Intellectual Dark Web

Is there anything worth reading from IDW authors?

The majority of them are absolute garbage - Shapiro, Peterson, Lehmann, Rubin, Crowder. Sam Harris is mediocre at best. Steven Pinker is okay when he's talking about his area of expertise, otherwise he's total garbage as well.

This has to be the most pleb "intellectual" movement in the history of Western civilisation.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm Pickle Rick

Is Nick Land in this sect?

As bad as it is, it's still better than the rest of academia

I've never seen any of the official propaganda pieces include him. Most likely for the same reason Kaczynski and Linkola are simply unpersoned, pointing out the unsustainability of Liberalism isn't something you can shoot down with ad hominem or strawmen.

>for his next astounding trick, the spectacular shapiro will make this Palestinian child disappear!

You're confusing IDW with Dark Enlightenment.

Sounds like you've drank the IDW Kool Aid mate. Shitting on academia is something they all having in common. I actually read Shapiro's book on the topic and he argues like your old Mormon uncle who believes school is liberal brainwashing. Most academics aren't even involved in this identity politics bullshit.

>lefties still can't get the fucking lobster metaphor
jesus christ its not even that complex, how do you fuck this up?

>autists don't understand jokes

These people what nothing controversial to say, they are all moderate leftists.
There is nothing intellectual or dark about them.

That's what they call themselves though.

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Was about to comment the same.

I can feel the seething emanating from this picture. Anyway Map of Meaning from Peterson is pretty great if you like Mythology.

more like maps of gay sex


Who's the fat guy with the Jew fro

They are good for exposing people to better thinkers, as I grew out of my youtube phase into actually reading literature.

Map of Incest yes. But it is quite heterosexual.

It's terrible and only internet losers think it has any worth. Pathetic petersonfags please leave.

Dugin, Karpets, Moldbug, Land, Galkovsky, Bohemicus

the average .onion site is probably more intellectually stimulating than these pseudos

Intellectual is a stretch

None of those is considered part of the milieu.

Intellectual Dark Web?
More like
Intellectual Dork Web.

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Not intellectual, not "dark" in any meaningful sense of the word, not much aware of the web at all. Who the fuck came up with this name?

Geoffrey Miller is a reader of Moldbug and Nick Land

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Weinstein did. He is fucking cringe, check his twitter.

dark web bc they're all closet pedobears

Has everyone in the IDW been chased out of educational institutions?

Imagine being so conservative that Shapiro and Peterson are considered "moderate leftists"

>NeoPeterson arrives from the ASS Land future.

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>school is liberal brainwashing
Because it is, and it starts in kindergarten and ramps up in intensity until it reaches its stride in college.
>Most academics aren't even involved in this identity politics
at the very least a large minority are directly involved, if not a clear majority. if they’re not involved, then they offer their tacit approval or are too scared to voice their concerns. and even if you ignore faculty, the students and administration are 100% in the tank for identity politics, so who cares about what the professors think when there is pressure to conform from above and below?

honestly, as somebody going to an Ivy League school who sees this shit first hand, it baffles me that there are people in denial of institutional left-wing bias at the university level. a few years ago, I could have excused it as being lucky, but not anymore as the principles of classical liberalism die off with the rest of the old school professors. the ideological taint is pervasive and infects every aspect of life at college, and I’m convinced that the only people who disagree are delusional in some way. maybe they haven’t stepped foot on campus in a long time, maybe it’s a question of ego, or maybe they’re so indoctrinated that they believe the left-wing framework is the new center.

The truth of the matter is that universities are no longer marketplaces of ideas, and you have no reasonable guarantee of safety should you choose to consider or express ideas that go against the grain of permissible thought. And of course, you’re doubly-fucked if you’re far-right instead of far-left, because the establishment will simply ignore the latter, but they will “un-person” the former, or worse.

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Only know Moldbug, Land and Dugin. Give me a quick rundown/reccomended readings for the others.

Yes there is left-wing bias. That's not Shapiro's contention though. He exaggerates the bias to the point of sounding like a paranoid schizophrenic. That and he's generally a lying, deceitful little shit and I'm angry I wasted time taking him seriously. The rest of IDW just like him when it comes to bias, deceit, twisting statistics, and outright lying to push an agenda.

I'm not even a leftist by the way.

>He exaggerates the bias to the point of sounding like a paranoid schizophrenic.
I don't think he's exaggerating. Did you even look at my chart? There are entire fields where, if you take a large sample, where you may not even find a single Republican. That doesn't strike me as paranoia but rather a crisis, and given the importance of academia in influencing society, I would be hysterical too if I were in his shoes.

