Give me 1 (one) reason why I shouldn't buy this

give me 1 (one) reason why I shouldn't buy this

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Because you felt like making this thread instead of just buying it.

Eco stole the plot from Dan Brown.

Baudolino is better

Should be buying Borges to read Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius first

Don't be deceived - it's not so much a book about conspiracy theories rather than a book about the kinds of people beliving in them. Also he built in a pseud&pleb filter by having no story at all for the first 300 pages because he was disgusted by the people who read but didn't understand The Name Of The Rose.

i downloaded six different editions from libgen and they all had the same scanning/transcription error on page 1. if they don't care enough to fucking spell-check it, don't pay for it.

Read it OP. eco is based
Also like this user said don't get discouraged info you feel like nothing is happening, this is not your average novel with a straightforward plot and themes

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If you're not interested, or well-versed in occultism, religion, new age spiritualism, and the scientific worldview stemming from the enlightenment, then you will miss entire layers of meaning and bullshit that get lost in the madness. There are entire chapters that just discuss a certain history of occultism, which barely apply to the plot unless you're really paying attention.

>give me 1 (one) reason why I shouldn't buy this
No such reason OP. Buy it and post explanations of all the esoteric terms and literary allusions and whatnot on Yea Forums for me.

Just fucking do it, now.

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Because Umberto Eco is dead and won't receive a dime from you paying some bourgeois middleman for his book. Steal it you fucking pussy, and read it it's really good and hilarious.

Because you can download it for free?

Read it, it's great.

Other people ITT: what other books by Eco would you recommend? I've read Foucault's Pendulum, The Name of the Rose, and Baudolino, and enjoyed all of them.

fuck you

Go for it, it was my first adult non-plebeian book.

Go for it. Eco is always worthwhile, and Pendulum is possibly his best book.

its a great book, i worked at a vanity press and this was the type of shit we did all day

"Dan Brown is one of my creatures"

my nigga
this, if you're buying dead authors what the fuck are you on? PCP?

Why are dead men's book still expensive though? I mean the production cost of physical book should be fairly cheap.

you really dont understand how IP and publisher price fixing works? Eco's family gets 50 years to market his work, until the mouse makes all copyrights permanent

bc you can borrow it from your local library or get the ebook from libgen