Using "ascribe" to mean subscribe

>using "ascribe" to mean subscribe
>using "problematic" to mean unethical
>using "poetry" to mean prose with improper parsgraphing
>using "objective" to mean absolute
>using "subjective" to mean relative
>comic books are literature
>video games are art

Attached: smalltown.png (696x384, 73K)

lmao those typical faces

>wait you actually know the people who live in your locality
>oh no this does not bode well with my mental illness

What is she complaining about in OP pic

as real as you would imagine. its how they greet each other from afar. i wonder what future studies will tackle this phenomenon.

Small towns

>using "problematic" to mean unethical
I agree with the others but I don't think this one matches up, problematic is better than unethical because it isn't making the claim from a privileged position of moral authority. You can accuse something of being problematic without it being immoral.

still not understanding the problem

Yeah, there's no moral superiority from people who use the words problematic.

Those who have pushed their existence entirely online live in fear of places where crimethink can't be punished with social destruction at the hands of anonymous internet hate groups.

There is an implicit assumption here that moral authority is unethical

Somewhere in the deepest darkest recesses of the internet there is maybe a photo of me pulling a basedface like that next to a bunch of pony figurines during my rather shameful brony phase that is going to come back and haunt me.

I'm scared, hold me.

Attached: whatcouldgowrong.jpg (640x800, 99K)

She would rather live in a city where she can do whatever she wants with zero repercussions because everyone is so dissociated from reality

damn filter, should be s o y face

>tfw i basically agree with that
i’m the problem aren’t i?

>pours another glass of wine
this post deserves a toast, well said

Attached: cheers.jpg (1400x576, 458K)

People not including her in the conversation/making her the center of it.

your smart devices will be hacked to only display that image if you are guilty of wrongthink.

Attached: s.jpg (210x239, 11K)

Depends on what you do with your anonymity.

i just read books and shitpost on Yea Forums, i don’t have a social life

>your smart devices will be hacked to only display that image if you are guilty of wrongthink.
Phew! So the fact that it hasn't surfaced yet means I'm thinking correctly, thank goodness!

Attached: reapwhatyousoy.png (454x520, 11K)

You wouldn't be doing anything different in a small town so it doesn't matter.