Why does this board constantly shit on women, when they make up the vast majority of readers...

Why does this board constantly shit on women, when they make up the vast majority of readers? Is it because of the incels who refuse to improve themselves, and instead come here?

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>Why does this board constantly shit on women
Because women are shit

...you shit on shit?

This is Yea Forums, OP, you're inevitably going to have crossboarder incels coming over from Yea Forums, /pol/, /r9k/, etc that haven't read a book in their lives and just come here to make threads about racism and misogyny and feel better when other crossboarders give their threads attention because Yea Forums is the "smart board." There's also a crowd of people on here that have dipped into philosophy or have lurked here long enough to throw around names, but went in with right-wing values. Their ideology was exacerbated by the crossboarders to the point where many of them hate women and minorities, and now they engage in extreme amounts of pseudoscience and selective research to validate their disgusting beliefs, and will gladly participate with the crossboarders in hating on minorities and women. There's one more group of people on here that participate in such degeneracy, and those are the lonely bookworms who have done a decent amount of reading but had like one bad experience with women, so now they hate all women. It's really a shame that such people exist, but you'll learn to just deal with it and keep scrolling eventually.

By the way, I'm not sure if I necessarily agree with your pic related, OP. I'm a male, so maybe that's why the rapey overtones in 1984 didn't stand out to me, but instead of encouraging people to refuse to read it because of that is dangerous, especially because Orwell makes very important points about totalitarianism and authoritarianism that I believe everyone should be exposed to. If people want to criticize the rapey overtones, that's fine and actually should be encouraged, but I don't think it should be grounds for refusing to read a very important book with themes that focus on a different issue. But that's just my two cents, so who gives a fuck?


>Yea Forums is the "smart board."
Yea Forums is the most disappointing board there is. The average user may be slightly better read but that only serves to expose how stupid and ignorant the people here are.This place is an absolute joke.

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tl;dr, if you unironically hate all women, minorities, gays, trans people, etc you obviously have not done enough reading to be on this board, you have read all the wrong types of Yea Forums, or you're so socially retarded that you generalize entire groups based one a few personal experiences. If you fall into any of these groups, please kindly fuck off.

Also some shit about 1984 because of the pic OP posted.

Didn't you notice the state of mainstream literature and reading today, OP? Women do make up the vast majority of readers, but what they read - not all, not all, but too many - is bland and unimaginative. I haven't met a lot of women, if any, who are into serious or unorthodox literature.

instagram content is 99% created by and directed female tweens

That's why I put it in quotations. It's the reputation, not the actual state of this board. Now, if all the people I mentioned in left, it may begin to approach its reputation in its actual state. Who knows

Women aren't reading classics they're reading cringy chick lit and YA

If there's one thing worse than women and male feminists it is the uncertain male feminist.

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>So rape is everywhere. The chat-up is rape, domination is rape. Man is by nature rapist and woman his eternal, innocent victim.

>Some extreme feminists claim that penetration is an act of domination, a form of humiliation to be refused. Some of them even say that violence and exploitation are the acts of males alone and that this part of humanity must therefore be neutralised or eliminated by the arrival of a world of women where, thanks to the progress in biology, reproduction will be carried out without men.

>No matter what delirium might strike feminism and the progress in biology, it is true that to claim to discourage rapists without having recourse to police and judicial repression only complicates the matter. When the conditions that give rise to rape — the fact that it expresses (even in a barbarous way) a fundamental need and that it is a response to a certain general female attitude — are not understood, or there is no desire to understand it, the only consistent answer is repression: repress the problem.

>Are rapists male conquerors chasing women through the streets, modern tarzans swinging from balcony to balcony prick in hand and a flower between their teeth? The most reliable statistics state that they are not. Immigrant worker or local family man, the typical rapist does not belong to that species. It is difficult to build them up into an expression of triumphant phallocracy, the image which so exasperates the feminists.

>Rape is basically the sad revenge of a victim, a poor man’s undertaking. It is not a result of bourgeois wealth or phallocratic arrogance, but their sub-product. If only rape could be proved to be above all the act of the privileged thirsting for proletarian flesh. How much easier it would be to latch the just struggle of women to the old class struggle... But there isn’t always a notary such as Leroy to devour, and even maoist demagogy has its limits!

