Are there any books on coping with gender dysphoria without transitioning, especially from a religious perspective...

Are there any books on coping with gender dysphoria without transitioning, especially from a religious perspective? I've decided for various reasons it's not the right thing to do.

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Other urls found in this thread: 2:14-26&version=NKJV 5:29-30&version=KJV 5:17-20&version=KJV

nofap boy, you're welcome.

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fasting will even out your hormones

Read the bible or kill yourself. Please don't transition and become a freak.

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>kill yourself
I consider that on a daily basis, Pastor Anderson

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Embracing self-hatred is wrong.

Then what am I supposed to do? If I transition, then I'll just become even more ugly and disgusting than I already am.

It's not a binary choice (pun intended).
I would say post on >>>/lbgt/ but it probably wouldn't go over well.
Possibly Either way, this isn't really the right place.

Here are some things for you:

I could provide various other, but meh.


Discord *tranny* here (not a tranny).
You guys are a total wrench in my plans. You can’t and shouldn’t transition because you’re ugly but you want to.
What do you like though? Are you straight? Or do you like boys and trannies?

Assuming you mean Christian, there are increasingly more and more "denominations", including those now that are fine with that, probably the most popular being the Episcopal Church.

Otherwise, the most you are going to find is the "Pray The Gay Away" and other forced conversion sorts. It's just going to hurt you more.


Come over here baby and place your butt on my lap and I'll make you feel like a pretty little girl

He’s probably ugly or he’d transition.
Damn if I could transition though I have a petite body. I’d rather not do it because I’m not very dysphoric.

Sure if it was just a button you pushed that's one thing. But it's a major surgery, with serious risks, lifelong side effects, and still no one (including yourself) will really think you are a woman. Also the long-term studies suggest the suicide rate is not fixed.

Anyhow, perhaps Thai ladyboi culture has some more positive, helpful literature.

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>gender dysphoria
Tell me why you feel like you should modify your body to mimic the opposite sex?

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It’s all relative. If you can be feminine enough for society and yourself, that’s enough. But OP isn’t delusional. He knows he can’t. You have to be short, skinny and have soft features as well as not be old.

Something like 80% of people who transition don't undergo sexual reassignment surgery.

They should try being a submissive slut for a man before considering transitioning. The experience can be encompassing enough if they're made comfortable about it

But what if they like women?

You can’t have gender dysphoria and like women, then it’s more of a fetish than real gender dysphoria

So why do you want to dress and act like a person of the opposite sex?

That's just your feelings.
I don't. I'm not who you were replying to.

Most legit trans people feel that AGPs aren’t real trans

I don't have a logical reason for it. I just hate being a man and being treated like one.

Obviously they should meet up with other people who transition

That's exclusionary nonsense like being a TERF.

No it make sense. Why would you transition to end up dominating girls just the same. Your role doesn’t change

Why do you think you will like being treated as a girl, let a lone a trans girl? There is no easy way out user. This world is hell. Far be it from me to try and stop you, but could this problem be involved with anything else? Do you have many close friends?

Seems you have a very narrow very of power dynamics.

Self-perception is what matters in terms of dysphoria.

Pretty much the same. Probably only political reasons is what it isn't all just this.

So you dont like being "treated like a guy" (what the fuck does that even mean?) So you think the logical answer to this is to not be a man? The fucking logic at play here.

It’s all relative

There's a correlation between autism and gender dysphoria.

>trying to argue with the /pol/ insurgents about this
Ha ha ha, whew, wow

Academic medical studies show that 85-94% of people with gender dysphoria desist after variable durations of time with no action needing to be taken.

Sure, be a man in a dress if it makes you feel better. Asking other people to play pretend is a probably step too far, legislating definitely is. You want people to do that, move to Pattaya. I've been there. It's nice, you can live well for less than $1k/month.

It's clearly a fetish.

Easier to change your mind than your gender.

Indeed. Good thing "no armed" people haven't realized they can hook their wagon to the gay pride movement.

He wants to be dominated and treated like a girl

They aren’t screeching yet, so maybe they aren’t fascists

You clearly don't understand what body dysmorphia is then.

Why do you think everything is about domination?

You're a big boy, explain the difference to me then.

Don't think about your gender? mine is not a big part of my daily life.

Nah, if anything AGP is the real shit since most cis-women would be classified autogynephillic.

B all the way. (is bi not an option?)
the technology is clearly not there

Yeah BDD + childhood trauma and/or porn addiction and you have a late-onset tranner.

Body dysmorphia is about self-hatred of an entirely normal body. Being "no armed" is a disability and has nothing to do with dysmorphia.

But what makes you think being a woman is better? are you going by stereotypes? because I can promise you life is never as good as in stereotypes

femdom is a thing

Why do you think it's about being better?
It's clearly about being true to one's self regardless.

