I don't usually come on this board in particular and after lurking for a few days/weeks...

I don't usually come on this board in particular and after lurking for a few days/weeks, I'm surprised at how many relious people and religion discussion there is here. I thought religion in today's age was just a thing for old people, and certainly not something for young people that are educated/well read.

I am not close minded, so I will give it a possibility. For you religious people, is there one book that will make a skeptic like me change opinion? All the religious authors I find seem to be people that either

A) Had a religious upbringing and can't cope with realizing they were fed bullshit

B) Had a shitty life/event and turned to religion to cope with it

Either way, I only see the proverbial "cope". Anyone has a book that can change my mind?

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Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines by Guenon is what made me take religion seriously again. I’m not religious, though, and I don’t intend to ever be, but I take it much more seriously now.

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Evening user, Start yourself off with some of the easy stuff and work your way through,

a case for christ - Lee strobel and C.S Lewis Mere Christianity. where essential first reading for me.

converted to Christianity from Atheism May this year @ 21

The traditionalists have made me appreciate religion but none have made me religious. You wont find religion in a book. I've read all the major holy books, (quran, bible, Gita, dhammapada). I've prayed like Muslims, Christians and meditated like Buddhists. In my opinion head to the traditionalists. I personally prefer Seyed Hossein Nasr to Guenon. Guenon feels a bit too out there for me to be completely comfortable with.

unironically this happened to me too, along with psychedelic experiences

The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton is one of the books that converted C.S. Lewis from atheism to Christianity.

Imagine actually being convinced by the premier sophist of the era.

>never read The Everlasting Man

Could you be more obvious, pseud?

I read Orthodoxy

>a case for christ - Lee strobe
Damn they made a movie out of this?

"Cope" is a word that has no meaning. Why is a "cope" bad? Who ensures that what you see as a cope really is a cope? I'm sure you can reduce anything to a "cope" but the word on its own falls flat I'm genuinely sorry bro

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unfortunately memes have coopted the discourse on this site to the point where meaningful discussion is no longer possible, everything is "cope" "incel" "have sex" "based" "cringe" etc

Unironically the Qur'an, either Pickthall or Arberry translation

>You won’t find religion in a book.

I think this is more or less right. I feel like theism is a sensibility more than the end of an intellectual pursuit. Reading won’t hurt but it also won’t make you suddenly realize you’re a created thing and a part of a larger creation.

Unironically just take shrooms and go play outside

take shrooms and play inside (thyself)

>orientalist translations

me three :3

What do you mean by Orientalist? Do you mean a non Muslim scholar of Arabic literature? Because that isn't what the term means.

>For you religious people, is there one book that will make a skeptic like me change opinion?
Feser's five proofs of God. It's a summary of various proofs from the very greatest philosophers who ever lived. God is not an entity owned by religion. If a summary is not enough, read Aristotle's Metaphysics, Aquinas' five ways, Plato's Republic (spec. the form of the good), and the New Testament.

Sounds like you still have some thinking to do. If Guenon awakened you to the reality of God, especially if he meant the God of Abraham, then it should follow that remaining obstinate against truth is folly. Right?

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>cope is bad

You will more easily succumb to the stress of life without effective cope
Religion is the supreme cope

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the bible

also personal life experience of supernatural events

>also personal life experience of supernatural events
this, it's easy to be a skeptic materialist until you see the impossible happen right in front of you

Read Edward Feser's 5 proofs of Gods existence. Not saying it'll turn you into a devout catholic but he does a good job of taking philosophical arguments for God's existence that are usually strawman'd to hell and stating them properly.
He was actually an athiest philosophy teacher who became religious when he had to teach these arguments and while looking back on them had an "oh fuck" moment and realized he couldn't find a real refutation of them.


It's gonna be a thing for young people again. Remember, Jesus was chill af. He also hung in the hoods with gangbangers, hookers, and thieves. What makes you think he's gonna save the squares this time around, they literally don't even know him.

Honestly, Christianity is the coolest shit in the world. It's literally "dude, don't sweat what you did in the past. Just confess and you're good, you're clean, now nobody can hold that shit against you, because the only ones who will are those threatened by your ability to do what they didn't."

It's literally all about. keeping it real, and Jesus this time around is gonna be way more appealing to the youth that feel hopeless for the future (almost all of us)

Clean your room

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q-quads ignored

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I should, shouldn't I?

Oh yeah, one book
"The Egg" by Andy weir.
It gives a good understanding if reincarnation in like 5 minutes.

If that feels right to you, adopt it. It will only lead you on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

>literally feels over reason

>I want faith based on the values of Ben Shapiro

195:6.7.The mechanistic naturalism of some supposedly educated men and the thoughtless secularism of the man in the street are both exclusively concerned with things; they are barren of all real values, sanctions, and satisfactions of a spiritual nature, as well as being devoid of faith, hope, and eternal assurances. One of the great troubles with modern life is that man thinks he is too busy to find time for spiritual meditation and religious devotion.

195:6.8.Materialism reduces man to a soulless automaton and constitutes him merely an arithmetical symbol finding a helpless place in the mathematical formula of an unromantic and mechanistic universe. But whence comes all this vast universe of mathematics without a Master Mathematician? Science may expatiate on the conservation of matter, but religion validates the conservation of men's souls—it concerns their experience with spiritual realities and eternal values.

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>For you religious people, is there one book that will make a skeptic like me change opinion?
There is no one book that can convince you by making you feel the love of God. Faith is irrational by definition, and it can only be gained by witnessing or experiencing the divine. Besides, if you can rationalize your way into belief, that belief can also be rationalized away.