>was a nazi yet still fucked a jewish qt
Absolutely based
Was a nazi yet still fucked a jewish qt
lazy stupid fat fuck
t. unpublished, mediocre, scrawny virgin
have sex
>Daily reminder that the guy from Philosophytube doesn't want to read Heidegger because he is "problematic".
So he reads "unproblematic" philosophy or what?
Most influential philosophers were "problematic"
Did he like to get gassed by her long windy ones?
What's wrong with that? I'm blonde blue eyed fascist chad and I sleep with black girls all the time. Just don't breed with them
> Black girls.
This is many steps down from a Jewish girl in almost every criteria.
He cute
Except health and hips.
Just like your slave owning ancestors.
This is why your idealogy cannot survive on its own and why it can't win. If you base everything about the ideology on foreign people, and you commit the greatest act of intimacy as well as violence on them, well then you cannot survive without them.
That's why the South was doomed the moment they imported blacks and based their own world around blacks.
Did he even make "problematic" statements or claims, or is he "problematic" because he didn't grovel like a dog and beg for forgiveness after the war?
Where do I start with him?
...it's complicated. He was a total manipulative, machiavellian, cluster-b type personality, probably a pathological narcissist or not far from one. So he was in general a shitty human being and he leveraged the upheaval of Nazi Germany to screw over his few friends and gain a little bit of prestige and power.
On the other hand he did seem to be naive about what was going in. He supported the volksrevolution which was more like a working class thing in spirit and the Nazis rode that wave to power. Also his philosophy didn't do so well with the higher ups and he nearly got removed from academia and sent to his death on a couple of occasions. By the late 40s/50s he was a total nobody, very lucky that Arendt and Jaspers saw his thinking as important and made efforts to fix broken bridges. There's also a couple of problematic statements in his personal diaries that have come to light over time.
His philosophical focus changes a lot over time, Sein und Zeit for sure doesn't have a particular political bent being a treatise on why the verb "to be" has been problematic in Western philosophy. Not the easiest place to stick some ideology into.
I see. Thanks, user. It does sound like he was an asshole, but I get the feeling that others are quite jealous as well that they didn't get to fuck others over. What I mean is, it's not like most of his forgotten contemporaries wouldn't have done as he did if they would have gotten the chance to do so.
Underrated post
Hypocrisy is the shoddiest foundation imaginable
I've always held the view that if Arendt could see past all the bad shit and champion him then I'd be a very poor person to try and hold him accountable.
Also I doubt it's totally fruitless to say parts of his work are pushing fascistic views, but to discount everything he ever came up with is extreme. I think a lot of it is that his main influential works are horrible to read and understand, while the people he influenced are often quite easy (like the French existentialists), so finding an excuse to not read him...
I agree, and I will bloat up this thread with my own opinion: I have always felt that Sartre and Camus are mediocre philosophers, and part of the reason that they were for a brief moment so popular is that they stole a great deal of Heidegger's ideas and presented them in an easily-digestible "unproblematic" way (and also in a way which covered over what was really profound about these ideas).
They weren't very original at all, and so the fact that they became so famous has always disgusted me a little bit. Still, I am not a Sartre scholar, and Camus isn't really a philosopher, so my reading might be uncharitable and ignorant.
>I have always felt that Sartre... mediocre philosopher
Opinion discarded.
wow i hate heidegger now
Just imagine he's a cute anime girl called Heidi Egger.
he was though