Thinking anyone who is trans wants to be dominated is a rather silly narrative.

A big problem is that many critics can only view it in sexual terms and nothing else.

how so?

Because it's entirely based on your personal feelings.

How can you be true to something you have never tasted. you only have a view on life from your pov but are saying X gender is where I belong without having ever tasted what is like to be X gender. in a way its pascal's wager of genders

because it is solid, you can never have productive arguments with feelings and abstraction
what are you even saying.

That's a bad argument made in bad faith so it's futile to try to explain to you.

>you can never have productive arguments with feelings and abstraction
That's why you never have a productive argument.

Stop watching anime

i love anime girls tho

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Another argument against transitioning is that it's sweet to see how hard they get when servicing you while simultaneously being self-conscious about it. The size difference probably also helps with them being more comfortable about their own dicks

This might seem simplistic on surface but it's actually a good point, and is partly how I reasoned out of GD. I wanted to transition to escape my solipsistic anhedonic doomerbrain, kind of as a way of being "reborn", because all the girls I see on social media would be living a superficial yet happy life. But even if I were to mimic their physical appearance (which in itself is a tremendous challenge at the T-ruined age of 18), could I really con myself into living a life like that? The chances are pretty bleak for those who never get to experience girlhood throughout school.

GD is different for everyone. But if you're over the age of about 18 or wouldn't transition if you were ≤4/10 as female, your GD is most likely fetish-driven and further introspection and psychological help is warranted before popping pills. Don't browse /lgbt/.

Oh, I see, you don't understand scare quotes. I know that stuff just fine. Now explain the difference between body and gender dysphoria.

It is making you sick in the head, kafir. Dressing like that is shameless too



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Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

>I was just pretending to be retarded to push my agenda

I already did. I posted the dysmorphia link in the first place. I corrected you because you were being and ideological idiot, or as you would say, "NPC".

jung. carl jung. carl gustav jung. dont let the peterson meme paint your impression on carl motherfucking gustav goddam jung.

Good but only effective for so long. Shit gets stale.

Any time you try super hard to push away thoughts of something you'll get "rebound effect" because the taboo monitoring part of your brain zeroes in on it. So by all means do not take pills, chop your dick off or wear skirts, but also don't beat yourself up too hard over having such thoughts/desires. We all have fucked up fetishes of some sort.

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ILL-intentioned poster posing as someone who cares. Concern troll.

>73 replies
>19 posters
Sure is just a couple people arguing back and forth with each other.

>Why don't you just step into this dark alley with all of us? We don't mean you any harm.

>if i call him retarded first, it will distract from my not being able to follow a conversation.
You better be ESL.

No one is taking reading assignments from you. You have no idea of my politics. I'm transhumanist, merely changing gender just seems quaint to me. What I do see is ideologues and doctors profiting off the suffering of people.

Now explain the difference between gender and body dysphoria.

I really do care, but the science says ultra-repression does not fucking work. The best way to ignore shit is the same process you use in meditation to ignore urges to move, itchiness, etc. Observe, but remain detached to realize just how much control the rational part of your mind has over yourself and the various thoughts that come bubbling up into your consciousness

Wanting to replace with body with robotics is an even greater form of body dysmorphia, let alone wanting to upload into a computer.

Turns out your problem is that they aren't dysmorphic and dysphoric enough.

Amazing, you've found the cure for all mental illness! JUST IGNORE IT ALL! What a solution!

You seem a little unhinged, maybe you should try it

I am observing you in an detached manner, but it seems to be having no effect on you replying.
Maybe you should take your own advice and ignore my replies?

>79 posts

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>That's a bad argument made in bad faith so it's futile to try to explain to you.
no its not. I have been wondering about it for years so if you can explain please do.

Read some older books - pre 2000 - on early childhood development and psychology about how your mother fucked with your head because she wanted a child of a different sex than the one you were born.

I have muy own problems. MtF is way easier. It's not uploading though, that's probably just fancy suicide. I'm a generationship made of three other people. At least my bathrooms are figured out.

Don't blame me, I was just trying to horn up some sissies because I love them so

If you're being sincere, then you're an idiot for thinking this is the best way to learn about it.
>I've been wondering for years but I've never taken any action about it

>I'm a generationship made of three other people.
Congrats on being an upgraded attack helicopter.


>le anal stage

need references or a tl;dr

(Yeah, I tried to find that pic.) I really am though. Fortunately I'm patient. I know a girl who is transdragon. Poor girl, magic is never going to happen.

I accept your resolution.

Am I the only one who thinks that trans should only be encouraged to transition to the extent that they can pass as women? I mean, are you really benefiting from being considered a woman if people are coerced into recognizing you as one?

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Nice false narrative you've created where you get to be the victim.

