What are some literature concepts, ideas or words everyone should know?

What are some literature concepts, ideas or words everyone should know?

For example Ethos or Mimesis.

Attached: 1556458153746.jpg (600x760, 105K)


there is only one that everyone needs to know, and thats the Logos.

And also "bathetic"


not really related, but i could post my ongoing list of my favorite words if you guys want

Do it

Sounds like you should learn Greek!

Attached: LearnGreek.jpg (750x563, 85K)

Favorite words (work in progress):
- al Bab (door)
- Vajra
- Rudra
- Zagreus
- Nomos
- Djed
- Rakshasa
- Bacchus
- Atik Yomin
- Edmund
- Tubal-Cain
- Siddha
- Azul
- Iridescent
- Veil
- Carbonari
- Oak
- Mauritania
- Condottiere
- Iberia
- Clarity
- Lizard
- Hollow
- Hyperborean
- Cypress
- Oath
- Excursus
- Fiery
- Decay
- Dew
- Moss
- Poesy
- Cloister
- Candelabra
- Tempestuous
- Concealment
- Endlessly
- Footfall
- Moth
- Hearth
- Quiver
- Chalice
- Undergrowth
- Farewell
- Evocative
- Myrmidon
- Guadalquivir
- Thessaly
- Pelion
- Oxus
- Mundo

Ethos - Greek
Mimesis - Greek
Logos - Greek
Bathetic - Greek

Truly the Yea Forumsest of languages

Attached: LearnGreekAcademy.jpg (1280x720, 198K)

- Celtiberia
- Vercingetorix
- Dämmerung
- Liber Pater
- Yam (“sea”, Canaanite deity)
- Oracle
- Brazen
- Scepter
- Divinity
- Progeny
- Thereby
- Exult
- Downpour
- Soter
- Depths
- Sphere
- Periodicity
- Inimical
- Pallas (Athena)
- Craftsman
- Rosy
- Aglaia
- Bough
- Anoint
- Pyre
- Ancestral
- Embers
- Fleece
- Woodland
- Elm
- Teeming
- Ferry
- Bloodless
- Lamentation
- Vastness
- Sequester
- Myrtle
- Pollux
- Dorian
- Elusive
- Sieve
- Citadel
- Archway
- Serpent
- Tortoise
- Huntress
- Nymph
- Shams (sun)
- Latium
- Fauna
- Stag
- Antler
- Flourish
- Triumph
- Calamitous
- Plunder
- Tranquility
- Templum
- Temenos
- Inviolate
- Vanquish
- Diminish
- Apparatus
- Weep
- Iskandar
- Hestia
- Winter
- Numeration
- Stratagem
- Quietude
- Hoary
- Iovis
- Delirium
- Penetralia
- Lamp
- Resplendent
- Sylvan
- Libation

I realize they aren’t super fancy or anything, they’re just words i think sound nice that i jot down from my reading

>>Pallas (Athena)

Greek, Greek, Greek!


Every word in this.

Attached: Greek.jpg (867x1304, 67K)

Awesome, will definitely order

-In the manner of an android

The residual material of physical and emotional entropy, the disorder of everyday life

hubris? catharsis? discovery? dénouement? just read Aristotle's Poetics

saged. stop posting this retarded fucking image. it's so dumb unexamined and fake deep that it pisses me off

I also think that these words are tasty! They feel like moss on a rock in the shade. I offer mercurial, peat, lope, loam, trifle, tapestry, and helix.

You have good taste, definitely going to add those (not sure about "lope", maybe "elope")

claptrap journalist
slapdash comedian
formidable mediocrity

Elope is good. Lumber(the motion verb), crackling, globule, and luminescence are fine as well.

ah, like a lumbering giant? that is pretty great, that word always conjures wonderful imagery, speaking of which "conjure" isn't half bad either

lumbering giant is cliche. a lumbering stork? lumbering might not be fresh. lumber as an action noun could be. lumbered sucks but will work with consonance, adjacent or near. lumbers feels fresh and is an anagram of slumber, a trait of the motion and limblock of the gait.