Books for an INFP?

Books for an INFP?

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Books for INFJ?

id suspect a lot of people are INFP here

Kafka and Kirkegaard are INFP in all likelihood. Both have made quintessential INFP books.

Tolkien is probably INFP, it seems to be a common theme amongst fantasy writers.

im enfp
am i cucked
what do i read

use the power to your advantage

I know Dr. Seuss is ENFP and arguably Mark Twain as well.

Demian by Hesse, only if you're psychic and have a friend who has seen your soul naked.

Literature is only for INxx and at a push ENxP. INFP, INFJ and INTP are the best three for philosophy and literature and art in general, it's possible for INTJs but they're usually Redditors who exclusively read sci fi. ENxPs are your Hunter S Thompsons who are definitely below INxxs but miles above the rest, who are not suited to Yea Forums pursuits but probably don't care about them anyway. ExTJs will read business books but that's it and xSFxs are exclusively women, and are the worst types of women, and will therefore only read things like Harry Potter, 50 Shades, Danielle Steel, etc.
t. have tested as both INFP and INTP, used to be mainly F, now it's mainly T, I identify with both Fi and Ti and hate both Fe and Te, but especially Fe, love logic and maths and beauty and art and emotion, kind of alternate between schizoid ('I've finally realised that I don't need people and was an idiot when I thought I did') and avoidant ('I've finally stopped coping and faced the facts that I need people but am too entrenched in unhealthy coping mechanisms, and was blind when I thought I didn't need people')
The Book Of Disquiet
The Bible

The Book of Disquiet,

especially for a turbulent INFP

Where are my INTP chads at?

>tfw love art and literature but studying engineering
>tfw everyone in engineering has bland low-brow tastes

I now know what Pynchom must've felt on his years studying engineering. But for me dropping out is not an option. I must learn to embrace low and high brow culture. Ride along in the threshold between the two.

Send help.

What is some literature for INTPbros?

tfw intp/infp/intj depending on the test and my mood

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Celine, Houellebecq, Proust


INTPsvare not fascists

Celine is literally the quintessential INTP

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same but istj/intj

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I feel so much disgust for the majority of people I have the displeasure of interacting with. I could go on for pages talking how disgusted I am by everyone, but I wont even bother. These people are within my home, always acting erratically, making incessant noises and arguing. These people are in my school and workplace, looking at me as if they are superior, but make the same exact mistakes that they criticize me for. Living here seems less feasible every day. I think I need to move cities, move countries or live in the woods.
Out of the thousands of people I have met there's only one person who really gets me. Talking to anybody else pains me and fills me with disgust.

Any books for INTJ-A?

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The enneagram is better. It separates out the truly rad 4w5 INFPs from the bland pussy 9w1 INFPs.

Tolkien books probably as he was also infp
Personally my favourites are count of monte cristo and a canticle for Leibowitz

This, there's a massive difference between the two.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is unironically every INTJ's favorite book. If you've read that, then I suggest Hagakure.

I'm tired of people being faggots to me.

Roll your eyes every time you see a self-help book, then just fucking read it. You faggots need to get out of that comfort rut you always put yourselves in and you can't get out of it by reading fiction. "Hurr real life is too scary, I'm not comfortable interacting with anything real so I'm just going to live in fantasy land more than I already do, I feel bad learning anything applicable" please stop cutting people off because they are evil, show them the light in a way you can only do so by learning realistic lessons, which lies in self-help books

I just took one at got 5w6


i got 0w0

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You're alright

Talking about a comfort rut

You don't need to read anything at all to know what is truly needed right now.

Borges, Macedonio Fernández, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino Calvino, Danilo Kiš, Bruno Schulz, Robert Coover.

>tfw INXS

>all these introverts
fucking edgelors

Go play a sport or host a party or something then you extraverted pleblord shitcunt faggot

INFP here
I wish that I was dead

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Many things you find disgusting about others are things that you find disgusting about yourself

I pretty much agree with you but you've gotta give some credit to ISFPs though, I know two and they're frustrating fuckers but they're not without flashes of brilliance. If you set a creative constraint they'll grow on it like moss on a rock and usually bring out what you have in mind. Might not be the most 'original' type but they're tuned up for complimentary creativity. fun to talk ideas with. if you try to make anything practical out of it they will however fuck you around when it comes to getting anything implemented due to shit Te. But on their own they've got a lot of potential.

this is zodiac signs for internet autists and soi bois

nah man, patterns and causes

How do I know the difference between intp and intj and infj ? I get all three and idk which one I am definitively.