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>The predatory male, and in the extreme the rapist, is a nuisance or a danger. But embarrassment or injury are above all rooted in all the misery and solitude of the victims. They are provocations, injurious responses painfully felt because they cannot fulfill, a caricature of the hope of something else. If the rapist were Tarzan, perhaps he would be forgiven. But the kerb crawler rarely has the appearance or the manners of a Prince Charming. His “prey” sees her own misery reflected in his.

>Rape as an act, but more frequently as fantasy, is the product of the form of relations between the sexes and the contradictions therein. It is the politicisation of an old, more or less obsessional female fear, a fear which covers a desire for sexuality which cannot acknowledge or assert itself.

>Rape fantasies and dreams about housebreaking express sexual fear clothed in the fear of aggression. But this isn’t only fear, just as it is not only passivity; fantasy is also an action. Desire takes form by discharging responsibility and blame on to the aggressor. In his way the latter embodies desire itself. He is desire, but coming in from the outside. Just as the active male fantasy, and even rape itself, are products of impotence, the passive fantasy in woman is also an expression of her need for action; she acts out her desire and so deals with the reality which refuses her this right.

>In the active fantasy, the desire for and refusal of the other find an outlet in domination and aggression. It is as much a question of self-defence as it is of attack, self-protection from the risk and anguish of refusal by the other with an attitude which makes neither acceptation or refusal possible. Desires, fantasies and various forms of sado-masochistic behaviour are not the product of a primary attitude which has been superficially glossed over by civilisation, and is tending to re — emerge. The image of the pre-historic woman as a prey pulled along by the hair and who, one suspects, enjoys it. No, they are the product of man’s liberation from his real needs, which then come back to haunt him in a distorted form. Abandon, the submission which a loving relationship implies, unaccepted because it is in contradiction with a whole way of life, returns in the form of an exterior domination that is violent, imposed, feared and desired at the same time.

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Spot on. I hate the fact that reading is seen as an intellectual hobby, since it attracts all of these morons who enjoys being a ”””reader”””” more than actually reading.
You know how comic book/video game nerds complain that girls pretend to like their hobby for attention and then ruin the community with their politics? /pol/b/r9k/ are those girls to Yea Forums.

>The debate to determine whether abortion is murder or not, and hence to justify or condemn it in these terms, is sadly weak on both sides. It side-steps the question and returns to the theological domain of asking when the soul enters the body.

>Some societies have practised infanticide to limit their population. A human community can come to an agreement on the right to kill. The lives of incurable patients, malformed children or foeti are not above human judgement. And the problem is not that of asking for their consensus!

>What is being sold with the liberalisation of abortion is the triumph of asepsis. The butchery which is unbearable when a baby is involved seems normal there, it is carried out in the dark and an act of killing is transformed into an “operation”. The same society which is afraid of death, blood and screams, maintains a whole industry around the suffering and death of animals and remains nonchalant about mass starvation in the third world. The same society that once wanted to transform life is now content to “transform death”; it would like things to get better but is scared of the revolution because it might be violent.

>“Free abortion on demand”, why not? But of course the time when free bread was what was dreamed of has gone. But why, amongst a whole host of things, should it be abortion and not housing, milk or meat? It is true that some leftists are also calling for free weekly transport passes. Not the underground, free transport, but free passes to get to work!

>Sexuality is par excellence the domain of abandon. It is a matter of being “ravished”, “captivated”, of delivering oneself from oneself in order to be transported by one’s own passion and abandon oneself to that of the other.

>But the claim to be able to dispose of one’s body freely which appeared concerning abortion and rape is a defensive reaction. Precisely because it no more than translates and justifies a situation which puts everyone on the defensive. The foetus, and even the capacity to have children, is not the property of the mother, or even of the mother and father between them. This vision is nothing but capitalist delirium, the defence of the property of the body and its products. At a time such as this when what is needed is the blowing up of registry offices, people are suggesting that women keep their own names instead of taking those of their husbands!!!

