>post your face when AI takes over the World and we all become jobless and homeless
Post your face when AI takes over the World and we all become jobless and homeless
The nerd can be described as a person of inelegant and pedantic intelligence, often middling intelligence, who takes excessive pride in the intellect, even in the memorization of facts, the design of clumsy concepts to which reality is then expected to fit like to bed of Procrustes…. And he identifies with it. The nerd doesn’t hate himself, his nature, his tendencies or spirit, nor is his intellect powerful enough to over-awe his needling will and consider things without the pressure of interest or the gravity of petty desires. He never sees things like the true genius or the artist does, when the perceiving part of the intellect becomes so powerful that it really overpowers everything else… so that the fullness of the object occupies all of consciousness and an idea, or some new insight into the world, is actually grasped. No, the nerd is a creature of will, under the direction of a petty will in the everyday sense, and all of his thoughts, concepts, and designs have a forced quality because they refer always to need and desire for some kind of gain. This very often is just material gain, but the desire for prestige is even worse. In men of intellect the desire for prestige is often the most disgusting, especially when there’s no native manliness, because this leads to cowardice and lies, to others and oneself. For this reason Nietzsche said manliness is the first requirement of the philosopher, but there’s no one farther from the philosopher than the unmanly nerd, and there’s no enemy more implacable of the human race and of the genius of the species, than just this nerd and everything he represents. The attempt to “mimic” life through algorithms, through the brute-force of trial-and-error, will never create either life or “consciousness”—just what would such a machine be “conscious” of?—but just that, a mimicry or parody of the middling human intellect. A mirror and exaltation of the false intellect of the nerd, that never leaves the stream of words, syllogisms, motives and desire, that is always forced and contrived, because it’s under pressure of some petty need. And it’s really grotesque. It’s as if you have a girl you desire, she dies but using Big Magic you reanimate her corpse, put makeup on her, re-teach this zombi to speak, force her to copy all of her old habits, condition her like you would a pigeon to act in ways you remember and that you liked. But in the end she’s just a reanimated live-action doll, and this is grotesque. This is just what “AI” is. It is a fantasy of power of the conspiracy of biological interests that unites the nerds, the intellect of “reason”—the party that believes in empty words—the middling, and the Jews of the human spirit into hoping for their golem. “AI” is the golem of those who hate life…. It is their true Messiah and their vengeance.
shouldn’t you be posting this on the dedicated /sci/ence fiction board?
The people who own the AI probably wont be jobless and homeless.
Also, this is the singularity we're talking about, unemployment should be the least of our worries
is there anything about AI written by competent people with sources and data?
all I see is tabloid tier reddit I fucking love science le black science man ELON MUSK bs
just wait until AI sets foot in Italy and get scammed into oblivion
There is a hard capped limit our universe's ability to make intelligence form, it can't happen. Its like teaching irony to a dog
I have the suspicion my dog gets offended or angry when someone makes fun of him
thats because your gay
I wonder when the first biologically augmented human is created, will it will hide its true power and secretly make sure nobody smarter than them can be created with their superior knowledge... either by murder or by tricking people into thinking you can't be as smart as they secretly are?
I don't have a face but thank God we finally have an invincible overlord.
What evidence do you have for that idea?
IQ already does that.
It makes you look dumber than you are
me ttoo
Einstein's estimated IQ is lower than Kaczynski's kek
How superior your A.I. will be, if it cannot prevent me from plugging it off electricity. One EMP and it is turned into trash.
Perhaps the more appropriate question would be: What will you do, when an EMP hits and you have no means to access this website? Will you perish like the A.I. you seem to revere?
One bullet in your head and you're a useless sack of meat. All physical forms have limitations.
Indeed, but you have the intelligence to understand this. An A.I. is only as smart as the programmer who made it.
The way AI is done today the programmer doesn't have much to do with its choices. They define a network with dimensions that are efficient for the problem domain and train the network on a data set. The programmers have no say in how the network makes decisions internally. They don't need to know much about the data set either. For example nobody has any useful model of what exactly the parameters in GPT-2 do. It can remember facts the programmers do not know and write texts in genres the programmers are unfamiliar with. It can even learn languages the programmers did not know.