Tfw finished reading all of the major Russian novels

>tfw finished reading all of the major Russian novels
>tfw finished reading all of the major French novels
>tfw finished reading all of the major Anglo novels
What the fuck do I do now lads?

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find something else to read you basic bitch

Rank them and post it, which region is best?

read bataille

You go for South American lit

>implying there are any good anglo novels

kill yourself now pseud


spanish speakers btfo lmao

Have you read Bely?

>tfw i've already taken pictures of all my stacks and uploaded them several times over
what do i do now, lads?

I’ve read Petersburg. Does he have other good ones?
I’ve read Bolaño and Borges. Who else?
Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, Jane Eyre, Ulysses?
Condensed version:
It may be recency bias since I just read War and Peace and Anna Karenina, but Tolstoy barely edged out Dostoevsky for me.
Overall the Russians are my favorite.
French, I like Dumas the best. The Count of Monte Cristo is the purest enjoyment I’ve ever gotten out of a novel. Hugo and Stendhal are good too.
Anglo lit is the lesser of the three to me. Moby Dick is obviously the best. I hate Dickens. It’s obvious he was paid per word and just shit out novels like no tomorrow. I appreciate Joyce, but I really didn’t “get” Ulysses. I am going to have to reread it, since it was one of the first great works I read. I imagine with all of the books I’ve gone through since then that my reading comprehension is much better now

>Anglo novel

>he hasn't read everything Thomas Hardy ever wrote

The Silver Dove by Bely is also good.

How about Moscow to the End of the Line?

Have you read Dead Souls?

Have you read Life and Fate?

Nabokov’s stuff besides Pale Fire and Lolita? I like The Gift a lot.

Chekhov’s stories and plays? If you like Tolstoy, Chekhov is highly influenced by him and similar. Ward No. 6 is a great novella by him, about as long as Kafka’s Metamorphosis.

I’d say read more Tolstoy if you have only read W&P and AK. The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Hadji Murat, The Cossacks

minor novels

A thread died for this garbage.

Start with the greeks

Life is not a video game dumbass. You won't get any achievement for doing this. Start looking for novels you actually like instead of following some arbitrary canon.

Japanese literature is pretty nice. Chinese is good too. If you want something European try German.

There’s no reading to separate out the only good Irish writer, who wrote in English, not Gaelic

hungarians, bro

>he hasn't heard of poetry

Why does this always happen on Yea Forums?


read minor novels