>threat of dismissal from school or job doesn't count as coercion

Nice brain you got there

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>coerced not to be

I've got your book right here, it's two words long:
Kill yourself.
By user

Good to know you feel such things are worse than them being murdered for who they are.

>Words are violence

You've now been arrested for doing a hate crime.

Doesn't matter whether they are or not, you'll be arrested all the same for them.

>Misgendering someone is the first step to murder.

This is what we call circular reasoning. Try a different board for your tranny brain.

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That's a non-sequitur.
You: I should not be coerced for my beliefs, but they should be coerced for theirs.

They murder themselves. That's not on anyone but ((((them))))

/pol/ will not replace us.

Fasting, read into autophagy. It will clean out your brain for degenerate thought and give you a energy boost to get your life straight. Prolonged to 3-5days at a time. Refeed with mainly animal fats, meats and collagen (gelatin) as well as greens (spinach, kale, whatever floats your boat).

Nofap will help with discipline further.

You want to accept your natural sex. Look for biblical female/ male role models which to aspire to. Maybe even saints further down the line. A proper traditional Catholic FSSPX priest will help you out.

DOn't get your body mutilated because your hormones are fucked due to hormornally active plastics, teflon pans and pollutes drinking water.

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I'm glad you've found someone to blame so that you don't have to feel any responsibility for your own actions and don't have to feel scared for not having any idea why what happens in the world happens.

Me? I've never so much as said boo to a tranny.

>catholic priest
All that will do is change them from trans to gay.

I want to become an anime boy and fuck myself, is that too much to ask?

Irrelevant and disingenuous.

No, it isn't.
Clones are the future of sexuality.

Mate, heres a redpill for you. We don't hate trannies, we feel bad for you. You're wretched fucked in the head pitiful creatures being used as tools in the jewish culture war. Gender dysphoria is a normal thing for kids to experience in childhood, and until recently it would pass naturally, so there were very few tranny suicides. Now though, you indulge it and instead of accepting your own biological reality chase after something that's literally impossible to attain, turning your body into a fucking science experiment with exogenous hormones and plastic surgery.This is not our fault

Again, as I've stated previously, I am not as such and have no interest in ever being as such. I am not OP nor apparently anything all what you want to be arguing against, but it seems you need to believe that I'm as such to make yourself feel better.

I don't hate you and I feel much worse for you then you claim to feel for them.

No that's you

>I'm actually a woman!

Who cares, retard?

>The fact that I have a penis means nothing!


Your feelings of repulsion are entirely emotional and have no basis in anything else.

your feelings of being a woman are entirely emotional and have no basis in anything else. My feelings at least have a basis in aesthetics; I don't think people should make themselves particularly unpleasant to look at.

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Don’t worry user, I also want you to go fuck yourself

and similar.
I can't blame social conservatives for being how they are. They were just born that way. They can't help how they feel disgusted. Biological determinism is very sad.

>muh anti-catholic propaganda
You do know that statistically the most likely place to get molested is a school/ child care? Those people can get their much easier than becoming a priest.

Yet you rarely hear any hysteria about the former. You never wonder why the telly is full of one sided shock value? ONe would think they would just as eaferly talk about Marc Dutroux involvment with european politicians child sex trafficking, american pizza or all those annually missing kids.

Stop falling for basic bitch propaganda.

Your personal aesthetics are shit and thus you are a hypocrite.

Ah, I see that you graduated from the ControonPoints School of Non-Sequitur.

>Stop falling for basic bitch propaganda.
You first.

someone being wrong doesn't make them a hypocrite, brainlet.

How are they being coerced? Lgbtian believes they are a woman. Litizen does not, but keeps their mouth shut or loses their job. Poltard just kills them.

Can anybody explain why it is best to further GDD but not BDD?

How are they being coerced? Black guy does not believe in segregation. Litizen does, but keeps their mouth shut or loses their job. Poltard just kills them.

I'm not even Catholic, filthy globhom.

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Woman believes they are equal to men. Litizen does not, but keeps their mouth shut or loses their job. Poltard just kills them.

Jewish guy thinks he should be able to have the same life as anyone else. Litizen does not, but keeps their mouth shut or loses their job. Poltard just kills them.

Is that your new term for global homo?

Since we don't have segregation, the litizen is the one being coerced. Just because you brought up racism, it doesn't mean you won the argument; especially here of all places.

It's a matter of civil rights.
Clearly that's gone over your head.

Imagine your description not even beeing worth the three additional key hits.

It started as Global homocapitalism a few years ago as far as I can tell, but it keeps being whittled away it seems.

Entirely fitting.

>don't have segregation
The US no longer has it as a legal matter, but in practical terms it still exists quite a lot.

>73 replies
>19 posters
Sure is just a couple people arguing back and forth with each other.

