Did he support pedophilia?

Did he support pedophilia?

Attached: Michel-Foucault_EDIIMA20140624_0028_5.jpg (643x857, 55K)

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They all did.

Actually, he invented it

Attached: 8F9F281F-CA70-4FD9-9C5C-A28962447CC3.jpg (1080x1201, 104K)

Yes he was a pedarast aka a gay pedo

You decide: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws

No. It's about the idea of sexual crimes. Pedophilia is not a sexual crime -- it is a crime. The category of sexual crime should not exist; it is used to abuse homosexuals.

t. pedophile

T. Faggot

Attached: 6DE43351-0DAE-422F-9B37-F8C427BC16EB.jpg (562x750, 71K)

The nose admits his guilt.

Honestly France has been completely infected by decadence since the revolution, the Nazis should just have burned it to the ground. Every French intellectual since then has been a fucking deconstructionalist pedo

The category of sexual crime is very important. We have to inevitably go beyond prosecution and sentencing, there needs to be rehabilitation, and that has to consider the crime commited.
If someone was a shoplifter it may have been from lack of employment due to no skills or from the need to fund a drug habit. The steps could include training/education, substance-counselling, etc. And the chances are that if they can kick the drugs or keep a job, the "need" to shoplift will diminish. While there are people who steal for some utilitarian thrill, it is not the majority motive.
Sexual crimes need to be separated for this very reason that utility and causality and the methods for rehabilitation are still murky.
Treating it as any other crime is naive.

It's not about support, he genealogically dismantled the belief that pedophilia is a naturally prohibited criminality.

very openly, yes

He was a fag, so yeah.

Hebedephilia and pederasty are true gay culture. They aren't like hetero normies.

>the state should define and enforce what are good sexual conducts

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha les anglos ces abrutis, ces éternels esclaves

être atteint du syndrome de moralisme à un point tel qu'il leur est impossible d'envisager un problème intellectuel sous une autre perspective que celle de la morale (protestante, évidemment) ils ont réduits tout le monde à sa déterminante matérialiste (vulgaire, démonstratif)

Most thinking people are

ô quand serons-nous libérés du règne servile et grégaire de l'angloïde ?!

>t. raping a drunk four year old as he types
lol frogs are disgusting

Frogs cant wait to have their révolution conservatrice, unfortunately.

sssshhh, degenerate.

Franco-américain ici. Cosmopolite Masterrace.

> Did he support pedophilia?
He was a homosexual, so of course the answer is 'yes'.

Special laws for faggots?

Attached: he said it.jpg (1366x768, 64K)

You're right, we should delegate that job to AIDS-infected pedophile homosexuals. Of course.



That was the Catholic Church.

Related topic: how do I into Hocquenghem and René Schérer? especially the latter; has any of his works been translated? What do you think of him?


Yes indeed the state should decide everything.

hahahahahahahahahhaha anglos miss the point once more, just how DUMB can they get?

You know what I would do if a meet a pedophile? I'll kill him. simple as. I don't need the government to tell me that pedophilia is bad, nor do I need to government to strip me of my rights, freedom and will so that they can birth a law that says 'fucking a child isn't legal' hahahahaha. imagine being infantilized by the government like that.

Oh and one last thing; how do you explain the fact that the people responsible for sexual laws are all pedos? Lmao. I mean with the epstein case it's going to be hard to dismiss this one.

huh, that's actually good reasoning

no, it really isn't.

yeah if it weren't for LE STATE, huffing amyl nitrate would men run trains on my asshole until I die of AIDS would be universally recognized as acceptable behavior. Everyone was fine with faggots until LE STATE came along. This assertion fell out of my ass when Bruno removed his fist, so it must be true.

Practically all philosophers dating back to at least Socrates were notorious pederasts. It's more surprising coming across a non-pedestrian thinker who wouldn't be in prison by contemporary standards.

>what are Romans and Greeks
Reddit is one block down

>have all the power in the world
>use it to fuck ugly retarded shitting babies

>he was gay
He probably did
>he was french
He definitely did

holy based

Foucault was a classic reactionary who romanticized the simple pleasures of rustic life (before those Enlightenment social scientists came along and invented pedophilia)

Wanna get spooked? Watch this..
To your left is 12 Rules for Life and Sam Harris, to your right is a bottle of piss, and behind you on the wall above your head is a Gadsden flag