Once and for all, what is Dostoevsky's best work?


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Bump the thread nigga otherwise everyone just votes and it 404s

Crime and Punishment > The Brothers Karamazov > Demons > Notes From the Underground > House of the Dead > The Idiot

retarded poll
doesn’t even include poor folk

The answer is obviously Brothers Karamazov, the real question is what is his second best work? I'm gonna say Demons or the Idiot, hard to choose

>tfw reading The Idiot atm

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>Implying anyone would vote for that

mfw it is actually the best one

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1. TBK, obviously

Second best is Crime and Punishment. The Idiot is overrated

Demons. TBK is a bit too grand and polished.

Demons is definitely underrated.


What is the best Demons translation?

Polished by whom? Didn't he publish it in continuations on demand so he could pay his gambling debts?

Good. Enjoy as it is Dostoyevsky's second best novel after TBK.
t. burger high school student

Me too user

Vote for Demons you fucking faggots lmao

Yeah, it doesn't deserve second last place.


This. Except I'll say confidently that Demons is his second-best. Surprised it's doing the worst in the poll.

no The Raw Youth, poll dismissed

Is it actually good? Give me your Dosto ranking to see how trustworthy you are.

no I'm just memeing it not good

Demons... I flew through that book. TBK took me a while, though it certainly had its moments. It was a bit too verbose and scatterbrained overall. I've also read Crime and Punishment, which I still put over TBK, but second to Demons.

It is because of the cycle that Yea Forums has read the book. Most who have voted certainly haven't read all of these. Most people here started Dos with C&P which is why it was #2 book on the 2018 Yea Forums list. (and the #1 Dos book). Since then, many have read BK and consider that the best book. Now people are finally starting to read The Idiot and Demons and those will probably be memed about the most soon.

BK > Demons > C&P > Notes From Underground > The Idiot > House of the Dead

>TBK... I flew through that book. Demons took me a while, though it certainly had its moments. It was a bit too verbose and scatterbrained overall.


it was extensively planned though.

Second half of Demons > Crime & Punishment > TBK > The Idiot > First half of Demons > A Raw Youth

TBK is probably his best work but I prefer C&P personally so that would be my vote. Can't be bothered ranking the short stuff.

>the ending to The Idiot
absolute kino and puts it in his top 3 works