>136 replies
>28 posters
Sameposters much?

No, the matter we are discussing is coercion. Civil rights existing doesn't change who is being coerced.

And? What is your argument? By expressing a preference for segregation the litizen is commiting a hate crime which is both a real crime and coercive but the threat of losing your job isn't?

Have you considered that you are having very selective empathy?

Asking why you aren't able to discriminate against people is a matter of civil rights.

Yes, people are punished for doing that which society has deemed unacceptable.

I understand that you feel it should be acceptable.

Literally me two years ago

In other words, you'll either need to change society or go to a different one.
This is the basis for white separatism.
They realize that they've lost the societal battle and want to create a different one.

I don't think I've ever experienced anything as unsavory and condescending as when a discord tranny tried to "break my egg" after discovering that I had a sissyfication fetish.

This is a hilarious post.

So you are ?
Have you considered not moving the goalposts? Tell me who is being coerced?

There is also a correlation between autism and circumcision. Maybe mutilating boy's penises makes them want to finish off the job?

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All sides are being coerced.

By which mean, everyone is being coerced in some way or another. It's just that you are particularly hung on this one issue for whatever reason.

Childhood trauma and body dysmporphia seems to be a common occurrence among American men. Add in a saturation of immediately available and free internet pornography and constant demoralization propaganda and it's no surprise that so many people are turning into tranners these days. Cui bono? Who benefits from the institutionalized sterilization of American men?

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You benefit because otherwise you would be have to make up a different conspiracy theory.

>tfw when you are coercing people to reply to you in this thread

Good job I'm sure your sophistry has convinced everyone. Now you'll never have to face your own authoritarianism.

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Wait, explain picrel

Don't get me wrong, I'm not proud of what gets me off, but the point is that I don't assign any deeper meaning to it.

The poster is attempting to tell you that the author has a pro-Israel bias. It's a "BECAUSE JEWS" thing.

Why don't you?
Are you afraid of what it means and what that says about you?
Accept yourself fully.

Look at the name on the articles, then the longer reply in the middle.

Turns out I'm an authoritarian because I don't believe what you believe. Neato.

Some random user made a mistake.
How exciting.

You're an authoritarian because you want people to lose their jobs because they have a different opinion.

That's only one funny part. The Israel gets to be an ethnostate but no one else does sophistry is another funny part.

I never said I wanted that. You need to believe that though.

You're wrong though.

Malaysia has Maylay supremacy as an enforced law. That's an ethnostate. There are many others.

Transgender normalisarion seems like a massive program of ideologically motivated and intrusive social engineering rather than a question of civil rights. Ask most advoxates and its clear they view it first and foremost as a progressive political statement reminds me of the priesthood of cybeles in ancient rome, religiously motivated sexual mutilation and all that. Liberal society knows no virtues beyond transgressive sexual self expression and hedonism, which adquire a paradoxically pious and holy glow as everything else is derided. there are lots of poorly socialised young males who get sold on transgenderism as an easy fix to all their problems, as 'transitioning' means instant sympathy and community from progressives, whereas otherwise they'd be just another gross incel. I think the left is exploiting vulnerable and confused people many of them depressed autistic or victims of child abuse for culture war propaganda and social engineering

Both names are David French. Is it implying that their are multiple columnists with the same name working for the same rag? Or are the anons in picrel trying to gaslight him

Nice fabricated worldview you've designed.

That's what we've been discussing this whole time. Should there be consequences, especially legal or economic, for not treating a transwoman as a woman?

Sophists everywhere. Yes, of course no one on the internet uses hyperbole. I obviously meant Malaysia and not western countries.

Blindspots, blindspots, everywhere.
Never shall they turn their eye to their alleged allies.

No, but there should be consequences for dehumanizing others.

Not my fault you didn't qualify your statements. As I linked though, several Western countries are de facto ethnostates if not de jure.

I didn't qualify either and you are going to reply with something silly. Oh well.

>No, but there should be consequences for dehumanizing others.
The goyim are made to serve us

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I was correct. Thanks.

You call it white separatiam, i call it using Strategic essentialism against the totalitarian aspirations of the globohomo leviathan managerial state. Transgenderism is a good issue to push the left corporatist regime on, force them to double down and adopt increasingly absurd and authoritarian norms until the masses realise the elites are fundamentally opposed to their identity their values and their way of life and their very biological existence. As it is currently understood gender is a front in this war. We need to push things to the point were latent friend enemy distinctions become manifest. The nonconformist young men who would have supported the left just a decade ago are increasingly being drawn to the radical right. The left aims at total pacification and homogenisation and eventually total control, but there are those among us who recognise struggle and conflict as an irreducible part of human existence.

How very medieval of you.

Fine, some other people can think you are a jerk. Good enough? No business needs to change their bathroom if they don't want?

