Favorite PoMo literature?
Favorite PoMo literature?
Vietnamese pokemon crystal
Finished Gravity's Rainbow yesterday. I enjoyed my time with it but the last 80 or so pages were a bit of a slog.
The Recognitions is an absolute masterpiece.
Why do people think that Borges was a postmodernist?
Cause he was? He checks all the boxes and even adds more of their own, making him even more unique.
A better question would be: 2666? I mean sure, it has some post-modern elements but if anything it probably falls into the post-postmodern style, The Savage Detectives is much more postmodern
I've recently come to terms with the fact that I'm a PoMo brainlet; it's fun up here. Pynchon, Burroughs, PKD, Ballard; I just love that shit.
Been meaning to check out The Tunnel-- a little intimidated.
>all the boxes
What boxes?
Consistent plot structure, fixation on cool ideas, even his recurring topics are all modernist. None of his major influences had anything to do with postmodernism.
2666 was postmodern though. The whole idea behind the book is totally postmodern, even if the execution isn't overtly so. You may be confused because Bolano doesn't do irony and all that nonsense as much as your typical bananaman.
So good you can't help but feel awe and despair in equal amounts. I'll never be this talented :(
The Tunnel is late-late-modernism
t. Zadie Smith's agent
House of Leaves and Infinite Jest (and I'm sure others) are not post modern, they are metamodern
These are postmodern
t. postmodernist pseud
that's dumb af. It's a clear shift in the nature of the literature. Deciding we've reached the end of cultural history is moronic. Metamodern is the Hegelian synthesis of modernism and postmodernism. It's fundamentally different.
Fuck you and your dumbfuck made up labels. The vast majority of metamodern shit is also postmodern (Infinite Jest is definitely postmodern).
Stop chasing for the latest fad, and realize that a movement only happens if it happens, not when you want it to happen. I am very much doubtfull that the next big thing will be metamodernism, especially given that we have reached the point where there are so many different authors and trends, that defining non-niche schools of literature may have become impossible.
It's pretty much already a term that's been adopted. Its the reaction to postmodernism. Infinite Jest is typically seen as the first metamodern, New Sincerity, hypermodern, blah blah blah all the same shit. Metamodern is just the best label for it imo and its the one that's been used most often
Tom Cat Murr
(Actually looking for a DL. Anybody know one?)
Borges predates postmodernism. He's his own thing.
Postmodernism is an Anglo meme. Cortázar and Calvino are not postmodern.
LOL, it did sound like I'm shilling, but no, I really like this novel - her other ones definitely have teething problems but this one is marvelous.
They should have put the red dot on The Tunnel, it’s a pretty demanding read
House of Leaves