How do i induce schizophrenia?
I would like to have either that or psychosis, something along those lines. I question reality every single day and also pretty much don't believe in anything happening without someone or something doing it in either my favor or against my favor. Where do I go from there with books on this topic?
How do i induce schizophrenia?
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What is this world of hatred and strife and war and hatred and strife and war. Is it, perchance, a world of hatred and strife and war and of hatred and strife and war. The answer is YES it fucking well is and I want out. I want the underground of life where I am now, the underground of life. But where is this you may ask and how can I get there. Well, if you are working then walk Out straight away, get on a bus and go home and say fuck you employer and be quick with my last pay cheque. Say fuck to giving notice, if you can't walk out just like that then you won't be able to hack the underground. Then get yourself a garret to starve in and sign on the dole. Be prepared for being fucked around for weeks and months before you see any money, especially if you walked out on your job. Now say to yourself I'm finished with all that shit. So that's about the equivalent of dipping your big toe into the waters of the underground before wading in. Now stuff your central nervous system with hallucinogens listening to Beethoven's Ninth/The Cure/just about anything at full blast for months. Buy a second-hand aquarium and set it up in your garret, it doesn't matter if the glass is cracked you're going to use it for growing psilocybin cubensis mushrooms. When the weather gets warmer start sowing the marijuana seeds. Think of yourself as being on the run from the law, or forever one step ahead of the posse, or the landlord of a brothel. You're not "living" any more, you're "holding out". Then find an artform in which to work, start drawing in pen and ink, buy a battered typewriter. Become reclusive, don't shave, grow a beard, keep your hair unkempt, throw things on the floor, keep chickens in your room. Recite "Property is theft" ten times a day or until it seems obvious. Read books like Dostoyevsky's "Notes from Underground", Orwell's "Down and Out in Paris and London", Raoul Vaneigem's "The Revolution of Everyday Life" and Miyamoto Musashi's "A Book of Five Rings. Swot up on your Burroughs, Beckett, Celine, Kerousc, Coctesu, Rimbaud, Hesse, Poe, Baudelaire, Lautreamont, Nietzsche, Joyce, Stein. That's a decent start, now the water's up to your waist and the tide seems to be taking you further away from the shore and "The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin" seems strangely subversive. Now read "Desert Island BIFF" just to make absolutely sure you don't turn into a jerk. At this stage there are two directions you can go in - back to your parents' home and beg to be taken back in because you've found the big wide world too harsh, or onward. Or the former followed by the latter if you need a breathing space. Now get stuck into Crowley, read "Magick" and "The Magical Record of the Beast 666". Read the works of Austin Osman Spare and start casting sigils. Spend more on incense than clothes.
In fact don't buy any new clothes at all. Give money to tramps even though you can't afford to on the grounds that you might be a tramp yourself one day and you're the kind of person who will be able to help you out of a jam. This is the way you start to see the world of the underground. Wall all around Central London every week or two and simply observe. Just stand and stare. Sit on the pavement in Covent Garden all day long watching people come an go, watch street entertainers and practice saying you're broke when asked for money merely by the look on your face, do it until it no longer feels like an affectation of poverty, feel what is rich about being poor. Never spend more than a fiver in one go unless it's in order to distribute your art, print your writings or produce a magazine. Eat less meals if by doing so you can have a more diverse range of Letraset at your disposal. Learn what can be done with lentils. After a while you'll start to experience the underground as a real place, and you'll get more and more enmeshed in it, then will come the point at which you can start making your own rules, you don't have to be a tramp, you don't have to be living with bedbugs for your only company, but as a result of enduring this kind of lifestyle for a while you'll learn to see what the underground is and you'll be able to move freely within it. You won't need more than a glance to pick out the pimps the plain-clothes cops the pushers the three-card-monty lookouts the spivs the touts the knifeboys the freelance journalists the computer whizz-kids looking for recruitment by a master criminal, all these people will tell you what they are uncontrollably. You, on the other hand, as a chaos magician, will have the subjective impression you project to others completely under control, you can at will project the aura of any one of the above and more, or blend invisibly as just another face in the crowd, according to your desires and purpose. Here is the secret of the underground - to merge - to stalk it without affectation. You can only merge into something when you know what it is you're trying to merge into, and there is nowhere where there are more lessons to be learnt than the underground, it exists on a different magical plane to that environment frequented by those who try to be magicians in the hustle and bustle of commuters, the nine-to-fivers. Magick works with greater effectiveness in the underground because the urgency caused by chaos is substantially greater than that experienced by those who immerse their lives in the framework of an imposed order.