>That and he's generally a lying, deceitful little shit and I'm angry I wasted time taking him seriously.
I agree. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. Most of the intellectual "dark web" is full of current liberals who want spaces to discuss controversial ideas and yesteryear's liberals who are scared about society moving even further to the left. The fact that they're painted as intellectual outlaws, despite being milquetoast and generally compatible with the zeitgeist, should be alarming to you.

do modern Normal People actually refer to certain image board communities as "The Dark Web"?

Most people are aware of academic bias. Academics themselves have written about. The most prominent critic of academic left bias is maybe Haidt - who is generally well received. You see, you can talk about this as a conservative/Republican without getting fired, if you're not an asshat about it.

Shapiro and Peterson et al are not ostracised from academia because of their right wing views. I shouldn't have to explain that the reason they are not taken seriously by academia is that they're not serious scholars - they are marketing guys selling self-help books and inflammatory shit stirrers. If any of them wrote a coherent, well-researched critique of institutional bias, other academics would consider their views. Instead they pander to YouTube lowest common denominator morons.

This is how Shapiro views universities.

What are you talking about?

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Normal People are so embarrassing all the time

>is maybe Haidt - who is generally well received.
The same guy who said:
>“This makes it impossible to teach. This makes it impossible to have an intellectual community,” he said. “I’m a liberal Professor and my liberal students scare me.”
People receive Jonathan Haidt well because he's knowledgeable enough of left-wing thought to understand them, and because he's articulate enough to speak their language without walking into tripwires and stepping on land mines. But none of his suggestions to facilitating rational discourse between the left and the right have been followed through on any major college. Instead, we have been seeing acceleration of progressive hegemony over university life.
>You see, you can talk about this as a conservative/Republican without getting fired, if you're not an asshat about it.
Jonathan Haidt is not a good example to use, given that he openly stated that he started his work in order to help the Democratic Party win more votes. I'm not belittling his work or accusing him of bias, I think he's made excellent contributions to political psychology, I'm just saying that he doesn't have as much inertia to push against in making his case.

>Shapiro and Peterson et al are not ostracised from academia because of their right wing views. I shouldn't have to explain that the reason they are not taken seriously by academia is that they're not serious scholars - they are marketing guys selling self-help books and inflammatory shit stirrers.
Not being taken seriously by academics and being subjected to censorship and violence at academic institutions are two entirely different matters. I don't want to derail this conversation by talking about thinkers who I don't particularly support, but their treatment by faculty, administration, and students at large are perfect examples of how universities no longer facilitate intellectual discourse that goes against the establishment.

>If any of them wrote a coherent, well-researched critique of institutional bias, other academics would consider their views. Instead they pander to YouTube lowest common denominator morons.
It bothers me that people don't want to talk about the problem because the main critics haven't done enough homework to use academic jargon properly. Okay, postmodern neo-Marxism is a misnomer because Marxism is a modernist school of thought, and talking about postmodernism in general is vacuous because it's more about a time period than any codified school of thought, but *something* is going on that is tangentially related to postmodern thinkers, socialist-esque thinking, identity politics, etc., and these ideas are taking over our institutions of learning to the exclusion of any other ideology.

But nobody wants to approach this institutional crisis with any attitude remotely like intellectual honesty because we can't come up with a good label for it. Give me a break. It's getting old.

Cut out the statues of Marx and Mao, and it would be an accurate (though obviously exaggerated) depiction of modern university life. I get dozens of emails in my mailbox about this shit every day. Every university orientation program I went through was inundated with this type of ideology. Almost every extracurricular group has been infected with the kind of thinking.

Show me the fucking lie.

>Ricky Gervais
What? Did I miss something?

Peterson has some interesting things to say when he talks about psychological issues.

But overall they're just boring liberals.

Are Americans as uneducated as to think that the average college Democrat is a "far-left" extremist?
Find me one that advocates the collectivization of the means of production.
Identifying as a non-binary Latina while supporting the free market isn't being a leftist for fuck's sake

>Identifying as a non-binary Latina while supporting the free market isn't being a leftist for fuck's sake
This is another gripe I have with leftists refusing to acknowledge left-wing domination of academia. Just because *your* form of leftism is out of vogue doesn't mean that contemporary leftism doesn't have a stranglehold over everything. Sorry, but old school Marxists are a thing of the past, and these people are working against YOU as much as they are working against centrists, conservatives, libertarians, etc.

