>We'll be using John Green's crash course videos quite a bit this semester!
We'll be using John Green's crash course videos quite a bit this semester!
Nobody working towards a real degree has these kind of problems.
>crash course
Will there be pancakes?
Has one of your professors actually done that, user? I'm sorry. They used Alain the Bottom's school of life crap as instructional material in a lot of my phil courses
>A real degree
You will never amount to much more than a dilettante, intellectually, without academic integrity. You're missing out on a seminal experience, and profiting from the guidance of published and peer-reviewed academics. But alright, it's your loss, user
My philosophy prof looked exactly and spoke exactly like John Green. It was a little unnerving.
I doubt any University would play youtube videos in class. Then again, I had teachers in highschool who would basically use crash course as an excuse to take a 15 minute break. The series honestly wouldn't be bad (for science at least. I never saw any of the humanities based ones) if they didn't feel the need to interject quirky jokes constantly that make everyone in the room awkwardly glance at one another
Well he is an expert
I enjoyed crash course at first, I never thought it was deep but it was nice, mild intellectual stimulation. At some point I started to hate him, some men are not traditionally manly but they are still cool, he is such a fake ass söy motherfucker though.
>You will never amount to much more than a dilettante, intellectually, without academic integrity. You're missing out on a seminal experience, and profiting from the guidance of published and peer-reviewed academics. But alright, it's your loss, user
You're going to run out of basedjak edits
Stfu, memelord edgelord faggot.
Those videos don't even give the basic outline of little facts like most videos on philosophy do (which is almost as bad). They're completely useless. It's the same topic, woe is me I'm a filthy modernite and omg romance and relationships and sex are the only things I can think about, dressed up in some appropriation of a philosophy that filters out all it is barring the name.
The ideology is so thickly onions I can't stomach it for more than a couple minutes at a time
>You're going to run out of basedjak edits
>Stfu, memelord edgelord faggot.
he can always make more, it's fuckin ms paint for god's sake it doesn't take a genius to work that shit
It's especially obvious with his American History ones, with others (infamous Ancient Greek one) he could just be written off as an ignorant American.
lol based.
OP was clearly talking about High Schools.
High school English classes typically aren't broken into semesters
>ignorant American
you are taking basedjak posting places it's never been. you are truly a pioneer of this rarefied art
I went to a Canadian (Ontarian) high school and we had semesters.
What are the worst ones you can remember. I'm curious
based ontariochad
>peer reviewed academics
I just barfed in my mouth a little bit.
Reported for underage
>We'll be using Hank Green's crash course videos quite a bit this semester!