Just as an ordinary man has the potential to become a hero when thrust into a dangerous position by fate that he would have thought he was not up to if there had been time to think about it, so can an average magician become a great magician when his environment is chaos, the difference being that the chaos is deliberately procured and approached slowly and stealthily like one might try to walk past a sleeping tiger. One places oneself in dangerous situations carefully in order to gain the co-operation and strength of the tiger, and eventually its stealth - the merging with one's surroundings in order to walk unseen and unheard, to literally pounce upon the object of your desires. That is chaos magick.
Sure, you can be a magician in the world of work and mundaneness but you'll never be the kind of magician you could have been, a chaos magician is an underground magician, those magicians who tell you that you can be a chaos magician whilst still tied to conformity are simply those magicians who lack the strength and conviction to let go of their conformity, for which they have battled for years to possess through a misguided allegiance to hard slog. They are excited by the idea of chaos and of plunging themselves into it but they are afraid of letting go and so they make of their chaos magick something without chaos, something which can be carried on over a weekend in order to fit in with the demands of a working routine. Don't let anyone convince you this is chaos magick, don't let anyone glamourise magick of a lesser character through use of the epithet "chaos". Chaos magick can't be marketed and sold to the masses, it can only be lived. Anything else is nine-to-five magick, which you may use for securing payrises and promotion.
What your life is immersed in will be what you use your magick to affect. If your life is immersed in the underground and you become concerned about such nebulous subjects as rebellion and revolution and romance your magick will naturally be directed into this arena and enable you to live what others are only content to talk about. This then is the underground. If you are holding down a steady job and pursuing a "career" it also stands to reason that your magick, your drives and desires, will be fuelled to take you in a direction you think you want to go in, to further you in what you are presently pursuing, without regard to your more romantic hopes of which you are so convinced that you never make the slightest effort to realise them. No, onward to your very own mortgage and bank loan for that wonderful car and the ever more rabid consumption which follows as a natural result of following the path that you are following. Such people recognise art only through the emotion of acute jealousy.
It can't be helped and it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to me that is, but it might matter to you if this is you I am writing about. What is, after all, your motivation for getting into magick, your motivation for reading a CHAOS text. Insight? Power? Most power-hungry magicians fuck themselves up sooner or later, so no doubt it is insight you're after. Ask yourself what insight there is in pursuing a useless career, kidding yourself that your high-flight aspirations lead to wondrous marvels. I'm not talking to the doomed, manual labourers and people who dig the roads and read electricity meters, I'm talking to those who glorify dead-end jobs in publishing, the media, banking, social work, advertising, and convince themselves their lives have meaning, purpose, and, above all, that most magical of dead-end words - prospects.
Ask yourself, just how long will it be before you start buying your first shares? What a life! Give me the turmoil of chaos anyday, rather allow my magick to resemble the goings-on in a subterranean Chinese kitchen cum alchemists cave than the goings-on in your average air-conditioned office complex. Do you think about these things? Do you think you ought to think about these things? What do you want your life to be, do you know most people never ever think about this, rather they settle for the short-term option qf seeing something develop out of a lifestyle they hate, their catharsis being the accumulation of material goods. Ask yourself, what will ever develop out of an existence you hate? Isn't it better to turn your back on all of it and plunge yourself into a lifestyle you love and say fuck to poverty this is what I want my life to be, let my art be my catharsis for the malaise such poverty invokes. Isn't it altogether more likely that something will eventually develop out of a lifestyle you love, that your need to raise yourself above poverty will eventually be satisfied, by magical means, because you have had the courage to throw yourself into the driving urgency of chaos. These are all important things to consider. By all means be a nine-to-five magician, you don't have to be a chaos magician, it's not compulsory, but don't be a nine-to-five magician if you secretly desire to be a chaos magician because one doesn't lead to the other. This is the fundamental difference between chaos magick and other forms of magick and why chaos is the magick for now, for as long as now lasts. The magick that evolves out of chaos magick (for even chaos magick will only last as long as it does) will be the treasure of those who have had the courage to embrace chaos now,all the rest will have to content themselves with the realisation that they will be peddling a bicycle with a puncture uphill for evermore. Chaos is happening now, not next week, not next month, not next year. You can't get into chaos later if you've come across it now, this is your one and only chance, the only people who can get into chaos later on are those who are yet to hear about it. Real Pied Piper of Hamelin stuff this. You see, chaos is that thing which is instantly recognised by those it is meant for, that is what it is all about. If you are reading this and saying to yourself now that this is for you then find that strength within yourself to grasp it and make it your own. If you are reading this now and saying this isn't for me then that is because it isn't for you, you're an outsider who has got ahold of this publication by an unfortunate accident, so back off, that is an appropriate reaction. We will feel no sense of loss not to have your company I assure you, we will happen without you and inspire of you. If you can't see the urgency and what needs to be done then you are blind and I cast a spell to cast you into the pit.