But yes I didn't realize Belgium was so based. My mistake.

Businesses determine their own policies within the guidelines of their host country.

You already lost the pronoun wars retard, move on

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Xe is right, xir time is over. Tell xem how it is.

>host country
You a funny guy.
It is still coercion. Also that implies a society is free to decide is policies. Yet I'm sure you'll be quiet disagreeable if the backlash starts goosestepping on your "allies" toes.

Yes, it's coercion.
That's how society works.
All societies are based on coercion.

Seems like you just need therapy. Back before trans activists made it taboo, counselling of men experiencing gender dysphoria had a greater than 90% success rate.

90% of people don't actually believe any of it, because it's fucking insane.

343% of the time 837% of statistics that people use to support their feelings are made up on the spot.

what the FUCK is that?

strange how having a cock doesn't make you dysphoric, but wearing a dress with a chin that can cut diamonds fixes everthing

And forcing people to play pretend is the level of coercion you find acceptable? Not worried by the precedent?

I find it to be negligible compared to far worse coercion that are far more prevalent.

Which is to say we already pretend about a lot worse all the time, with most not even realizing that they are it's pretend and have decided it's real. Concern over this considering what percent of the population they are is like being concerned about a pebble in your shoe while a boulder is coming towards you and also have a ball and chain around your legs.

I work with several trannies (IT consultant) and let me tell you, even in this very liberal area, 2 drinks in and people start talking about how crazy they think a man wearing a dress being a woman is, then on monday they're back to using "proper" pronouns and being unusually nice and helpful to them. This is ESPECIALLY true of women, I don't think I've worked with one who hasn't expressed some level of discomfort about sharing bathrooms with them.

As soon as the threat of losing social capital is removed from supporting delusional trannies, the only allies you're going to have left are twitter bluechecks.

I used to be rather sympathetic to trannies, sure they are just autists and harmless perverts, some of them i suppose are good people, but that was before the leftist system started pushing transgenderism hard. Its obviously a political issue that is being weaponised against you and everything you have ever found meaningful and a mark of the enemy tribe

And yet no one cares much any more that women wear men's clothes. Naturally exceptions exist.

It's a fetish like any other.

why would you undertake a surgery that puts you on the risk of your intestines randomly falling out of your body

All fetishes are the same and acceptable?
How radical of you.

It's like the Catholic idea of development of doctrine - our understanding of known truths can change over time, but the known truths do not. Women wearing mens clothes is one thing, women wearing mens clothes being men is another.


Absolutism is idiocy.


Congrats on going full identity politics.

he says, making an absolutist statement :^)

A human.

I haven't met a tranner that wasn't the subject of some extreme childhood trauma. It's just a form of escapism and not a very efficient one at that. It's a travesty that they are told that changing their bodies will help fix their problems. I sincerely mean that

All politics are identity politics. The vast majority of leftists will agree that how you exist is more important than what you believe and that there exist irresolvable ontological differences between different identities

Except the ones that change their bodies are outliers and the ones who tell them to do so are the extremists.

What will the rightists tell you?
Is that all there is?
Only left and right?
All politics are not identity politics.

Even shaving everyday and going on HRT is changing your body desu

Currently. You find the current situation acceptable. Who knows how you'll find the next brave new world. Or are you the kind that believes history always marches more and more liberal? it will be rather late to protest against playing pretend if you are wrong.

It's not really pretend if you believe it. But my problem is in fact the exploitation of said group.

just some dude who's been trolling trannies on reddit and here

>shaving is changing your body
So you like unshaven women?

No, I find the current situation entirely unacceptable for entirely different reasons than you do. No, I don't believe that. There is no such progression.

>exploitation of said group
You may believe that out of a distorted sense of compassion.

I hate being a man and being treated like one, too. Presumably that's not what being trans is, or else anyone who transitions is retarded.

Shaving literally is a form of changing your body. Don't move the goalposts bucko

So is cutting your hair then.
So is trimming your nails.
So is so much.
You're so silly.

Shaving your pedostache is different from shaving your balls of to have a fake pussy

The vast majority of cis men don't shave their entire bodies. You said that most tranners don't change their bodies but this is not true

Even historical communism was about the identity politics of the worker, exalting this mythical image of the worker and making people identify as workers to cover up the fact society is actually run by bureaucrats. Now the left has replaced workers with muh transgressive sexual behaviours and politically correct victim identities. I dont like the shrill sense of righteousness of these people i dont like the direction they want for humanity. Its us or them.

Maybe explain your reasons then?

It can only be distorted eh?

Insofar as they belong to the category of "fetish." Having one doesn't necessitate extrapolating it to every aspect of my life, nor does it imply that its cause for development lies outside of the general mechanism by which other fetishes emerge.

I never said that. I said most never have surgery.

