What's your most deeply held belief?

What's your most deeply held belief?

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I want to eat a cute girl's ass

That's... not a belief

That one’s worldview (Weltenschuang) is a perpetually developed system, for this is in exact accordance with nature itself.

Butchered that German spelling

Circumcision is bad.

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LMAO. A cut dick is more valuable and looks nicer.

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That no one knows anything

retard alert

biggest dick-lopper redpill:

gently stroke the back of your hand (not your palm, but the hairy side) with your fingertip. now do the same to your palm, gently stroking it with your fingertip.

the former is what a cut dick feels like. the second is what an uncut dick feels like. your palm is filled with meissner's corpuscles, soft-touch receptors, which are also contained in the foreskin, penile frenulum, and glans. they dry up and die in the glans and are straight-up lost when your foreskin is removed.

that i am doomed

I am a failure and all of my hopes are phantasmal delusions.

Some pseudo-gnostic system I've developed for myself

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Attached: frog stirner.png (735x657, 120K)

Capitalism bad


I don't trust anyone that answer another thing, they are probably psychos or full retarded, I wouldn't trust not even if it was a woman saying it


That I am only contingently now myself

It is the source of most of my discontent

I dislike donald trump (not capitalising because he doesn't deserve that level of respect).

Die Welts ist alles, was der Fall ist.

I feel sorry for you that that's the first thing that springs to your mind (although I regularly employ the same no-capitals tactic when referring to god). t. Trump voter

If you're a Trump voter that means you are American. Therefore your full stop (period) should not be without your parentheses.
That is,
> (although I regularly employ the same no-capitals tactic when referring to god).
Should become
(although I regularly employ the same no-capitals tactic when referring to god.)

Probably that I exist.

Beyond that, it would be that doing harm to others harms yourself more than those you harm.

Commies aren't people

That this is the worst board on Yea Forums.

Getting punctuation wrong too, I see. Although I do appreciate that you've contained yourself for the purposes of that post. Now complain about my sentence fragments.

It is the nature of life, it is the entire purpose of being alive, the sole definition of life itself is to flourish competitively. The nature of life is just to flourish as much as possible. Every organism has this instinct, regardless of whether they are conscious or not, all life seeks to do is flourish to the greatest extent that it possibly can.

Life is essentially fire. It is the equivalent of biological fire, and it has the exact same principles that guide itself. Burn until it is impossible to burn anymore. Life spreads and consumes fuel in the exact same manner that fire does. Life exists for the exact same reason that fires come into existence, because there was potential fuel, and the flash point was reached. Once life had been ignited, it never stopped burning because it never ran out of fuel.

Even though life appears to be a closed system life still invariably reduces the potential energy of the system, in the exact same sense that fire does. It may burn at a slower rate, it may reduce potential energy within the system at a slower rate, but it is far more durable and far more capable of surviving than fire. Life exists purely because there was this potential energy that could be reduced, and it exists solely to reduce this potential energy, in the same sense that fire exists with the sole purpose of reducing combustible chemicals with high volatility into less volatile molecules with lower potential energy.

That societies should enable their members to create new societies.
As no society will last forever, and every good society is designed to benefit those who are a part of it, it is necessary that any good society must prepare itself for annihilation and replacement (ideally with a better society).


Trump is a kike puppet and a national embarrassment. Should be crucified alive so a real conservative can become president

Discussions should be had to understand and learn, not to tally up another win on your chalk board.

People are fundamentally good.
Life is for being.

I agree even though I can't stand being around people anymore. I think I'm going to be lost soon.

This (Trump, like him or not) is still only a symptom, and not a cause. The real reason for my earlier comment is that the other poster seemed not to be taking the OP's reasonable question in good faith: what is your most DEEPLY HELD BELIEF? "I don't like current politician X" is a patently stupid answer to such a question. That is the reason why I was right to feel sorry for him.

Although true, "I hate Xi Jinping" is not my MOST DEEPLY HELD BELIEF. The world is more than that.