The whole "left vs right" thing in America is a spectacle that keeps the bulk of the population distracted. The two parties don't disagree on anything substantial, or if they occasionally do, it stays at the level of rhetoric, just enough to keep the spectacle going.

Agree with your general sentiment but I still think your efforts are misplaced in defending these people. In fact, by aligning yourself with them you widen the chasm between left and right. What's necessary now is reconciliation and a voice that represents the right and can penetrate the liberal wall.

Peterson was protested off campus not because of his views (they're not that radical; if he wasn't famous his talks would simply be empty), but because of who he represents: his followers, his ideology... The use of Free Speech mantra here is an excuse to spout hateful nonsense. I used to be a firm believer in free speech (as a Libertarian) too, and I still do, but I don't push it now because I know 99% of the FREE SPEECH crowd don't care about open discourse.

So glad I go to university in the UK. The plague has yet to reach us.

>I still think your efforts are misplaced in defending these people
I'm not defending them. I think Peterson is a charlatan and a scam artist, and I don't care for Shapiro's punditry. But they are not the most dangerous enemies to a civil society by far. Focusing on their flaws only causes us to ignore the elephant in the room.

>his followers
What did his followers do? Was it sanctioned by anything Peterson said or did?

>his ideology
Irrelevant. Universities should not be censors of ideas. Besides, Peterson is an old-school liberal democrat when it comes to almost any serious policy position.

>to spout hateful nonsense.
What hateful nonsense? The fact that one should not be jailed for using the wrong pronouns? Sorry, but after spending so much time on Yea Forums, where most extremists *loathe* Peterson for being a milquetoast centrist, I really don't see where he's such a bad guy.

>I don't push it now because I know 99% of the FREE SPEECH crowd don't care about open discourse.
You're only harming yourself by virtue-signaling as "not like THOSE baddies" in giving up your only guarantee of preserving your say in political discourse. This is a cringe position, sorry.


no they aren't; they are completely supportive of capitalism, the military industrial complex, western political and financial hegemony, etc.

I know you're on Yea Forums and your bar is low, but these folks aren't leftists just because they're polite and don't scream the racial slurs 24/7

>Ben "Arabs like to live in sewage" Shapiro, a moderate leftist

>Jordan "women only wear makeup to fuck their bosses and climb corporate ladders" Peterson is a leftist

>Joe "hypercapitalist libertarian podcaster who thinks the left is out of control" Rogan is a leftist

>Sam "I support imperialism as long as it targets Muslims" Harris is a leftist


>if a guy has one position that isn't doctrinal leftism, then he is not a leftist, regardless what his other views are like

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If you're not an obedient slave to the anti-intellectuals and their jewish-capitalist masters then you're a brainwashed cultural marxist communist.

>What hateful nonsense? The fact that one should not be jailed for using the wrong pronouns? Sorry, but after spending so much time on Yea Forums, where most extremists *loathe* Peterson for being a milquetoast centrist, I really don't see where he's such a bad guy.
What? No. I'm not talking about Peterson's boring borderline centrist views. And no, I support free speech but don't label myself as a free speech guy for very valid reasons. We don't live in a vacuum. Calling yourself a feminist today has very different connotations to calling yourself a feminist in the 50s.

I'm done though, when you start using cringe/based/seethe/cope you bring the level of discourse down to shit posting.

They are classical liberals, liberalism is a leftist ideology. I'm not the same guy and I would call them more centrist though.

Leftists are functionally the attack dogs of american capitalism and the military industrial complex. They care way more about enforcing ideological and cultural conformity than about the economic and political structure of society . These people are aspiring managers and bureaucrats who want to destroy not only western high culture but also any form of religious feeling and the organic culture of working class in order to replace them with homogenous mass produced therapeuthic and consumerist norms. The rainbow has supplanted the cross. And the patient victim consumer unit the autonomous liberal subject. Soon leftists will be clamoring to bomb russia because Putler is for whatever reason insufficiently enthusiastic about child drag queens

You need to stop getting all of your information on the world from teens on /pol/, it's turned you into a laughingstock.

>I'm not talking about Peterson's boring borderline centrist views
Then what are you talking about? Be specific and clear.

>And no, I support free speech but don't label myself as a free speech guy for very valid reasons
So you don't speak up, I take it? You're part of the problem. And when they come for you, you won't have any way to fight back.