May Satan spike you with his dung fork and place hydrofluoric acid in your contact lense containers. You bastards live through what we do and what we die for, so we have no sense of regret in cutting ourselves off from you and saying "Fuck You Conformist!" What is it you conform to but conformity itself? Fuck You!
Ummm....FBI get in here, found the next school shooter
I don’t usually say this, but have sex
Conflate and dissect ideas. Differentiate and create meaning between the things split. Quantum mechanics
>129 KB JPG
How do i induce schizophrenia? I would like to have either that or psychosis
as far as i know it’s quite easy to get a stimulant psychosis
What in the fuck is this? Did Deleuze write this?
Who wrote this?!
Deleuze was wrong, schizo experiences are speculative-linguistic, most historical "enlightenment" practices were mainly neo-cortex ones, made to reduce language.
use bufotenin. alone.
>most historical "enlightenment" practices were mainly neo-cortex ones
nobody here reads posts longer than 3 sentences
Do extremely heavy doses of hallucinogenic drugs frequently and you will eventually get a psychosis. Not recommended because it's chaotic and not controllable. It's not impossible you will sober up with a murder charge or kill yourself. Then you can question reality while you rot in a jail cell.
Is a stimulant/hallucinogenic comes from the body brain, schizophrenia comes from the soul. There is no replicable chemical state
your brain is your soul, user
(even if you’re religious, you can’t deny that a too large amount of amphetamine would get you an “actual” schizophrenia)
When John Travolta represented a heroin user in the movie Pulp Fiction, he had a strong personal policy about not using hard drugs, so he asked an actual user how it was. This person explained to him that the feeling is not explainable, but he could get close enough to know if he got drunk enough and submerged yourself in a hot tub.
My advice is this: Unless you want to risk an important fragment of your own identity and hygienic mental structure in order to know what it's like, seek empathy with people who suffer from psychosis and schizophrenia and seek to express what you think sane people need to know about them. Do work. Hard work. Don't look for easy routes inducing an altered state of highly volatile and unpleasant consciousness.
Psychedelics, specifically research chemicals that may or may not impair you for life
actually i suffered a kind of stimulant psychosis once after taking some RC (i don’t even know what it was)
it lasted for about a week (first three days were most intense) and i had to recover mentally for a few weeks
i had never felt so bad and empty in my life (it would take too long to describe how exactly i felt)
i was scared to even think about it for some time, i was in some a sort of self-denial and tried to erase the memories (a defence mechanism i guess)
overall a very interesting experience
drugs are a good way to discover altered states of consciousness, and can be more or less harmless if used responsibly
stimulant comedowns are interesting as well, this feeling of emptiness can be actually thought-provoking and make one reconsider everything
I think I might be schizophrenic. I have random bouts of psychosis every couple of years where I experience ego-death, but when I come out of it all the notes I take are rubbish. If only there was some way to remain lucid whilst in this state, and recount your experiences after.
>tfw tried to kill someone during a drug induced psychotic episode but I failed so got away with it
Lucky me, only got sectioned for a month. I regularly think about how different my life would be if I succeeded.