Good job at picking one to fit your narrative.

It's the same reasoning as anyone abusive would give in the guise of being compassionate. I'm doing this for your own good. You have to wear this burqa or else men will take advantage of you. I'm keep all of your money for you because you don't know how to spend it properly. I'm only looking out for your best interests.

What an defense you could give for a pedophiliac necrophile.

>You said change their body
Yeah, most don't get surgeries, I'm not disagreeing with you on that

Anyways, this is a stupid discussion

The problem is what you want to assume a different definition to suit your owns ends. I agree that I should have specifically said surgery in every instance so that wouldn't have the opportunity to be disingenuous about it.

Stupid? Surely not. One such as you would only engage in the most worthwhile conversation.

I must have posted well over 100 times so far in this thread.

Sure, no one could be genuinely concerned that someone paying to cut healthy, functioning parts off their body might be getting exploited.
I already explained the sufficient concerns

I want to become an anime boy and be gay

It's difficult to stop people from exploiting themselves.

How do you feel about cosmestic surgery?

So just pretend everything is better and clap when it's done?

Are we talking burn victims or boob jobs? Because yeah sometimes the latter is exploitation.

I'm not making a value judgement. Pedophilia can easily be judged as immoral in terms of action and maladaptive in terms of etiology. I'm merely suggesting that fetishes are far more localized in a person's psyche than trannies would suggest. As such, the degree to which they can be extrapolated to forming a person's identity is fairly limited.

SRS isn't exploitation. You act like the doctors doing it are trying to convince them to do it. They aren't. In the US and other countries it usually takes years for a person to be able to do it. If anything, it's the other way around. Of course payment is expected, they aren't going to do it for free. Iran is interesting in that sex changes are paid for by the state, though that's because they don't want to admit homosexuals exist. On top of that, it's a small percent of already a tiny percent of people. I don't have numbers, but it can't be very many per year even.

I would call the former reconstructive surgery.
It's not sometimes, it's almost all the time and that's much more common. Rhinoplasty is actually the most common now, or was the last I looked. Globally the most common is blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery, especially in South Korea because of the ideal of beauty being white people. Then so many countries buy skin lighteners. These are so entirely for profit. There may not be malice, but it's still exploitation. There aren't advertisement saying get SEXUAL REASSIGNMENT SURGERY TODAY! I have no doubt there would be if there was a market for it, but it isn't.

El atrocidad.

>So just pretend everything is better and clap when it's done?
No, it just is what it is. I think it should be avoided when possible, but if it happens, it happens. Same with abortion. It's unfortunate, but it's their body and their choice.


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As long as you understand it as a fetish than there's nothing else that can be said about it.

How the fuck does "gender disphoria" even mean? Seriously speaking, what the fuck does "gender" feel? I'm not feeling my gender right now, nor I am happy or sad with having male characteristics, it's just the way I was born.

Similarly, people who pay for stuff like this and other body mods:

Is it exploitation?
I think it's a waste of money myself, and I'm only saying so because trying to remain neutral is causing too many misunderstandings.

What about this?

What does depression feel like?

It's really absurd how powerful a meme about a utterly tiny minority can overtake the minds of so many people. There must many 1000s, if not millions, times more people overly concerned about transgender people than there are transgender people.

Like a black veil covering everything, I have a family history of it and sometimes out of the blue get weekly episodes. What does it have to do with being a sexual inverted?

That's how it feels.
The more important word is Dysphoria, not gender.

This was my first post in the thread.
Turns out that I can't literally spend the entire day arguing though.

Keep speaking, if we both feel the same sometimes but I don't want to subject myself to extreme medical procedures there's some piece of the puzzle lacking. For example: I used to be kind of mad that I turned out to be short and stopped lenghtening at 15 being that my dad is taller than me, I felt that I was robbed of the height I deserved, but with time I just accepted this is the way I am. Is it something like that? Am I a tall man incarcerated in a short man's body?

That would be similar, yes.
To clarify, I don't have gender dysphoria.

Have you considered wearing platform shoes?

There's actually surgery for that.

The "anyone who defends x must be x as well" narrative is rather silly as well.

There's nothing morally wrong with transitioning when you're dysphoric, despite what the neurotic LARPing christfags that have infested this board like a plague of locusts will tell you. That being said, it's always going to be a cross to carry and it will always make life a struggle for you. Transitioning might make the load lighter or it might disappoint you heavily and create new worries. You are going to struggle, but that's not something new to you and you can likely handle it. Luckily on Yea Forums the worst you'll experience is being called a discord tranny. Good luck, discord tranny.

>I've decided for various reasons it's not the right thing to do.

then why do you need to 'cope' you stupid little shit

Why do you have to be a sociopath?

I'm a manlet, not a clown or an insecure retard.