>I'm done though, when you start using cringe/based/seethe/cope you bring the level of discourse down to shit posting.
Lol. I had to tell it to you straight. Giving up your political rights in order to look good is cringe. You'd have to be an absolute fucking retard or a self-important narcissist to be ashamed of holding a position because somebody you don't like happens to agree with you, especially if your silence would eventually lead to your own destruction.

Name the lie.

Pointing out the brainwashing wouldn't even help you at this point, you're too far gone.
I feel badly for what the newfag era of this site has done to people like you.

I have merely come to the conclusion my view of human life its ends and purposes is incompatible with the hegemonic ideology of managerial progressivism which is expressely against the very things that in my opinion make life worth living. It is an existential enimity which most leftists will agree exist, friend enemy distinctions are drawn according to 'sensitivity' not economics. Adherence to any non progressive religion or even independent ethical or aesthetic views are rightfully seen as a threat by the system.

Pretty naive.

If you actually felt bad you’d try to explain instead of just being an unjustly smug anus

okay buddy, whatever helps you cope

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It's naive to not want to give up your rights just to look good? I thought it was the other way around. These people are not going to protect you just because you agreed with their frame one time.

Actually, no. You wouldn't listen.

I didn't "give up" my rights. If you were debating a white supremacist and he asked you whether you agree with the statement "White Lives Matter" you'd be an idiot to agree. The fact that you neglect context shows naivety.

Read the name; I’m not looking for an explanation just pointing out your hypocrisy/stupidity is loud

Steven Pinker ruined the 90s generation with his non-disclosure agreement.

If it weren't for him we would have advancements in gene modification not to mention many other areas of science.

He proposes we give up progress so we can become more social, more understanding of each other and other drivel.

He is a trash man.

>Are Americans as uneducated
1/2 of americans believe in ghosts. 1/3 for chemtrails. What do you think?

As for the youtube clowns - it's a manifestation of counter culture being industrialized. Nuanced opinions get dumbed down and codified, packaged and sold as a product. Not much to an extent as left does it - yet. Hop on the train while the market is still hot and expanding!

>If it weren't for him we would have advancements in gene modification not to mention many other areas of science.
He is a big proponent of genes in the nature vs nurture debate. I don't think he's that influential, at least not as much as you think.

>I wouldn't "give up" my rights. If you were debating a white supremacist and he asked you whether you agree with the statement "White Lives Matter" you'd be an idiot to agree.
What does that have to do with standing up for free speech as necessary for liberty in civil society? Besides... black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter, blue lives matter, all of that shit is vapid wordgames anyway, and I would choose not to participate. It's a shame that that passes for intelligent discourse in today's society.

>The fact that you neglect context shows naivety.
What context? You mean framing, right? Grow a spine and reject it.

Self-fulfilling prophecy. Your argument is probably retarded anyway, so you're right that I wouldn't listen. All bluff and bluster, no substance.

>Ricky Gervais is part of the Intellecual Dark Web

I'd bet my left nut that the person who drew this is a honest to God Marxist.

Ben vs Shapiro

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>Peterson was protested off campus not because of his views (they're not that radical; if he wasn't famous his talks would simply be empty), but because of who he represents: his followers, his ideology

Peterson although a boring liberal himself does a good job exposing the limitis of liberalism and its inherent contradictions. Even the humanists in the liberal left will be quick to admit when pushed that how you exist is more important than what you believe, that there exist real irreconciliable ontological differences between identity groups, that popular democracy is unpractical and depends on opinion management and social engineering by elites, and that some people are not under any circumstances to be represented as political subjects. The left has switched its alleigance from workers to the progressive managerial classes, an army of shrinks, bureaucrats, professional victims, media personalities, academic nomenklatura etc. I just think this system has deletrious effects in terms of culture and human achievement, and it needs to be disrupted somehow. In the end politics is a matter of existential choice, who are we and how are we to live our lives? Issues which are going to become more and more salient as time goes own.

the IDW is popular professors with next to no citations in their own field pulling things out of their asses in fields they don't understand or beta shock jock people a la Shapiro. There are plenty of well-read and intelligent conservatives but none of them are in the IDW

big oof

Suffragettes were motivated by christian ideas on feminity and femenine moral virtue and had a huge overlap with temperance activists. The problem with the modern left is they have finally shed all residual christian values, including for the moral value of the individual consciousnesdand even the very possibility of redemption. Their guilt and angst are dealt with by other means they diagnose themselves with various physical and mental ailments most likely spurious, engage in performative political protests and debauchery which is more desperate than erotic

Classic Jew conservative

>The majority of them are absolute garbage - Shapiro, Peterson, Lehmann, Rubin, Crowder. Sam Harris is mediocre at best. Steven Pinker is okay when he's talking about his area of expertise, otherwise he's total garbage as well.
Literally none of those are IDW. You just listed zionists

The professor literally had a portrait on the wall of the soc 101 classroom, like a reverent Soviet era portrait

The left cant meme



huh these fellas sound kinda BASED to me

>supporting sexual freedom powerful goood
>acknowledging sex used as power baaaad

>religion that restricts personal liberty baaaad god baaaaaad
>islam gooooood

The New York Times. Bari Weiss, specifically.