You're schizophrenic

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What makes you say that?

All literature belongs to us.

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and that's based

depends man. If you're confused it's good to know about the 'function stack'. The personality types are predicated on the idea that there are certain cognitive functions, and they 'stack' up in order from most conscious, to least conscious.
If you're in your 20s, it would be your 'tertiary' function (3rd in stack out of 8) that would be developing and becoming more conscious, and in my personal experience, this is the function that would interfere with your judgement in a clumsy way, and would skew test results.
I know an INTJ that is convinced he is an INFJ because he considers himself a 'feeler', but he was and his Introverted Feeling function is becoming more conscious, which is his tertiary function.

why is Yea Forums obsessed with hack personality tests?

Any "personality test" based on you answering questions about yourself will never reflect who you actually are, only the narcissistic image of yourself you have produced
The Myers-Briggs schema was literally made by a housewife and her daughter who read Jung and thought it'd be neat to put together a fucking Jungian Buzzfeed quiz to help other housewives decide what job to get when their husbands were all drafted

you're like my roommate. just stay based bro, people will like your eccentric taste if you let yourself open to them

And what is that?








>You don't need to read anything at all to know what is truly needed right now.

>>And what is that?
What is truly needed right now?

That's exactly the point. No self-help book will tell you.

Don't be so credulous, newfriend.

As for your personality, do you rely more on T.hinking or F.eeling in everyday situations? Do you keep your options options (P.rospecting) or do you J.udge things right away?

I'm a very judgmental person but I like to think before I judge something, I feel very deeply but I don't like to show it to anyone, I make logical decisions rather than making decisions on how I feel.


No just adolescent

What the fuck else am I supposed to say ? This fucking zodiac shit is dumb.

based copeposter

Then kindly fuck off to another thread

Sounds like an INTJ from what you said. But keep reading about it, you'll figure it out. Just remember, there is no such thing as a personality type. Doesn't make this stuff any less fascinating.



INTJ here, you guys don't actually believe in the pseud horoscope... right??

Lmao imagine forming your identity over the pseudo-intellectual equivalent of horoscopes, jesus christ

this is a good channel for the types. a lot of people get INTJ in that survey. ISTJ is statistically likelier.

I've been able to ruin every close relationship I've had with every family member within 3 sentences based on this system. It works well enough to win friends and influence normies, as well as destroy relationships in a breath. It has enough utility under my belt, so I'll continue to use the pseud horoscope.
>Pro-tip: nearly everyone is incorrect in typing themselves and others

the fuck is this

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>pseudo-intellectual equivalent of horoscopes
>jesus christ

I'm INFJ, any recommends book?

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thank you, user.

>muh personality type
Literally worse than stars signs

...What is the meaning of "Died of too many Google Chrome tabs" in ENFP?
and why Parappa the Rapper?

another INTJ-A here, currently psychiatrist in internship.
how do you cope with life and emotions? are you rather optimistic or a cynical bastard? have you met any other INTJs? haven't met any but not sure i'd like to, seems like they're all fedora-tier redditors.

Proust is INFx

I don't think so. He was just a faggot so he comes off as an F type even though he isn't

>le whacky reddit atheist has arrived
It's an expression faggot, these "personality types" don't mean shit and it's pathetic people label themselves as it

I don't act erratically and make incessant noise within my home, I'm not an argumentative person, I don't criticize people. Sorry, but this constantly regurgitated 'aphorism' is just wrong.


Carl Jung
Alan Watts

Both are wacky, but insightful and fun, so if they don't resonate with you, that's fine.


>Taking MBTI seriously

What the fuck user, I now took the test and got INFP, unironically Kafka and Kierkegaard are some of my favourite authors.

Just tested INFP too, any recs for their books?

INTP here I hate people but get depressed when I stay alone. what do?

You need someone to hug you because you’re kind of a crybaby

You could get one of those Temple Grandin hug machines

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hi infp frens

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INFJ here.

