people.

You're genuinely schizophrenic.

I see your desire to resort to violence to "resolve" this dispute as strong evidence of a complete lack of intellect. We resolve our differences through reasoned arguments in the modern world. I'm sorry this isn't in keeping with your neanderthal DNA, the world must be a frustrating place for you considering you feel the need to reduce a reasonable discussion to the level of a primitive dominance dispute.

>one of the world's foremost philosophers
Low quality bait. I know for a fact that no one can be this criminally retarded.

>You're what's know as a "normie"
Or you're so far down the rabbithole that a reasonable opinion seems unpalatable to you

Yes I am cucked to empirical data. It's called science.

>le science
go back to plebbit, retard

Pinker got stinkered by Pageau

Wtf. I like Pinker now

What's that big guy are you scared

You realise Pinker is well is right wing? Plus the issue of porn is divisive on both the right and left. There are leftists that oppose porn because of feminism, and there are leftists who advocate porn because of (somehow) feminism. Same with the right. The cumbrain meme is pushed independently of political stance.

You're a seething retard who can't have a conversation and litteraly pissed itself at night when he realize that someone, anyone, in the world might have a different opinion from him.
In a more enlightened age you'd be buried alive in a sanatorium.
>You realise Pinker is well is right wing?
Ok Then, I'll humor you. Explain How.

You misundersand. Data cuck= someone who Watches and jerks off while ideologues fuck their poor empirical datas raw into their small petite sugary ass and then sucks the effluvia off the villares bloody anus and calls itself a rationalist.
It's about as far from an actual rationalist a human can get without slurping upon satan's cock and ask for seconds (ie by being Muslim).

>Ok Then, I'll humor you. Explain How.
I would prefer if you address the rest of the post since I'm genuinely interested in learning how the pro-porn view is exclusively or predominantly a left-wing conception, when I see otherwise.

But Pinker is clearly right wing. For starters, his political views mirror those of Thomas Sowell, he writes about Sowell in pretty much every book. Secondly, the reason Pinker is popular among the alt-right is that he espouses alt-right views on race and gender issues (biological determinism etc.). He is also an opponent of feminism although he supports his stance in a very carefully academic manner.

incredibly based post. I'm going to use the term data cuck more.

The pro porn view is dxclusively leftist for the simple reason that the right wingers which are pro porn are Also against other fundamental Aspects of the right wing ideology as currently expoused. We call those people cucks.
The burden of proof however has been on You from the start rather than on me since We all know of the undying support that the left wing and jewish community accord to pornographers.
>There are leftists that oppose porn Because feminism
This was part of the Narrative some years ago, Yes. However left wing progressism routinely abandon their old allies and accuse those that once were their most beloved defenders (see How Twitter leftists like Cap. Kirk, litteraly their pagan idol until not much ago).
These "left behind" leftists are all future rightists, as soon as they realize How they have been used.
>The cumbrain meme is pushed independently of political stance.
The cum brain meme is a meme and It's posted to insult people; not a part of the actual discussion. There is a difference between rhetorics and dialectics.

What the fuck you on about man??

That is perfectly clear and understandable to anyone who can read.

>But Pinker is clearly right wing.
>Pinker is popular among the alt-right
they are not one of us.

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he makes sense
i understand the use of big words like rhetoric and dialectic might be a bit beyond the summerfag though

Any man who defends Pinker deserves what the the Future will bring. And the Future will make you bow.

>larping this hard


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>tv show memer

>But Pinker is clearly right wing. For starters, his political views mirror those of Thomas Sowell, he writes about Sowell in pretty much every book
Sowell is a Chicago School cuck.
>Secondly, the reason Pinker is popular among the alt-right is that he espouses alt-right views on race and gender issues (biological determinism etc.)
So he agrees with the alt right on the most leftist colectivist and dubious part of their program and that makes him right wing? Those used to be the Democrat Party's positions up to and even after LBJ. Arguably since their official position is that minorities are so dumb You have to discriminate in their favour or they'd Never get a degree, It's STILL their position.
>He is also an opponent of feminism although he supports his stance in a very carefully academic manner.
Not an opponente of feminism, an opponent of the last wave of feminism. He was perfectly fine with the second wave up to Andrea Dworkin.
Up to now You showed that the only actually right wing thing Pinky accepts is that women that fuck around all their lives dont necessarily deserve help and moral support when their habits bite them in the ass. Which is common sense AND completely hypocrital given his stance on porn.
However I know You'll never come back to This thread since I posted ; so Good afternoon.