>People believe in chemtrails and ghosts. It must be because they’re uneducated and haven’t heard Professor Nguaba talk about intersectionality

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Peterson's Maps of Meaning is a genuinely good book and I don't care what you have to say about that. I agree that setting themselves up as the "Intellectual Dark Web" is cringeworthy as fuck though

Check out Man and His Symbols and Campbell's The Power of Myth.

All politics is identity politics, the real political fautlines are all existential, not economic

Eric Weinstein, I think

That's beyond /pol/. That's Lasch and and a bit of Ellul. Hes absolutely right

Jesus Christ what a cringey name for a collection of pathetic ideological ghost dancers.

An absurd kind of cope going on here. That user is basically correct. Progressivism, or whatever you want to call it, is the new high church.

Good post.

>Joe "hypercapitalist libertarian podcaster who thinks the left is out of control" Rogan
Wait, why Joe can't get a fake quote too?

>Joe "how strange is it that we put an actual monetary value on life itself... wow... just such a strange concept... did you see that video of that guy accidentally hit that moose in his car? Jamie pull that up-" Rogan

American leftism isn't Marxism. No, Marxism isn't the only left-wing tradition out there.

>maps of meaning is good if you like mythology
Mate that's like saying Rupi Kaur is good if you like poetry.

It's useful for getting regular people off the lib bullshit train. But its far from a real redpill

I see you're a cancelled brocialist trying in vain to attain ownership over the term "leftist" for propaganda purposes.

>Peterson was protested off campus not because of his views (they're not that radical)...but because of who he represents: his followers, his ideology.
This is actually the type of thinking that "widens the chasm between left and right". Hypothetically Peterson could be that reconciliatory voice, but because he has some fans in the alt-right (does he actually?) he "represents" the alt-right, and must be disavowed?
Your position is one strictly opposed to ever finding common ground

Once again americans fail to communicate one other because they won't distinguish between economic left and social left

Your assessment is probably right in this case, but sentiment is still wrong. Obviously we can't cancel capitalism outright, but there should still be an economic left asking for welfare and free schools and shit

>Hypothetically Peterson could be that reconciliatory voice but because he has some fans in the alt-right (does he actually?) he "represents" the alt-right, and must be disavowed?
Let me clarify. I don't think Peterson is the man for this job, and my reasons for believing this have nothing to do with his viewers. Peterson lacks several things.
1. His understanding of political issues and the arguments he articulates are superficial. Even in a two hour debate (and believe me I've seen many), his deepest points about capitalism are the kinds that a high school kid can recite when asked, although they are dressed in fancy language. He wouldn't stand a chance with a serious scholar (Zizek isn't one).
2. Peterson caters to the small demographic of "20 year old right-of-centre male loser trying to get his life together" and he is more interested in providing self-help material to these people than anything else. That's a fair goal, but it doesn't align with the objective here.
3. The religious preaching (which I have no problem with) is a serious hurdle for him. He has to insert it everywhere and it detracts from his work most of the time. He can't even talk about a movie without going full preach mode, bringing up mythology, interpretations, and how it all relates to God. Very cringe most of the time.
4. Peterson makes bad strategy decisions. Trans people make up a tiny portion of the population yet his overarching ideas give too much weight to them. Like trans people want to choose the pronoun by which they are identified. Yes, most of us think that this shouldn't be enforced as law, but we'd still do it out of politeness. Instead, Peterson follows Shapiro on this subject and refuses to concede, further alienating himself from the left while reject that he is part of the alt-right.

There are more but word count is limited here... but just imagine if somebody on the left thought that Chapo Trap or whatever they're called should be the ones representing the left? That's what the idea of Peterson as the champion of the right sounds like. Ridiculous.

>"Intellectual Dark Web"
>A bunch of Jews who argue basic bitch conservative neoliberalism from ten years ago

Astroturfed movement that died in the crib. You're better off reading the Daily Stormer, at least Anglin is funny.