What makes my type so rare and what are some good fiction books for me?

This looks like what I imagined the machine from In The Penal Colony to look like

vote faggots


Thats exactly why an INTP likes to/ benefits from reading him. INTP and INFP match quite well.

- For Kierkegaard: start with an anthology ("The Essential Kierkegaard" is very good), and from there pick what interests you, OR pick some of his well known and shorter works like: "Fear and Trembling" or "Sickness Upon Death" and go from there.

- For Kafka: Read "The Metarmophosis", then "The Process" and from there to the rest: short stories, "The Castle, America, letters.

why the fuck do all the chicks at my English course keep asking me to do tarot card and horoscope readings

They probably just want to hang out with you.

I'm studying finance, postgraduate.
Tbh I feel I've always had strong moral standards and I've felt other people don't have morals , and I've become cynical

no shit but fuck that tarot card nonsense

OBJECTIVE FACT: Vulvae are ONLY appealing when belonging to an INFP/ENFP.

tarot is actually pretty interesting. Horoscope readings are dumb as fuck though.

Tarot is cool because it's really just intuitive storytelling. Much of the "power" is in the person reading the cards, empathizing with the person they are reading to, then that person pieces it together to fit their own life. The thing that people use to discredit tarot, is literally what is supposed to happen. It's the whole point of it. It's a symbolic means of self-reflection, you derive the insight for your own life.

Not a thing, it's 4w5 or 4w3

It's fun. You can try to have some fun from time to time.

suicide is nice this time of year

infp gang
there are dozens of us

One of those girls actually gave me a deck of tarot cards as a gift and sometimes I think about how fun it'd be to get good at grifting and convince people you can do it. Just tell them vague astrology-like predictions, generalize their personality Barnum style, act aloof about the whole thing and charming. I'm not dark enough to look like a gypsy or anything else exotic though.
Has anyone tried that? If you read a few books on tarot-related esotericism to get the lingo down, I genuinely don't think it'd be very hard to convince the type of person who falls for that shit anyway.

INFP 3w2 for what that bullshit is worth.
I'm in STEM post-grad and it's the same deal. I encounter so many otherwise brilliant people who fail to see value in literature or art, or who just take no interest in them at all. The rare person who does read just reads pseud pop-sci or trite sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff. Everyone else just watches netflix or plays vidya with their spare time.

How to stop being INFP?

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White people : The thread


People forget the value a lot of women place on depth of feeling and emotional intelligence. Despite what most people on the internet tell you the vast majority of them aren't looking for attractiveness as internet/media would have you think.

Don't be optimistic about success with lower class women, latins, or women from the southern US, but those tend to be worth avoiding anyway.

INTJ-T, kinda doubtful of it though. Does this mean I'm a smarmy fedora-wearer?

>Alan Watts
baby level. try some Ailester Crowley or Timothy Leary or Anton Wilson

INTJ turboautist here. Any book recs?


>tfw im apparently kaczynski and work for FedEx

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>I'm Lenin now

I used to be obsessed with online tests as a child, and for MBTI and other personality tests I'd get INTJ, but since puberty I get INTP instead. Any ideas why this might've changed? Was it just puberty or what?

reminder that the probability of a test accurately typing your MBTI type is perhaps 10 %, lol.. learn about the cognitive functions and type yourselves.

celine is the archetypical intp. hamsun is another one

the tests are far too binary. you were likely more dishonest with regards to your self perception when you were younger, but now that you are older, you realize that you are phlegmatic, depressed and incapable of producing anything (INTP)

I'm melancholic according to socionics.

5w4. Did I make it?

>he isn't a Jungian
Shiggy diggy


myer briggs has some correlation w the big 5 which is legit

>used to be intp for a good two years
>a year ago it was intj
>now its entj
huh what the fuck

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man just pretend to be into it so you can get your dick sucked

This is like looking in a mirror. oof

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I fluctuate between ISTP and INTP probably depending on how much test I am getting

What are some ENTP books?

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I'm an ISTP, what do you got for me?

try horoscope or fengshui next ;)

>tfw INFP-A and 9w1

Any book recs?

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Nah dude, don't overthink you have 4848284849 IQ only because you lurk on /lit ;)