Books about Misanthropy?

Books about Misanthropy?

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There hasn't been a truly good one in my view. Most of the get lost in nihilistic ramblings, which indirectly undermines misanthropy. Real misanthropy needs moral realism.

The problem with books about misanthropy is that they are written by people.

The close ones I read was Cioran's

My diary desu
Inb4 hey you retarded faggot i didn't ask for a meme but for a book

You are working under a flawed definition of "people". You are most certainly a human being, but I have gone beyond that.

hey you retarded faggot, thanks for contributing to the thread

Cioran is pretty much a nihilist too but a highly sardonic one.

Finnegans Wake

People are are assholes who will most likely try to exploit you in hundreds of different ways.
Why would you need moral "realism" to understand that humans are mostly better to avoid or treat with extreme suspicion.

The book of Isaiah and the book of Ezekiel.

Celine's a classic

the bible

>adam and eve story
>original sin
>noah's flood

are very misanthropic in nature

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>you can't be agnostic because that'd be knowing something
>a misanthrope cannot like anyone to the point of plugging their ears whilst yelling

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gayest thread all week

Based and maldororpilled

t. humanist

i like the way the drool is being sucked into the black hole, did you draw that?

Ooops, meant for

So you're a manichean. Even just a fundamental soteriological/millenarian Christian. Do you think this is unique, and nobody has written anything reflecting it? And you call it "moral realism" to lecture hall it up?

You linked the wrong person, but no I did not draw that. When they first became a meme I mass saved them on the /r9k/ though.

I have a folder called herpaderpa due to this.

Yes indeed.

I wish the archives weren't broken or at least one of them included this board because not knowing what this is is annoying, among the archiveless board annoying me due to other things I'd search.

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inb4 someone posts a cap of it, I already have it on one tab anyway.

>>Because to me there is "something" over and above mere naturalist explanations that makes human beings reprehensible. "Something" that is inherent in the functioning of their minds that makes them aligned with a kind of Demiurge. In this sense, seeking to annihilate mankind as a whole is the greatest of good. The issue is though, as a nihilist, one cannot definitively call mankind "bad"; it merely becomes preferential since one dismisses all possibility of intentionality in the overall cosmos. In other words, a true misanthrope is like a Gnostic variant of Ulrich Horstmann, which is exactly what I am. The truth is, I am not exactly a human. Convicted antinatalists go beyond humanity in many respects to something more divine.
Mankind will ultimately destroy itself eventually, but I want to be on the mountain summit laughing while I see them devour on another. Perhaps, I will join in, crushing their skulls here and there, and lynching the hypocritical humanist scum. What a shame I was not a happy bird or whale! Oh well, one day I will show man my pain, a pain that transcends this world, our bloody faces meeting.

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You seem dangerous, i have reported you to the fbi.

what was the post?

Manichaenism is technically not Christian. It is a mix of Gnosticism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. Yes, I have read the Cologne Mani Codex and many other texts from Mani. I am impressed you were able to discern I have heavy Manichaean influence. I think most of mankind has a very faint, almost negligible, amount of inner divine light relative to many other beings. A few men and women go beyond this though, and most of the time they are celibate or childless and vegetarian mystics. Being childless is a requisite to deeper understanding. Once you have a child, the darkness takes its hold of you entirely.
They won't do anything. Fantasizing about the deaths of humanity is not the same as making threats.

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Imperial Japan were the last people to have sex


You are a human being who has deluded himself, so yes you have gone "beyond that" in that you have managed to exceed your previous state of delusion. You're nothing special, and misanthropists are another manifestation of the world's decay.

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tell me more about the cum guzzling scientist man

You are a naive and deluded punk. Humanists are the real manifestation of the world's decay.

>forcefully give vaccines to people so we can die later from super-bugs
>lock up kids over underage puppy love
>enable bad behavior of primitive societies so they never evolve by feeding children over seas
>cops to protetct people but actually just locks people up to punish them not change them for being what they are despite a welfare state being cheaper
>in reality cops just driven bullies at best
>>the world's decay

Humans having a utopian society means literally destruction of the environment faggot.

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He is a starry-eyed science-loving bugman like the rest of them. Of him let us speak no more

I don't believe in humanism but if it seems I do through what I say then so be it.

What does this have to do with the topic of misanthropy? I disagree wholeheartedly with man's "utopia" (which is just a carrot on a stick). More often than not when you want heaven on earth you'll have hell. Similarly, I believe the environment should be preserved from science's almost Faustian excesses.

>forcefully give vaccines to people so we can die later from super-bugs
I disagree with en masse vaccination.

>lock up kids over underage puppy love
They should be taught the difference between right and wrong but not punished so harshly.

>enable bad behavior of primitive societies so they never evolve by feeding children over seas
I agree- we should not do this.

>cops to protect people but actually just locks people up to punish them not change them for being what they are despite a welfare state being cheaper
Yeah, the prison system is hell. It should focus on reforming people but instead takes in already broken people and breaks them even further. A shitshow

Yeah, the world is decaying. It's been decaying from the very beginning, so we should turn our attention to what comes after this world and preserve the world as much as we can for the sake of our children.

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Because a lot of them aren't that, and your inability to see them as such is projection of your own moral failings. You aren't truly misanthropic, you're protecting your love for yourself by setting itself against humanity.

Misanthropy is a cope for self-hatred. If you love yourself you will love your fellow man. Take the Bloomerpill

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>not suggesting kane and abel

What a waste of government resources. Do you how often reddit-bros say "i wish a zombie apocklips would happen so i can kill people!"? Do you know how infrequent mass shootings truly are and how they are overblown by the media which prioritizes stories that have more shock appeal over the stories that are actually a threat to the audience. Sometimes the media even creates their own 'epidemics' that don't actually exist, such is the case with the decades long "dangerous new trend your child has been participating in" segment. Might as well ban tide pods, air duster, whip cream, any utensil that is even slightly sharp and anything else among the extensive list of things that might be a threat in your home.