Was the New Testament actually a bunch of mushroom puns made up by a fertility cult or was he just trolling Christians?

Was the New Testament actually a bunch of mushroom puns made up by a fertility cult or was he just trolling Christians?

Attached: mushroom.jpg (198x300, 25K)

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Lenin was a mushroom

I'm pickle rick

psychedelics make you brain dead, imagine actually being proud of damaging your brain LOL


what does that have to do with the book? nobodys talking about being proud of doing psychedelics

amanita muscaria is a deliriant not a psychedelic anyway


(It is, as always, as always, bitterly hilarious to see every single impairment 'psychedelics' wreak on you presented by those poor misguided people as a positive. 'Increased empathy', leading to justifying others' mistakes and wrongdoing. 'Greater appreciation of art', leading to degeneration of artistic taste. 'Greater appreciation of friendships', leading to decreased ambition. 'Increased ability to notice small things', ...which is a delusion. The most heartbreaking part is definitely their oblivion to it all.)

The exact memory of the trip (if there can be an exact memory of a strictly inexact state of mental confusion) will fade, of course, but there will remain a residue of baseless convictions, or rather inclinations, exemplified by 'words aren't everything' and 'analysis isn't everything' and 'intellect isn't everything' and 'knowledge isn't everything' and 'objectivity isn't everything' (corresponding to residual attachment to impotent declarations such as 'I understood that awareness is important' or 'I understood that objectivity is important' or 'I understood that the context is important', which can be put to no practical use, and which merely reflect the way the druggie has become more empathetic or tolerant of others' mistakes). The generation raised on 'psychedelics' will quite literally be dumb. It will be the generation of pointers at the Moon.

quality bait

Maybe if you do them every fucking day like Sid Barrett or some shit.

In fact...

'Psychedelics' make you so obsessed with reminding others and yourself about the power of the present and the fleeting time and the importance of appreciation, you have neither time nor desire for anything else.

'Druggies point at the Moon; clean people send lunar missions on it.'

research chemicals make you brain dead

>'Philosophers point at the Moon; stem majors send lunar missions on it.'

all these people criticizing psychedelics in this thread really have no idea what they are about.

Many of the greatest minds to have walked this earth had the transcendental experience.. Plato, jung, sheldrake, Tesla, steinmetz, Peterson, maxwell, Poe, money, Jesus.. I could keep going. Using plant medicines as a tool is one thing... abuse is another. Have you ever even done a psychedelic? They’re quite prevalent throughout the whole of the world, influencing everything from the foundations of pantheology to possibly even the progenitors of primate to homosapien level neuron density of the frontal cortex.. in short, youz trippin dawhg.. and not in the good way bruv



The human body and the whole of nature are comprised of many trillions of chemicals..like ad infinitum.. promising thread being rekt

Interesting coincidence (not really), then, that every time I read that 'psychedelics' have 'opened the druggie's eyes to areas of knowledge he didn't use to consider', what follows is invariably '...I began to read more seriously about psychology, religion, and philosophy'. Insofar as 'philosophy' is meaningless, it attracts druggies.

Psychadelics demonstrably lower your IQ

Dilate, have sex, kys tranny incel etc

>risking your soul in the spirit realm
is it worth it ?

yes, they do.

t. used to be a druggie teen, ate shrooms and lsd for years, have done more trips than i can count, probably in the 70-100 range. psychedelics are a farce and is basically correct.

To clarify: druggies and 'meditating' idiots speak of 'being conscious of my own thoughts', 'being conscious of myself', 'being conscious of my body', 'being conscious of being in the here-and-now' and such shit, but this is not consciousness. This has nothing to do with consciousness. Consciousness is the state of optimal intellectual performance: the state of optimal balance between noticing new things and reasoning about them, for instance, noticing a bird chirp and reasoning about bird vocalisation, or noticing a sign in Greek and reasoning about the Greek language, or noticing a political situation and reasoning why it happened. 'Meditation' and drugs disable that, no matter the exact flavour. Ask a high person a question like, off the top of my fucking head, 'why do coniferous trees have needles not leaves', and watch the results.

>why do coniferous trees have needles not leaves
Using trick questions on stoners? Come on man.
Ive been smoking all afternoon by the way.

As someone who has consumed, lsd, lsa, dmt, mdma, mescalin, shrooms, as well as some of the less common sorts, the criticizers in this thread are surprisingly accurate for a change and not just a bunch of puritans.

I would not call such drugs worthless though, but they are not a panacea or even a spiritual band aide, the second you attach some greater idea to them you turn them into a form of escapism and start down a slippery slope. They are drugs and no more mind expanding than most any other drug but they can become a crutch for thinking far more rapidly than most drugs. The further I get from my drug use the more I see that my mind was not expanded, just abstracted and everything I could say that I 'learned' from the drugs was accomplished in the first few trips. When it really comes down to it, these drugs do not expand your mind or help with creativity, most 5 year olds have a more active, creative and imaginative mind than any drug users.

I am not a reformed addict or anything, I just stopped doing drugs. The last time I smoked DMT about a decade ago was the last time I consumed drugs, I just lost all interest. It was a great night and nothing bad happened, drugs just no longer interested me in the slightest.

If you do this shit, make it a once a decade thing.

You probably weren't looking for a real answer to the question, but, no, the NT does not have anything to do with hallucinogenic shrooms. Allegro's theories are on the same level as Francesco Carotta's view that Jesus was actually Julius Caesar, and no mainstream scholar takes his views seriously.

They make you smarter actually


lmao, pretty cringe my guy

is 5 grams alone in the darkness a meme?

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Nah, bruh, it’s very real.
Read ulysses while you’re tripping and post the report here.

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There's no doubt in my mind that either Jesus was the amanita muscaria mushroom itself, or he was at least an amanita muscaria 'shaman/healer'. Amanita muscaria is the Holy Grail. A full grown amanita is the exact shape of the Holy Grail; it's a cup/chalice. It takes you into a gold dimension which is why the Holy Grail is portrayed as gold. Btw, I'm not even a Christian.

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Finally someone posting in the thread that has actually read the book

eating amanita is not even remotely enjoyable. i've done it before for science. its nothing like the other mushrooms. stop memeing.

mckenna is a hack fraud but yes thats a good time. you're not going to be able to read i dont know what that other guy is on about.

Daily use leads to resistance so fast that by the end of the week you literally can't take enough unless you're using something highly concentrated like LSD. You have to double your dose daily if you aren't taking days off.

I don't doubt that at least some of the early Christan mystery cults were mushroom cults. There was a terrific diversity to early Christan practice in the precanon era when Christian leadership was one of wandering desert prophets and not one of metropolitan patrician lead bureaucracies.

One of the best preserved first century worship books/catechisms has large sections devoted to how the congregations should treat with these iterant prophets, including how to winnow the holy from the fraudulent.