What book has a character that stays positive in the face of overwhelming adversity?

What book has a character that stays positive in the face of overwhelming adversity?

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not your diary desu

jesus fuck
what results in dual necrotic infections from the wrist up? did he touch a fucking cursed talisman or something?

Job might be an example

>that pic
Me after jerking it

Could be a complication from diabetes. It can cause necrosis in the extremities, but usually the toes and feet.

Tried to draw the master sword without all three stones

In both hands? Hands before feet?

My money is on handling garden or farm waste without gloves and getting an exotic infection from small cuts.

>Furry profile pic
I'm betting it's somehow connected to some degenerate sexual practice.

I was literally just going to say maybe he had some weird swollen hand fetish thing like mickey mouse gloves and basically asphyxiated his hands
is that a thing?

Contracted some necrosis-inducing parasite via deep anal fisting.

Well, did he make it out alive?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

I was thinking maybe handcuffs that were too tight and he had on for too long, or some kind of binding of his wrists that he couldn't remove for some reason.

The Plague - Camus

Oh he's a furry. It's a weird bondage injury isn't it?

How do I avoid this?

stop touching your penis so much

Maybe he wanted paws.

I looked up his twitter account and he doesn't appear to have explained what happened. Embarrassing sexual shit confirmed.

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Someone in the comments said he told the whole story on facebook, but I can't find it. Maybe it's private because sexual shit.

Fell asleep with handcuffs on, or something?

I'm dying of curiosity here. I gotta know.

found the true story out. It turned out God cursed him for being a furry. Source: The Bible.

One Piece.

Looks like a diabetic who didn’t take care of themselves

How do you think they typed this

I'm not a doctor, but the full picture definitely looks like he may have had something around the wrists.

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I gotta know too.

I think it must be something with tight handcuffs.

I have lurked in his twitter profile and he had his hands well 5 days ago, so I don't know if a normal necrosis caused from an infection or diabetes can go that fast.

Furry friend.

Yep. What a retarded faggot


What in the fuck is going on?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

Keep me updated, OP

If he is optimistic as I read him in that tweet. I don't give a fuck if he is a furry or not I respect that person.

I know you only made this thread for funny replies to your epic twitter screenshot but is a good answer

i am not.

Even when he wins, he is still losing, to the moment of his death, and the fucker still dies with a smile on his face.

bros karamazov

>Smerdiakov suicides
>Dmitri wants to suicide for a girl
>Ivan dies out of alcohol abstinence
>Alexei gets big money from his father's inheritances, is respected and has a younger girl waiting for him.

The fuck you talking about.

Voltaire - Candide

Furry, do the math.


how does that explain the hand lol

harry potter xd
Probably GRIDS or some other furry homo shit

Hes getting paws or some shit

hand infections go bad really quickly, protip anyone if you get even a small amount of red swelling on a cut, wash it with a disnfectant, put polysporen on it and a bandage, right away, because if the infection spreads into the little abcesses in the hand its hard as fuck to get rid of can then go into the wrist and muscles. Just had such a situation recently but it's better now.

I normally dont bother with that because I get a lot of cuts, and sometimes they get a bit infected, but apparently the hand is like uniquely dangerous for this, at least this is what I ws told. ANd I could kind of tell right away, it really did not feel good.

My friend at work told me he knew a guy that didnt attend to a hand infection for just a week or something and by the time he got around to using medicine his hand was just fucked, and they tried to drain it but it didnt work and he lost the hand like the guy in op.

>tfw some day this info will save my wanking hand

Thank you Yea Forums

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Moron. He wants paws for prosthetics

To answer the question posed by the OP:

The Idiot by Dostoevsky.

If I lost my two hands I think that I would straight up kms

good luck with that without hands

>put neck on railroad tracks

Not a book, but the show Ozark on Netflix is just problem after problem coming at this guy who manages to navigate them all. It's basically Murphy's Law the show. I almost had a heart attack on the protagonist's behalf.

It's really not essential.

Should I pop this trapped blood spot?

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Considering the person is a furry and would thus fuck the most simple things up, possibly unsafe BDSM practices. Don't use unsafe, self tightening knots and don't tie to tight.

Thank you fren.

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Is it just me or are woman incapable of staying positive in bad situations? All they do is complain when anything goes wrong.

it is pretty handy though

I was curious so I dug into it a bit, he posted a video.
Basically he had arthritis in his hands from multiple motorcross accidents. He used painkillers, ice and creams to deal with the swelling, inflammation etc. Flares up when he does physical stuff at his work.
But he didn't use regular ice, he used dry ice. He knows it's kind of stupid, but apparently it worked.
Unfortunately he fell asleep with dry ice on his hands for 6 or so hours and woke up with them dead.
So it's not degenerate shit, apparently.

that looks fine bro because there is no red swelling around it, just a blood scab. but do keep an eye on it

but that is the exact part of the hand you have to worry about, the muscle near the thumb, that's where the abcesses are and how it can infect other parts.

i don't buy it

>hand infections go bad really quickly, protip anyone if you get even a small amount of red swelling on a cut, wash it with a disnfectant, put polysporen on it and a bandage, right away,
nu-male basedboy everyone

no it's actually really bad man. I have like 50 welts on my body because i drink to death every night and get in fights, and the shit at my work keeps exploding and hurting me

do not fuck around with hand infections, you can literallly lose your hand, and you will feel a sense of deep dread often if you get it, it feels very wrong, do not ignore that

Think i do, it explains why the skin on the palm is the worst, right where the ice pack would likely rest and why the tips of the fingers have the least damage.

The one thing I do not buy is that he fell asleep, he had chemical help and passed out, you would not sleep through the pain that would cause, frost bite that bad is like being burnt.

How about you sterilize your work environment, or stop being an alcoholic shitter with a deficient immune system. Getting cuts isn't the issue here.

I wonder, could you fall asleep on your hand and cause this much damage to them?

Generally no, your body wakes up when your arm falls asleep. My brother had this issue when we were kids. You’re not supposed to let drunk people sleep on their arms though because they won’t wake up and will lose their arm.

my immune system is by all doctor's accounts miraculuous

why are you telling guys to not worry about hand infections when they are that dangerous

Thanks, I'll make sure to never drink.

A farewell to arms

Job in the Bible.


Holy kek

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Necrotising faciitis would do it that fast, but it'd already be up to his shoulders or he'd be dead, so it probably isn't that.

I've had an infected fingernail for weeks and I'm fine

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Should have seen it coming, but holy kek

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oh noo