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>This is Yea Forums, OP, you're inevitably going to have crossboarder incels coming over from Yea Forums, /pol/, /r9k/, etc that haven't read a book in their lives and just come here to make threads about racism and misogyny
Crossboarders are those that make opening posts like, "where can I read x book online," or, "I haven't read a book since high school, what yaddayada." Those that make genuine bait threads are people who do so frequently, and are familiar with how discourse works here. Even the frogposters, I believe, aren't all crossboarders. I would guess the amount of genuine crossboarder opening posts on this board is incredibly low. The people who spout nonsense on this board are not foreigners, they inhabit the same space that you do.
>will gladly participate with the crossboarders in hating on minorities and women.
Again, there's no crossboard movement to begin with, and there certainly is no "pull" to crossboard thinking away from what you think Yea Forums ought to be. You fundamentally misinterpret what leads people to post the things that they do. Your assessments are incorrect and you presuppose that the hate speech is entirely the work of an invading element.

Why, because I have sex and you don't?

Prime example of either group #2 or group #3 right here, folks.

Fuck off, who said who doesn’t read first? The left. You fuckers are all unbelievable shitheads, Yea Forums is suffering the pains of passing you like a cold.

I forgot it was summer. Guess all those summerfags are out, ruining our boards, right?

>T-the left is bad b-because they are bad
I guess most educated people are leftists because they don't read?

It seems to me to be associated with a pernicious trend in academia and the media. I think it's a response to the trend of male and masculinity bashing that has taken hold of the universities, particularly the humanities departments, for about the past fifty years.

Now I don't so much mind this reaction: the trend itself is very hate-able because it seems to encourage mediocre minds to put forward mediocre opinions; these opinions are then given a spotlight in both the media and in academia, but the vast majority of them are frustratingly vacuous. I have only read one good piece of feminist philosophy in the last year (an article on Aristotle and ideology) and about seven books worth of trash. And philosophy is still one of the good disciplines, because it is so self-critical, and you can still call out bullshit in its name: the field of English is utterly swamped by endless repetitions of the same mediocre feminist thought, and it is easy to see why being exposed to too much of this can inspire frustration among intelligent men (and women too, but, bizarrely, it seems to me that woman get shamed much more than men if they speak up about this)

The problem, I think, is that academic-type people are in general too scared to call out the often hypocritical, often very lazy thinking which hides under the veneer of "investigating race/gender" for fear of being labeled a misogynist or sexist, but nevertheless these academic types still do recognize the hypocrisy and laziness of it all. Adding to the trouble, it is very disheartening seeing garbage 2/10 "feminist" takes (like those in the OP's image) taken seriously in academia and the media, while intelligent work is often just simply not noticed. There is thus among academic men a lot of genuine anger at a (if relatively unimportant) injustice, but since this anger cannot be easily expressed in academia, the media, or social media in general without one being publicly 1) identified as a "problem" and 2) shamed, the anger must be expressed in strange places--Yea Forums is one such place. I am not sure why it takes such a vitriolic tone here, but I suppose that a lot of it has to do with the culture of Yea Forums in general, where generally one is more offensive than needed.

Still, I don't think the reaction is an optimal way of dealing with the problem: I think it is better to call out such sloppy thinking in the university classroom, even if it might get you in trouble, and by these means avoid steaming in resentment and misogyny. I myself have gotten into a few scrapes concerning these issues, but overall I much more glad I have often said something than did not.

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Is this bitch seriously saying that because FICTION depicts a totalitarian authoritarian dystopia which has "rapey undertones" should cater to her personal sensibilities? How the fuck is that totalitarian dystopia gonna be a dystopia then bitch?

And her post has to 2000 and more likes by complete cretins. We live in peak clownworld.

you are incredibly out of your element, you reek of reddit

here is an exercise for you. present evidence that the races are the same

>women should always be taken 100% seriously

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>cellphone image
Stopped reading.

Tits or get the fuck out.

I don't even hate women nor bait but the only good female writers are literally all ugly so there's something to be said about pretty people always having shit personalities. Women are the fairer sex.

>saging twice now

Most women read lowbrow pop-lit. The only thing it has in common with Yea Forums-lit is that it’s words on a page

>present evidence that the races are the same
Biologically? They can breed with each other, and we all share the same biological systems.
Culturally? Everyone is different and everyone is shaped by their environment. There are no cultural differences between races that cant exist within the same race.
Socio-economically? No, I can’t because material inequality is real.

Also, no two people are “the same” (ambiguous term). Let alone entire racial groups.

The only difference between pop lit and Yea Forums lit is that you identify with the latter.

Unfortunately women are, in aggregate, big dumb dumbs. This is supported by literally all of history.

Men are too smart to read