I find myself in agreement with the perennial philosophy but I don't really thinkthat,in thesedays,choosing one of the traditional religion is a possible solution for someone who is interest in the wisdom those tradition have to offer.
I also think that the focus should bemore on the common practice (of mystical union) rather than on the common metaphysical principles (those should be consequencial and theyget meaning only after some experience anyway).
I think that the only way this wisdom can go on is by being technicized and expressed in a new language that can speak to the contemporary mind. For this purpose I have created a discord so thatanyone can talkabout the practiceshe is following, what are the results he has obtained, and why he thinks they are working or not working. Hopefullyby exploring the "why" we will find a new language to explain and communicate the perennial philosophy. AlsoIfindthat listening to other people thoughts can greatly help my practice.
I'm already trying to make sense of those experiences by myself, if you are doing it too maybe we can join forces.
Unitarian religion in that circle is anadmittedly reddit attempt to subsume knowledge into a single system, which has unfortunately been burdened with ultra liberal universalists and non philosophers. Its exactly what you are seeking, but I think you can do that without actually becoming religious, and hopefully by adding some legit scholarly religious studies into the mix.
You should read up on 19th century varieties of Unitarian christian churches which are legitimate seekers of wisdom rather than hand holding rainbow flag memes
>interested in the study of perennialism and man's shared experience in perceiving the divine and understanding it >choose orthodoxy, the most rigid unperennialist choice
I'm very interested in this. I'll try to join your discord either tomorrow or the day after. I'd like to discuss some of my own relevant ideas and project. Hope to speak you then user
Nolan Miller
I'm very happy to hear this.
Henry Hall
Sound nice, i will check it out
Robert Butler
I think there are Advaita Vedantists who would beg to differ.
Joshua Cooper
Blake Allen
>I don't really thinkthat,in thesedays,choosing one of the traditional religion is a possible solution for someone who is interest in the wisdom those tradition have to offer. >I also think that the focus should bemore on the common practice (of mystical union) rather than on the common metaphysical principles >I think that the only way this wisdom can go on is by being technicized and expressed in a new language that can speak to the contemporary mind. bait
Is anyone into sufi/bhakti esotericism and mysticism, including their modern day variants e.g.Sikhism?
Anthony Reed
Guenon is a product of his time, before the postmodern turn took place.
Jeremiah Baker
If you're of European descent, you either become Christian like literally all your ancestors for thousands of years who built Europe and made it great or you become a cringe faggot larper and a disappointed to yourself, your kin, and the world.
Aiden Gutierrez
>equating all the religions cringe and bluepilled, ur just a racist hippie dude
John Smith
Gabriel Powell
Ian Powell
Traditionalism is a dead meme
Landon Clark
There's only the religions. The "Tradition" as something which trascendente It's religious Package is a postfacto orientalist lie.
Oliver Flores
>but I don't really thinkthat,in thesedays,choosing one of the traditional religion is a possible solution for someone who is interest in the wisdom those tradition have to offer. You can learn from their wisdom without being a believer. But if you set yourself to walk all the paths, you become just aimless wanderer without destination. In that case what's the point? Wisdom of the past becomes just something to muse you, not something to grow from spiritually.
Elijah Bailey
>discord Into the trash you go.
Charles Phillips
I disagree. And if you would dig deeper in you belief you would find out yourself
If you wander long enough you start to understand and create a new path (or a new language for what I think is the same path in all religions). If the wisdom of the path has value only if approached through the difficulty of his expressive form the it's not that much of a value.
Xavier Jones
You are great dude.
Easton Perry
If you are not sincretic you really haven't understood the essence of the paths
Hunter Ramirez
Thomas Edwards
Sad indeed
Connor Ortiz
>Tbere Is No Religion Higber Tban Trutb
Wyatt Rodriguez
To anyone interested in western Catholicism from a Guenonian standpoint, I recommend reading Jean Hani. I just finished one of his books entitled "The Symbolism of the Christian Temple." It goes through each part of the traditional Cathedral and its symbolic meaning. It discusses both certain theological symbols in the Church (in a more traditional, Church Fathers-esque style) and pure metaphysical symbols in the Church (very similar to Guenon's Symbolism of the Cross, and Symbols of Sacred Science.) One thing I thought to be interesting about the book was that the last 30 or so pages were all about arguing Christianity to be a "solar religion." He doesn't mention Evola at all, but it seems as if this section is a fair retort to many of Evola's claims of Christianity's Lunar characteristics. Hani also mentions a bit about what he calls "Universal Revalation" that justifies some of his claims of Pagan characteristics within Christianity.
And to any Catholics who question the doctrinal validity, the book obtained Nihil Obstat from the Church.
Elijah Hall
Some of the weakest self-discussing VPN changing IP grabbing attempt ever. You know not everyone is a brainlet here?