Just because you haven't had an encounter with a ghost doesn't mean they aren't real.

Goodnight, Jews

No, double agents by definition have nothing good to offer.

Well Yes They all are, thanks for repeating the point.

They're all alt-lite and as such relatively dumb. I hope they do it as a kind of undercover diversity of approach thing rather than being serious

>No waldo
Why bother making that in the first place?

How so? Map of Meaning was a very interesting book about the meaing of mythology, especially since Peterson bring his neuology knowledge into his explanations.

>Peterson makes bad strategy decisions. Trans people make up a tiny portion of the population yet his overarching ideas give too much weight to them. Like trans people want to choose the pronoun by which they are identified. Yes, most of us think that this shouldn't be enforced as law, but we'd still do it out of politeness.

Peterson hasn't talked about that in forever though.

I disagree with the Chapo comparaison too Peterson is nowhere as crazy politically speaking. You could say he's bonker about religions though.

>sam harris
The fuck are you talking about.

>The religious preaching (which I have no problem with) is a serious hurdle for him. He has to insert it everywhere and it detracts from his work most of the time.
Funny way to say "He's actively antichristian and probably possessed."
Leftists lie Even when They are right.

>his deepest points about capitalism are the kinds that a high school kid can recite when asked
That's partly because the typical "anti-capitalism" points are even lower than high school level and contain implicit selfish and short-sighted arguments ("give me free stuff" "why can't we just share dude").
He probably feels those aren't being addressed enough, so he and people like Shapiro stoop to that level. It's high school tier, yeah, but it's relevant to a big chunk of the population.
Nobody claims that he's some kind of intellectual genius, it's just that his messages ring true and they're relevant to where we are as humans.

Who is the real dark web?

Unless you mean .onion websites, the dark net is right here nigga.

It's the controlled opposition. Created by the New York Times. It's basically just another neocon discussion group.

>a tranny calling anyone else a loser
Oh, this is delicious.

It's shit like this that tells I'm dealing with 12 year olds who can't read.

As someone who went to a liberal arts college that image is almost spot on.

>Like trans people want to choose the pronoun by which they are identified. Yes, most of us think that this shouldn't be enforced as law, but we'd still do it out of politeness.
These sentences together create ambiguity. I suggest you write more clearly next time.

>but we'd still do it out of politeness.

I would have nothing but unbridled contempt for the IDW if their lefty opponents weren't a thousand times worse. As a result, the IDW are a lesser of two evils. Can't hate them completely, they make the right people angry.

I must've missed it from all your meek drivel.

No They don't. They SERVE those people.

>Sam Harris is mediocre at best.
Fuck off Sam, you're nowhere near that good.

So in your view anybody who isn't a gommunist sjw is rightwing?

Why is it that all of Leftytube (Hbomberguy, Philsophytube, Shaun and Jen, Contrapoints, Three Arrows, CuckPhilosophy, etc) and most of LeftyJournalism (Guardian, Independent, BBC, Vox, Vice, Slate, Huffington) waste far more energy on arguing against IDW and Alt-Lite people like Peterson, Shapiro, PJW, Sargon, Lauren Southern, Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Steven Crowder, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, but they spend virtually no energy on even discussing or arguing against people who are further-right, more radical/reactionary? They only go after the Normie Right, milquetoast conservatives and libertarians, and have never argued with actual nationalists, traditionalists, NRx, fascists, futurists, monarchists, accelerationists, illiberal thinkers.

I thought Three Arrows made a video "debunking" Ryan Faulk's shit. I know there was some guy who tried that. But to answer your question, I'd assume they either believe them to be the pale beyond the pale and by even addressing them they would validate them or have no counterarguments.

>Ben "israel first, fuck america" Shapiro rightwing
>Jordan "immigration is great, fuck the alt-right and jews are intellectually superior to whiteys" Peterson is rightwing
>Joe "we have to spend billions to fix black communities" Rogan the rightwing libertarian
>Sam "we have to racemix whites out of existance and prevent the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few" Harris is rightwing

Basically they are trying to create a narrative and circumscribe the bounds of what viewpoints are available for consideration. Even mentioning further right ideologies would work against them by exposing people to the fact that those ideologies exist.

because they are nothing but the next phase of media shill looking to make a buck; they are more concerned with views/followers than actually addressing the bleeding edge of the issue head on

Because nobody takes far-right seriously anyway. To them, the threat is moderate right-wing, the kind that lures undecided voters in.