You must fall into the chasm between the Real and reality. First make Kierkegaard's qualitative leap, and fall short. But first you must go to the edge of reality and find how it loops back into itself, giving the illusion of continuity and infinity. The finding of the chasm to make the leap is the hardest part. You haven't gotten anywhere yet. You still don't know how to think without thinking. You still don't know the treachery. That's why you dare ask this question. To dare to articulate your question, the one beneath the words, is to challenge the universe itself, existence. You will lose, and you will not even know it.
You have no reason to want this. That's how it was designed. Don't ask anything. Don't think. Only wonder. Your mind is you enemy. That is why you think that you have to destroy it to move forward. You've gotten that far. But you don't know that if you break your mind you lose. The door is closed. It's like breaking your legs; now you can't make the leap.
Only two writers I think have ever grasped the true implications of BwO, one of which is Nick Land. It's not a surprise he went mad soon after
Anyone who has been to a paychiatrist on possible schizophrenia symptoms gets asked the first most emphasized question:
“Do you feel people are talking about you? whispering behind your back? and everything is revolving around, possibly against you?”
WHO THE FUCK when actually feeling so would tell THEM that you have that suspicion???!!
I literally felt that way and then this guy leans in and with wide eyes ask me if i feel paranoid about the people around me conspiring against me, and ofc I thought he is in on it! Why would he expect me to say yes; I am trying to save my skin against all these fuckers; considering I had lapses in memory and auditory hallucinations why would he ever assume I would confide with him that I have to be prepared against him?
They are such stupid crooks who read the proper literature but absolutely fail at applying it in praxis.
I conspired one day to kill him because I wasn’t thinking he was against me anymore but because he was so inept at figuring out I knew he was against me but he failf to respond to any of my signs where a proper answer of him realizing I was hinting at the previously mentioned fact that I just couldn't care enough to pounce on him.
NEVER go to a psychiatrist and mever to a specialist cause they have the most extreme tunnel vision.
I’d say induce schizophrenia by staying indoors for months and only go out at night and when talking to others focus intently on All their mannerism and let them do all the talking and soon enough you will feel the typical schizo symptoms mate.
Can someone call the police on these people?
Do schizophrenic people actually hear voices as in auditory hallucinations or is it that little voice in their head that they hear? Do they really, physically hear the voices with their ears? Like they hallucinate sounds? Or are they hearing the voice inside their head that we all have, however they just don't have control over theirs? I recall studies showing that sensory regions of the brain light up when one is actively experiencing a hallucination.
I can only speak for myself. When I heard voices I could physically feel the sound waves vibrate in my ear. It was like the sound source emitted sound in the ear canal and it felt 100% real. I actually thought other people could hear them too if they listened to my ear because the sound was real and loud, that's when I got extremely paranoid because I didn't want other people listening to my brain. If I put my finger inside my ear I could feel the vibrations on my finger too.
I think it's more common to hear voices inside your mind though.
Woah. I guess it's the same for visual hallucinations too with regards to light reflection n in the eye etc, you could harness energy from it.
I heard a bang like a gunshot and realized it wasn’t real because while I shrank together cowering and covering my ears everyone else kept going on as if nothing happened.
I often get this when I'm very tired and about to fall asleep, I'll hear things I guess aren't possible, like music playing outside and my ears will vibrate and pick it up.
Take way, way too much diphenhydramine and drink too much in the same night, it'll happen sooner or later.
>hallucinations via music
>chickens in your room
I hue'd.
>>If you think differently you are dangerous!
Neck yourself for the insinuation.
for temporary psychosis take a shit ton of acid and try to freak yourself out
would not recommend
Both. I heard things that weren't real and heard the voice of God in my head.
Smoke a 1 oz blunt
>take a shit ton of acid and freak yourself out
Nigga, that shit will permanently wreck you
> Department of Treasury member quoting Nick Land nearly verbatim
Mother of G'd. The Grand Neoreactionary Conspiracy reaches the highest echelons of government.
Take antipsychotics and stop taking them 3 weeks in, ull induce it whether u had it before or not
Why do those people say they want to be schizophrenic? What do they think it is like?
it furthers unique creativity and gives way to true epistemology untouchable to non-schizos
>I would like to have either that or psychosis
no you would not. Be thankful you don't have those problems, it's not romantic, it's debilitating and embarrassing.