OP here. I just got back from college. Why the fuck does my retarded little thread have so many replies and what even are you all arguing about?
Thanks for the dopamine I guess.

I didn't post or but no I will not stop watching anime. It's one of the few half-healthy coping mechanisms I have.

I've had dysphoria since childhood, and as a kid I would do things like put on my mom's makeup and wear her clothes. No one encouraged it - they discouraged it - and yet it didn't pass naturally. What do you make of that?

I was never traumatized as a child.

>There's nothing morally wrong with transitioning when you're dysphoric, despite what the neurotic LARPing christfags that have infested this board like a plague of locusts will tell you.
I am a Christian, and that's one of the main reasons I've decided against transitioning. I almost certainly wouldn't pass anyway.

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What is your sexual orientation?

breakfast on pluto

What kind of Christian?

That's an interesting point. People have joked about trans-blacks as a counter-argument. But there might actually be lightened, postsurgery transwhite Koreans. Which means transblack isn't so easily dismissed. Well that'll be fun.
Yeah, I wonder if there shouldn't be restriction on advertisements for those things.

Yeah at least there is no question of murder.

Probably 2/3 of the posts are only me

The United States is basically the only if not the only country in the world that allows marketing medications.


Non-denom for now. Still haven't decided on that.

Are you publicly out?
There's not really any such thing as non-denominational. That's just what it's called for convenience. You should be looking stuff up. You may just be a cultural Christian.

>Are you publicly out?
No, I haven't told anyone.

>You may just be a cultural Christian.
I'm not. I believe in the Bible, and in Christ, his resurrection, that he died for sins, etc. I'm just not sure which denomination I should join. I am strongly considering Catholicism but am still iffy about some aspects.

Catholicism isn't denomination. It's monolithic.
Protestantism has denominations. They different in a lot of important ways.
What about your parents?
How often have you gone to a church?
When did you decide to accept Jesus?

Catholicism and Protestantism are different in a lot of important ways is what I meant.
Though denominations differ as well.
It seems to me like you don't know much and may just be going through the motions.

Boston University religion scholar Stephen Prothero argues that nondenominationalism hides the fundamental theological and spiritual issues that initially drove the division of Christianity into denominations behind a veneer of "Christian unity". He argues that nondenominationalism encourages a descent of Christianity—and indeed, all religions—into comfortable "general moralism" rather than being a focus for facing the complexities of churchgoers' culture and spirituality. Prothero further argues that it also encourages ignorance of the Scriptures, lowering the overall religious literacy while increasing the potential for inter-religious misunderstandings and conflict.


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You really are reading too much into this. I'm just not sure which church is the true church. What is so hard to understand about that?
My parents consider themselves Baptists, but they never go to church, and I've never been either. I became Christian about a year ago after wavering between various religious beliefs.

The only real Christian's left are in the Orthodox Church, everyone else falls in to some manner of heresy or another

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Thanks for being honest.
That's what I thought.
What does being a Christian mean to you then?
I'm honestly very interested.
My personal background is that I was raised in a Southern Baptist church and went every single Sunday to both Sunday School and Church. Then afterwards as well. I'm 33 and 20+ of those years I was regularly going to church. That being said, I've never been a Christian. Always been an atheist. I could explain more, but I'm more interested in what you have to say.

For me, it means that I have faith in Christ and what he did on the cross and try to implement his teachings in my life.

What do you think about this? 2:14-26&version=NKJV

That's why I added the "try to implement his teachings in my life" part. I don't believe in sola fide.

Last question because meh.
How do you reconcile being gay with being Christian?

I could go on and on since there's so much, but yeah. Suffice to say, everyone is very much pick and choose from the Bible. Especially when it comes to capitalism and similar.

Deuteronomy 5:9
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me

Hosea 13:14
I will have no compassion.

Hosea 13:16
The people of the Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.

1 Samuel 15:3
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

If working in technology makes You dysphoric that is an issue

I'm gay in terms of attraction, but I haven't acted on it. I've never had sex.

Old testament laws don't matter for Christians
(Besides, that whole half isn't supposed to be literal)

So you'll chaste for rest of your life?
Also: 5:29-30&version=KJV

29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

Looking upon men with lust and masturbating to them is sinful. I guess you'll have to lose your eye and hand.

Uh, no. 5:17-20&version=KJV

That being said, I've always thought it would be very interesting to have a religion that discarded the old testament. I would be very amused anyway.

Till all be fulfilled. Which is exactly what Jesus did. This is basic theology. Jesus was the end of the old covenant

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It's a big stumbling block, especially for sects that claim Sola Scriptura
It really just depends on which you want to pick.

Not really, nothing in the New Testament supports anything other than superseccionism.

I don't really want to argue about it.
On a different note then, what do you think about Mormons?