Also they have a big internet following. JBP has 1 million Twitter followers. Richard Spencer had less than 50k.

Also some of the people you mentioned are not "Milquetoast". Shapiro isn't just an average Conservative dude and you know it.

Who are the darkest intellectuals and subjects (Statistical Mechanics?) to read in 2019? Who are the black magicians in the intellectual sphere?

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Shapiro is a liberal.

Because they're not actually interested in exploring new ideas and shit. They want to win at this game, which is neo-liberalism, and the opponent is alt-lite/Republicans.

The alt-right and some others you mention (and also legit socialists) don't necessarily play the neo-liberalism game at all. Therefore they're not included in the discussion, except for the purpose of being portrayed as "dangerous/crazy extremists".

Nick Land

>those asian roasts miring the white male

>no they aren't; they are completely supportive of capitalism
Shut the fuck up
No one uses this definition of left wing other than retarded communists like you.

Attached: 1557077067746.png (640x960, 873K)

He is probably a millionare and that hoe looks russian.

WMAF = The embodiment of the hatred of Asian males and the White males goal of having a sexy daughter whom he can molest and the Asian females goal of having a cute doll she can live vicariously through to hopefully gain acceptance and favor in the White community that she is trying to enter after hating her own Asian community.

AMWF = Two well educated and high earning professionals who just love each other, going against the tide of social perceptions and powering on.

Attached: 1561382705175.webm (960x720, 2.89M)


1. There is more AMWF in the world than WMAF
2 . The typical AMWF in the world = East Asian male with attractive Central Asian, Russian, or Eastern European female

Attached: 1566255788741.jpg (1080x843, 231K)

>intellectual dark web
This is without a doubt among the most hilariously stupid terms I've ever heard. Who came up with this shit?

REMINDER : The vast majority of White men are with SOUTHEAST ASIAN Females and not East Asian females.

Attached: 1523705478797.jpg (836x628, 182K)

Is that the actor of Jim Halpert?

I suspect the AMWF phenomenon will take off after this kpop fad. There's already a lot of 8+/10 blonde girls with 5/10 Asian boyfriends on youtube.

Attached: amwf.jpg (891x1065, 314K)

Slavs aren’t white.

>Who came up with this shit?
The New York Times.


I can just tell this was printed in Current Affairs. They did a good one of these on white feminists once.

Attached: 1563489980858.webm (640x360, 1.98M)

Oh yeah it's not like the American right is trying to homogenize immigrants, faggots, and everyone else in their perfect world of Judeo-Christian family living. The rainbow ain't supplanted the cross yet, and it never will. It may seem like it if you live in a very liberal area or spend way too much time on the Internet, but as someone living in middle America, this is not the case. I will agree, however, that neoliberals have waged their ideological war through business and consumerism. But I reckon the American right has only accelerated that by letting corporations run rampant in their technological and economic power. Reagonomics didn't foster in an age of individualism, it made consumerism more powerful. Also, to say all working class people have a single "organic culture" is a lie. Immigrant communities make up a large portion of the working class; their is a diverse array of cultures rather than a singular one.

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I feel really bad for whoever made this post. Seems extremely petty, and the opinions the artist felt were worth mocking seem relatively benign. At least seems to cut into trends that are actually relevant and dangerous, even if a few of the parodies are over the top or a misrepresentation.

>hasn't found Waldo yet

From the Invisible Committee thread:

>dark web

You might as well just put alt right youtube and breitbart dark web.

If you're just seeking opinions most shunned by mainstream, just go to /pol/, /x/, or nofap/semen retention reddits.

>Leftists are functionally the attack dogs of american capitalism and the military industrial complex.

True. As Trump has kicked out neocons from the establishment right, it's hilarious to see the likes of Krystal and McCain find home among the establishment left. These are the same people now excusing endless war and hellbent on destroying Trump. They all just happen to be zionists and get a hardon for Trump only when he signals bombing Iran or Syria.


Attached: approved2.jpg (300x404, 23K)

Semen retention is unironically based, it saved my life.

How could that have possibly saved your life?

So the left hates stem because they’re all brainlets

>lefties are triggered by words
LOL faggots

Celibacy is youth. It's the secre

Sam Harris is IDW? Stop reading NPR and the NY Times basedboy

I strongly recommend reading "Technological Slavery" by Kaczynski. Just read the first section with an open mind (you can probably find a .pdf online). The latest edition is the best---it has an entire essay on the motivations of scientists among others.