Pinker is "Right wing"

Just browsed some of his HIV positive tweets:

>Why the Fight Over Abortion Is Unrelenting:It's tied to control over sexuality (especially men trying to control women)

>As countries lose their religion, they become more prosperous and more tolerant. (Forget Max Weber's Protestant ethic.) (...losing religion can be good for your wealth link"

>Atheism (i.e., secular humanism) as a positive moral and community-based movement.

>Obama: "The world is wealthier, healthier, better educated, less violent, more tolerant ... than it has ever been." (links non-ironic article praising Obama)

>In debates on abortion, contraception, transgender rights, & public expenditures, Let’s Not Forget the Establishment Clause: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

>Irish abortion referendum is part of a massive global trend toward liberal values (gender equity, personal choice, political voice, permissive child rearing). In Enlightenment Now link...
Praises the spread of liberal values and progressivism. wow so Right wing.

>Humbling experience @ Oslo Freedom Forum #OsloFF w Kasparov, Pussy Riot, other courageous human rights activists
Pussy Riot = Right wing now ?

>Dismantling the Patriarchy: Advances in women's rights in 2018.
Regularly posts pro gay, pro feminist, pro abortion propaganda, pro atheism, anti-religion, anti-tradition, pro-progressivism, pro liberalism pro black power, etc. Links pic related... wow, so right wing.

Being against minimum wage laws or taxes doesn't make him Right wing. His values are all libshit tier relativist humanism.

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Succintly said. Thank you.

>he really DID disappear as soon as he was confronted!
lmao humiliating!

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He's economically right wing, which is the most important part

Not even. He's Chicago school; basically a radical centrist. The fact that he can do math and that he knows most of the left's economic policías would litteraly cause famines doesn't make him right wing. Also basically all other views he holds are hard left.

Damn this man genuinely wants to neuter society into a passive set of zombies.

Geniuinly evil

>we're hasty to declare the brain changes in pornography users as damage when they've adapted themselves to a post-reproductive lifestyle.

Yes he acknowledges changes I'm the brain due to porn consumption But won't call them "damage". He litteraly justified 90% of nofap But Won't reach the obvious conclusion; and yet I suppose he's BASED

>Chicago school
That's right wing mate. lolberts are fringe(on top of being retarded).
Keynes is the centre.(as most of economists are keynesians)

>the things that don't matter should decide persons leaning

>He's Chicago school; basically a radical centrist.
Weren't Chicago boys behind Pinochet? Anyway liberal fundamentalists are pretty much the definition of right wing these days.
>Also basically all other views he holds are hard left.
Like the believe that tabula rasa is fundamentally incorrect concept detrimental to humanity?

this, shows how Pinker is just a brainlet among thinking people.

>only gdp matters

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I never said that, you fucking retard

>discount social, moral, and political issues with no argument or explanation
might as well say only gdp matters, you sound like an economic reductionist (a faggot)

CIA was behind Pinochet. He also read Hoppe.
>>anyway liberal fondamentalists...
...Are pretty much the definition of left wing these days i agree. I only call chicagos Centrists because they were anti marxism.
>Like the belief that tabula rasa is fundamentally incorrect concept detrimental to humanity?
This is called common sense, and not unique to any one political affiliation.
You'll have to make a case for tabula rasa as a sine qua non of leftism and vice versa being leftist as a sine qua non for accepting tabula rasa before I give a shit.
>most economists are keynesians
That is to say de facto marxists.
Like this guy.

speaking from a neurological point, porn addiction is the same as food addiction, gambling addiction, sugar addiction and all other natural addictions.
typically they are a small issue but when examined closer they expose a much bigger problem, a problem undiagnosable by neurologists and doctors

>Keynes was Marxist
American or just retarded?


These FakeBots are a fun project, a bit more complicated than Twitter bots

>post-reproductive life-style
This is a contradiction.

Able to read.

this just shows how this website is an echo chamber of false information

imagine being this ignorant, and this much a sucker for mainstream media propaganda and education.

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>moral, and political issues
Biggest spook