Mormons literally aren't Christians, they sent the divinity of Christ. They are an abrahamic faith, but closer to Islam than anything else. Nice people though

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I've always seen it as like a fanfiction addition to the Bible. There's a lot of amusing stuff in it. Seemed like a precursor to ufo religions and scientology.

Religion based on that the universe is a simulation when?

Gnosticism, already been done thousands of years ago. It's actually a pretty interesting religion. I have a soft spot for it's metaphysics the Plemora and all of the Syzyges, the overlap between gnosticism and early Christianity is also super fascinating

Poor OP never had a chance. His thread was completely hijacked.

Do you think there will ever be a new major religion that doesn't currently exist?
Let's say major is a couple hundred million followers at lest.

Sure. A couple hundred millions though? That's going to take centuries at the very least. I would say that something like Marxism is actually what you might be looking for, we aren't going to see a religion justified by miracles or supernatural experiences happen again just because of how accessible the internet is. But an all encompassing political ideology with its own customs and dress, martyrs and villians, holy scriptures, eschatology and so on? Marxism fits the bill (though I would argue that it's a Christian heresy, but that's another matter)

honestly? i dont think you CAN realistically cope with gender dysphoria. i don't think, however, is anything other than a kind of BDD. sure, as a birdcel i wish my nose was smaller and my chin existed but i can't really do that without paying thousands of dollars and it won't be a natural thing even then. the only thing you can do is wallow in your own self-loathing for the rest of your life wishing you were born differently.

I think it's more likely something technology ,corporate, or conspiracy based.

Not the traditional kind of religion.

Wouldn't it be hilariously sad if something like Qanon became a religion after decades had passed?

Or something like this:

or something like the We company.

Apple and others already basically operate like Religion-lite.

or something like:
It's intelligent design for the IQ 140 people. This proposition that we're heading to this point at which everything is going to be just unimaginably different — it's fundamentally, in my view, driven by a religious impulse. And all of the frantic arm-waving can't obscure that fact for me, no matter what numbers he marshals in favor of it. He's very good at having a lot of curves that point up to the right.
—Mitch Kapor on Ray Kurzweil

I don't think something it'd be something like you said, but I wouldn't know.

Also, yeah, the number is rather outsized since as far as I can tell the majority of the members are born into it rather than believe it.

I'm just shooting the shit, I really don't know. Roberto Mangeira Unger has an interesting lecture series on the "Religion of the Future", check it out if you are interested

Facebook has already its own company towns where Facebook rules everything. Other companies are doing so as well. I'll check it out later, thanks.

They actually do have drugs that stop those urges. Don't get an axe wound.

There's a lot that would stop the urges.
Just take a good bit of Dsuvia and it'll all go away.

Celibacy is a possible option. But have you heard of Philippe I, Duke of Orleans?

Check out the Marcion canon. It was the first ever actually.

>Philippe I, Duke of Orleans
Isn't that just bisexuality?

I wasn't there but guy seems pretty gay. He didn't have sex with women because he liked it. He did it because it was his duty, maybe because he wanted a family.

You need to read a book, I can just tell you that you probably don’t look like the cute anime girl in that gif.

Well alright then, far be it from me to impose modern notions of sexuality onto the past.

Obviously not, but just let me dream, user.

This person posts a lot of pics on several boards.

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This person is a pro gamer and Twitch streamer.

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unironically stop watching anime

>don't do stuff that I don't myself do

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"Female pro gamer," if it doesn't mean middling tranny pro gamer, means "wouldn't be considered pro if they weren't female" gamer. They're novelty acts.

I remember this one gookclick tournament where dozens of well-known players, ranked best in the world, had to play uncast and unstreamed matches to move up the ranks because there were simply too many of them to stream/cast them all except the very top players vs. the very top players of all, and in the midst of that, they let one female "pro" play a mid-high tier male pro. Not only did he obliterate her, she actually demonstrated she didn't even really know how to play the game. She did stuff that not even the lowest, sub-pro but aspiring pro tier male player would do, shit that even random fairly skilled people who simply play the game regularly know not to do. But she got on the stage because she was a girl.

Why are you posting these?

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I understand that u might be afraid to transition because ur afraid on whether or not you'll pass off or how you'll look after, and that's completely up to u. But user, if you're mostly doing it for religious reasons I'd recommend checking out The Body's Grace by Rowan Williams which is the Episcopal's defense on their views, as well as To Set Our Hopes on Christ. Not saying you have to agree with them but expose yourself to different perspectives and opinions to help better decide what to do.

GL based user

Speak for yourself. Women wearing pants disgust me.

>icon painted by woman
>accusing others of heresy

What the fuck happened so that people take the idea of mutilating the genitals as a serious thing to do to heal a purely psychological illness?

You’re a subhuman nazi you wouldn’t understand

People like happened.