Attached: Technological Slavery.jpg (1737x2700, 238K)

Dude making fun of children playing is the lowest thing you can do. Like this is worse than straight up watching CP. At least watching CP can be "excused" as a fetish and victimless crime, but you're making some kid's life miserable by turning them into a meme.

I read the manifesto many years ago and it has been massively influential for me. I've also spent incalculable hours researching Ted on the internet and read everything I could find on his ideas. This obsessive phase was before Tech Slavery came out so I haven't read it. Do I bother if I'm already well familiar with most of his writing prior to this?


Why do Peterson still make ideologues seeth that much if he's a domesticated coward?

Attached: KOG Gothic profil.jpg (1280x1771, 402K)

Wow I love this image

Out of those who are with Asian women*
The word Asian is fairly meaningless because of this. East-Asian must be used as a clarifier.

They have grown radical enough to attack fence sitters and mediators.

The richest and smartest guy out of all of the,

sounds like shitty Jung fanfiction

"Ideologues" are other so-called academics. You won't ever find someone willing to take action against this wretched condition in a university or on Twitter.

Attached: 1565817531807.png (526x462, 27K)

>Being this much of a brainlet
They're controlled opposition you stupid faggot they're propped up as gatekeepers of right wing politics in America. None of them are smart and that's the fucking point.

Didn't you know? Sam Harris not only talked to Charles Murray on his podcast, he listened to and even agreed with many of his arguments.
Sam Harris literally believes in IQ and racial IQ differences - it doesn't get much more 'dark' than that.

This is what idiocy looks like.

What else would you get triggered by?

You mean The Talmudian Faggots? Eric Weinstein has a podcast called The Portal that is pretty good.

Eric Weinstein is actually the most interesting of them all. He is on the Left, but I actually like his interviews because he can talk about a lot of different subjects and it is quite engaging.

No. Eric Weinstein came up with the term to brand it so it's a 'thing'. It's a stupid cringe name.

Being 'Left' doesn't mean being an explicit or overt Marxist, you dumb retard.

>The two parties don't disagree on anything substantial
The bases do considerably. You're an absolute midwit for thinking otherwise.

Are there more retarded people than American republicans?

>left-right dichotomy

it includes the manifesto along with some writings and letters he wrote afterwards.

If you support capitalism, you're not leftist. Uncle Ted is more leftist compared to these fags

there are plenty of "postsocialist" leftists
only butt flustered nostalgic marxists disagree

Who's portrait? Marx? If so, that's quite understandable for sociology dept

>entirety of societal structure is just one position
Wew lad

>liberalism is a leftist ideology.
Maybe in 19th century, when you had royalists in the parliament

>Trump has kicked out neocons
He fired Bolton and Pompeo?


>but there's still pseudo-socialist parties in Europe
And they do what to achieve it exactly? Trendy lipservice to anticapitalism is entirely a LARP, there's no serious opposition to it outside of the few tiny isolated patches of Marxist Leninist autism left.

If you posted in this thread, you are pathetic. Except me. Thread over

He lets them bark to sound tough in his deals (good cop bad cop) and he lets them sell arms to boost American industry. In terms of concrete foreign policy, they seem to have little to no influence. It wasn’t the neocons idea to pivot away from Russia and towards China.

Why does this place always get swarmed by cringeworthy left wing teenagers during summer?


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intellectual dork web

>le red pilled conspiracy man comes to the rescue

Nick Land

How do I blend in with normies at a top 20 university?

I’m already reserved, contrarian, and introverted, which makes it hard to make friends. My interests seem a lot different from everyone else’s, which makes it even harder to connect. I’m also concerned about accidentally revealing my “power level”, which isn’t much, but given recent purity spiraling at university campuses, is enough to get me expelled if I’m unlucky enough. I’m not being paranoid because I can cite similar cases handled by the administration in recent memory.

I just want to put on a mask that I can tolerate, keep my head down, and find common ground to keep myself entertained and content until I can leave this godforsaken place with a good job in the bag. But I’m afraid of either losing my mind or losing myself in the process in an attempt to cope with recent political climate.

Just dissociate user. Mohamed Atta was able to keep it together long enough to complete a master's in Germany amid a civilization that he absolutely hated.

Anything I can read to help with the feeling of being in enemy territory and having to fraternize with the devil?

Alternatively, how to connect with people who are very different from you?

>didnt even finish the projector joke
Holy cringe fest. Thats the most boring gayfag thing ever. The alt-left can't meme.