Redpill me on this guy
My philosophy professor included him in the class webpage
Redpill me on this guy
It’s fun to have fun.
Now go read something
What age group is your professor in? Just wondering. Approximately. Boomer, early Gen-X, late Gen-X, early Millennial etc
Early 40s
That would be late Gen-X I think, or very early Millenial, not sure. Does he try really hard to be "cool" for the class?
He really doesn't have a good grasp of the philosophy he's writing on.
choose one
>joyless twats=“red pill”
But his work isn’t fun
Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
Absolutely not early millenial. Early 40s is well within gen-x range.
funny poo
hes not fun hes uppity and annoying
That’s fine too. Flourchan can’t into much humor. They think dead people are funny. Go read
Naw. 2 and 3 were too comic book throwaway for me. I don’t expect much from any further tinkering.
Didn’t even know one was coming. Didn’t even know there was a Blade Runner sequel till long after it was out. Loved it.
Your professor is a fucking moron lol
Now that’s what I was expecting to see
>joyless twats
>continues to post disagreements
Fuck off. A discerning eye and an appreciation of quality are not things to be ashamed of
Let’s see some more puss baby, no one gives a fuck about your boomer opinions
I absolutely hate this shit
Intellectually insecure pseuds who’s jokes amount to blatant references to “smart guy totems” and absolutely nothing else. At least it’s not as horrendous as xkcd
Your professor is a psuedo-intellectual. Of all the people actually suffering from imposter syndrome, your faggot of a professor deserves it as he actually is one.
Based. He's actually ripping Camus a new one
come on, this isn't even the least bit funny to you? oh yeah, I forgot, nobody's allowed to have fun here.
Thanks for finishing it off with unwarranted ad hominem, nice to know when someone’s arguing in bad faith
But no srsly it’s horrible. And I love high minded humor, blue humor, webcomics and references. Just not jokes who’s only punchline is “look at me I’ve heard of this thing, aren’t I smart?!”
>nice to know when someone’s arguing in bad faith
this isn't an argument you belligerent pseud, I'm just taking the piss.
>And I love high minded humor, blue humor, webcomics and references. Just not jokes who’s only punchline is “look at me I’ve heard of this thing, aren’t I smart?!”
that's more related to the person sharing the comic, not the comic itself. if you think about it, there's no real difference between a comic that exhibits what you like before and what pisses you off. it has more to do with the audience.
He has created one thing of immeasurable value and a lot of trash
Stick to the ad hominem cause I don’t even fucking get what you’re trying to say lol
Yeah my issues with the comic. If the guy makes something with an actual joke I’ll concede that it’s funny but all I’ve ever seen is just crap
Oh my yikes
What's being misinterpreted here?
I'll make this simple for you. There's nothing wrong with the comic, even by your standards, and you're virtue-signaling as hard as the virtue-signaling normies you hate.
Nothing, Camus is a flimsy thinker and laughably easy to mock/refute
Virtue signaling? The fuck does that have to do with anything- if anything this is in group signaling.
And I’ll make it even simpler: it is shit, because my standard is the joke has to be funny without simply being a reference
But please tell me again what I think and why it’s wrong. Jesus fuck, color me shocked a fan of philosophy webcomics is an absolute dense incompétente
keep projecting lmfao
Fun is a Jewish word for telluric and egotistical self-indulgenc e
Keep laughing at a narcissists ego inflating, i guess?
Disliking shit=joyless contrarianism
Disliking people that dislike shit=genius enlightenment, brain exploding from rapid growth
yeah I'll keep laughing at you :^)
This is a pretty scathing critique of basedboys
>not liking a joke makes you a narcissist
Tell me more?
when you need to brag about how much you dislike a comic because you need to paint yourself as not like the crowd you hate, then yeah it kind of makes you seem like a pompous self-aggrandizing twat
there's nothing wrong with a comic. it takes an entry-level concept from Camus and then lampoons it. if you don't find it funny, well, then it's whatever. I don't think there's a single joke out there that would make everybody laugh.