Let's settle this once and for all Yea Forums, which language has the best poetry?

Let's settle this once and for all Yea Forums, which language has the best poetry?

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Daily reminder that turkey's national poet was Albanian


I know that Sanskrit has a very deep poetic tradition but what kind of poetry does Hindustani (Urdu/hindi) have?


Deutsch ist die Sprache der Denker und Dichter.


Chinese written language.

Woa thanks for settling this once and for all. Now i wont have to waste time ruminating over this important question.

Poetry is very tied to a sense of ethnic identity, so if you don't say "mine" then the chances are you're a deracinated cosmofag.

Is it because poetry is best understood when it's your mother tongue? Or is there something I am missing

It's the other way around, there's no such thing as poetry without ethnic cleansing

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Listen to Jonathan Bowden's talk about W.B. Yeats.

German or English. Any non-European answer is cultural marxist agitprop

Italian and french

there is no way for this to be objectively judged. I can only say either English or Latin as I have no intention to read any translated poetry such as Rimbaud unless I learn French.

I want to learn French for poetry so I'll say French, if only because the English translations of Baudelaire I've read are so lacking in comparison.


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Is there literally anything you cucks won't reduce to ethnicity

Ethnicity is the prior identity out of which culture, and thus high art, comes from.

Clearly SPANISH if you dont answer SPANISH you're MOCTEZUMA ALLY.

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Idpol is life
It even has /pol/ in the name, how can it not be based and redpilled?

My ethnic ancestors are 99% retards, the point of writing in the first place is so I won't have to get my culture from mouthbreathers

It's italian

Italian has a unique subtlety, where it dances around and completely engages the subject, something most writings fail to do.

We all know it is extremely hard to engage a subject because at some point when dissecting the material you will engage a nerve or some social construct which will ultimately undermine the information and make the whole argument sound like a toddlers plaything.

This is what italian poets tackle best, the indecisiveness of subject matter material, you come away having learned something (if you are learned enough) and you have a new attack philosophy with which to take on the world.


No question about it.