Any anons here who own this edition of Creative and Critical Thinking? It's out of print and costs a lot of money. The main difference between this and the older edition is that it has a chapter called "Propositions and Arguments" which is absent from the older edition. Seeing that it's fairly short, maybe a kind user with the book could snap some photos of that chapter and post them here. Would have been greatly appreciated.
A pdf of the older edition is on libgen btw.
Creative and Critical Thinking
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I have the 2nd edition of Creative & Critical Thinking by W. Edgar Moore. And I can take some pictures and post them in this thread if you don't care about
btw I'm typing the way I am typing so it would be easier to search for this on warosu or some other Yea Forums archive. Give me a minute.
Yep, would have been great, thanks.
One user tried to scan some of it some time ago and from that I could tell they added Chapter 2. Also possibly Chapter 7 and a section about writing essays at the end of the book.
Here's the link to that thread at the archive:
*first edition I should add
last page
I'm that same user. Sorry, as a university student, I'm just not in a position to scan the entire book, curate it into a PDF, and then find a way to upload it. I don't have the equipment or the time, and given how much this book has skyrocketed in price, I wouldn't want to potentially destroy it to get it scanned efficiently either.
I can upload pics here and there when I have the time, but that's about it.
Thank you Based user.
Yeah it's a hard book to get your hands on and especially given that some material is missing it's really nice to see some of it get posted. It's a good thing that there's a pdf of the core book on libgen although it's an earlier edition. Maybe some time in the future you could take some pics of the last two chapters, so that we could have all of the main additions covered.
To make double sure that it's searchable, this is Chapter 2 of Creative and Critical Thinking by Moore, second edition.
Thanks again man and have a great day.
Is this book really that good?
No I've read it when someone shared the PDF. It's almost the same as the new one, and honestly the book isn't very good anyways. That trivium chart is really just a meme.
Why don't you like it?
I got the second edition for cheap , the extra just sounds like a discrete maths introduction , is that really worth it?
It's just the sort of stuff you learn in high school. T oxford writing guide is good though
If you learned that stuff in high school, you went to an extremely good high school. I went to a high school that pumps out a few kids to Ivy Leagues every year, and even then none of this was explicitly taught.
Not based, blessed. Thank you.
It's a fucking meme. There are literally thousands of books on the exact same subject
You didn't learn what an argument and a conclusion are? What burger helltown did you grow up in
but this one is the best by far in terms of scope and content. it's a good book for a beginner that avoids a lot of modern textbook fluff.
everybody knows what an argument is. premises, reasoning, conclusion. not a lot of people know how to argue with rigor, the differences between formal and informal fallacies are, how to interpret statistics, etc. if you have a brain, you'd probably pick up a few from living life and investigating things with an eye for the truth, but to have a comprehensive overview of this kind of stuff? lol, I never got that in high school.