You won't be schizophrenic like Artaud. You'll rant about the mailman trying to hack your PC or some shit then get put in a hospital
It’s as if people are speaking to me but there is nobody there. Invisible people that only I can hear.
I'm not going to read the rest of the thread OP, but if you buy yourself a decent bag of amphetamines and go on a week long binge with little or no sleep you will enter a schizophrenic or psychotic state, take a tab of lsd once you are in murky waters and your mind will spill all over the floor. Not recommended.
I wish I had *non meme autism (as a side, I'm convinced autism is actually two disorders, accounting for why it is over-represented in terms of both high and low iq statistically)
I wanted to take 500ug of liquid LSD (already a massive dose) but ended up using a bigger pipette than necessary. In reality ended up taking over 1000ug. Among other things, I was convinced:
-When you die you live your life in reverse and can somehow affect things with your thoughts and create parallel universes.
-At the same time, when you die you see the most beautiful "thing" in the world. Not sure how these two notions are compatible with each other.
-God married a chick name Betty and divorced her. When you die you see some sort brilliant comedic roast directed at God's ex-wife.
-When you die, you are transported into the body of God and Betty's dog and into their home (which I guess is heaven). Apparently in this hallucination they were still together even though before it seemed like they divorced.
-Some crazy techno Asians created some sort of app that allows you to access the 7th sense as long as you perform specific mental tasks in order
-I was convinced some wise looking old white man in the park was literally God in his physical form. He knew I would be there and he telepathically communicated his thoughts about a lot of things. Basically, he admitted to not being perfect. But he told me that I'm the most perfect of these creatures we've got. Ironic, considering I don't even have a job.
-Dozens of other indescribable realizations and revelations that words could never do justice. Flowing through multiple births and deaths, I remember repeating over and over again, "what a genius", "what a fucking genius", the genius being the wizardly white guy walking his dog who I thought was the creator of the universe.
Interestingly enough, I never had any religious experiences sober. For a while I even classified myself as a Hitchens/Dawkins type of anti-theist. Each time I do LSD the materialist/empirical paradigm of looking a the world seems to break down more and more.
a tab isn't going to do anything other than make colors brighter and maybe have some non-scientifically explained interactions with trees and plants. Even on 400ug, I never had any truly "mind bending" experiences, in that I was still operating on a foundation I could comprehend. Dat 500ug+ is when you'll be convinced of things you have never even imagined before.
The acute stage of "w..t..f"is going on" only lasts for 3-6 hours or so, after which you begin your descent to relative sanity. You will begin to remember who you are, where you are, etc, but with a newfound understanding of why we are, why do things exist, what happens after we die, etc.
People have even taken 20000ug doses (2000 x the typical amount). The vast majority of heroic dose takers are typically "normal" within 48 hours.
I feel like smart, deep-minded, philosophical niggaz with major interest in literature, politics, history, etc, would benefit fucking enormously from LSD. Sometimes one of your guys starts freaking out on a bad trip, just give him a benzo , the "trip killer".
Read girardfag
Who? Citation/source please?
Basically most "enlightenment" periods were results of rational mental functions rather than a more emotive quality such as linguistics, but he has to write it in overly complex and confusing manner to seem like an intellectual schizoanalyser.
Schizophrenia isn't something you want to have believe me, hell I believe that if you want so badly to be sick you must be already unhinged. Congratulations op
Also schizophrenia isn't simply hallucinations, delusions and such.
Those are the symptoms referred as "positive" (not as in "good")
Learn about the "negative" symptoms and tell me you want to become a retarded drooling mess destroyed by chemicals and unable to achieve anything or keep a schedule.
Being schizophrenic is intense suffering user. I know one in my family, and I've been in a psychiatric hospital in highschool. (If you're 15 years and three months old you're put with the adults).
These people are the last thing you'd want to become. And it worsen with the age, the olds one were no longer humans at this point. You can't call this living.
Usually it manifest when you're a teen/young adult. Imagine living 40 years like this, if you've not committed suicide already that is.
you actually literally hear them, like you could point in the direction they seemed to come from. diagnosed a few years back but from what i understand this is essentially the rule for auditory hallucinations
You might actually simply hear spirits around you. Don't be afraid, you're gifted