Non-fiction kino is upon us brothers

non-fiction kino is upon us brothers

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based Snowden.

This looks very interesting desu

I got it it's to sell more copies, but putting the author's face in the cover is peak ungliness.

reading that gave me a stroke

Snowden leaks were the canary in the mine for USA classical zeitgeist.

While interesting, I feel dirty reading his reveals, knowing he's a foreign agent, although who isn't these days?

dont forget assange. you always know the ones who didnt get the shit end most likely took a deal.

what the FUCK did he mean by this

Is it my english that bad? Well, shit.

You know, at the time I had no idea whether Snowden was a traitor or a hero, but it boggles my mind that boomers in 2019 still don't get that he's /ourguy/. The biggest ding on his record is that Hollywood made a movie favorable to him, staining him by association (since Hollywood is morally bankrupt and can usually be counted on to be dead wrong).

theres something to good to be true about his story. not saying the leaks are wrong. almost as if the whole thing was planned. all his contemporary whistleblowers who leaked smaller stuff are dead, in jail and some others not even recognized.

Manning was doing pretty fine until recently being locked up for refusing to testify on Assange before a grand jury, but I get your point. I guess him hanging out in Russia doesn't really help either.

hey goys i mean guys haha aren't you two feeling sleepy?

>I guess him hanging out in Russia doesn't really help either.
that's just opportunism on Russia's part, it makes the US look bad what Snowden revealed. They don't give a shit about him, they do the same thing over there, and he's practically a prisoner.

I think the guy was incredibly brave, though kind of naive to not think it would turn out this way if not way worse.

>Manning was doing pretty fine
They tortured him so hard he thinks he's a woman, user.

>hes /ourguy/ but sine hollywod made a movei about him he bad so he not /ourguy/


He's got Yea Forums and /pol/poisoning but he has a point, Hollywood usually oversimplifies or changes true stories to paint a narrative

Snowden is one of my favorite modern "characters" but there's no way that while living in Russia that Russian authorities haven't interviewed him

I'd buy this book but I wouldn't want it to go on my permanent record

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just libgen it, it will probably be available day 0

>applied for high-security government job two days before ordering it


Will read. Cover is terrible tho.

putting that sentence in this website is peak ESL

>caring about the cover
is there anything more soi than fetishizing books for how they look?

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maybe if you want to see an incel every time you pick the book