All philosophy that isn't 'have children' is superfluous cope.
All philosophy that isn't 'have children' is superfluous cope
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But having kids is not the only necessity. There are millions of people who have kids and not have even one answer.
What does his tattoo say?
Why are those veins convergiby around his cock?
Having children is the ultimate purpose of life, it is the single most amazing feat that we as living creatures can perform
It takes a lot of blood to keep a shlong of Gigachad's size erect so his body bore new veins purely for the purpose of Gigachad's procreation
I agree with that. But it‘s still not a fix for everything.
Tfw mentally ill but want children
>purpose of life
lol so niggers with 12 kids on welfare have achieved the pinnacle of human experience? Nice.
>Having children is the ultimate purpose of life
I remember being 18
quite the opposite
Not the purpose of my life
Procreating like rabbits + primitive lifestyle is arguably the peak human experience. Any consciousness beyond that level is a curse and modern higher education just amounts to useless intellectual masturbation unless we figure out Singularity/Hedonistic Imperative, which seems unlikely.
t. Faggot
I thought you were in supermax, Ted? Do they give Internet to you lot now?
Having children and passing on your genes literally is the purpose of all life
You could say the purpose of the soul or whatever is something else that you might consider more ‘meaningful’, but the purpose of life is to create more life from the perspective of people who study life
In other words, have sex, it’s literally what you exist to do
Hence why TK is right about everything
>All philosophy that isn't 'have children' is superfluous cope.
t. the demiurge
I wish this wasn't true.
high iq
shoo shoo archons
Based gnostic poster
Yes. Keep having a lot of kids so that rich people like me can exploit them.
The purpose of life is procreation, but children aren't the only kind. An artist's works are his children, and they can live longer than any biological offspring.