Books on Demonic Materialism

Friendly reminder that materialism is objectively wrong, and each philosopher of this school is worse than a witch. No amount of reddit discord yikes and cringe ironic recuperation will ever change this fact.
Books for or against this. No middle ground bullshit either.

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Plato and Augustine are great. The best part of Augustine is you find he articulates both sides well and pretty much everything "off topic" he talks about is a perfect example of anti materialism, for instance silent reading over loud recitation.


Fave morph so far

>materialism is objectively wrong

yer a schizard, harry

If matter doesn't exist then what are you made of? If matter isn't real why you would you object to me kicking you in the nuts?

The scientific method entirely based on materialism is the best tool we have to discover reality, I'm sorry it's over, idealism is dead, you can read all Plato and most continental cucks and is no different from any fiction.


You need to go back.

This is a literature board.


>materialism is objectively wrong
Idealism is subjectively wrong.


>The scientific method entirely based on materialism is the best tool we have to discover reality
No, the scientific method is based on math, which is pure idealism.

Without math science is just trial-and-error engineering, which is what cavemen used to do.

Very few sciencemen could make fire out of items found near a cave.

But if Land is a Luciferian libidinal materialist, wouldn't Yea Forums love that shit?

you're a schizo, tranny

Math is a lenguage, get this through your thick skull once and for all, and science doesn't use math as some kind of idealism, science accepts the fact that reality is matter and REPRESENT it through the use of maths.


I understand where are you going. The only thing that exists about that matter is Unchaining The Numogram. And it's not a fucking book either. Is a handbook to play that infernal Jumanji that the CCRU created in the 80s.

The DMs from /tg/ I assure 100% that they would eat that book alive. And the entire numogram system for that matter. There are homebrews made for actual commites of schizophrenics, professional fetishists, evil rhyme goblins and tengus. Yes, NL and the Warwick Boys discovered and theorized about hyperstitions, but Traditional Games surf that ocean from before fucking time.

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Galaxy brain over here

>The DMs from /tg/ I assure 100% that they would eat that book alive. And the entire numogram system for that matter. There are homebrews made for actual commites of schizophrenics, professional fetishists, evil rhyme goblins and tengus. Yes, NL and the Warwick Boys discovered and theorized about hyperstitions, but Traditional Games surf that ocean from before fucking time.
This! So much this!!!

Theurgy provides a strong case against your immaterial late Plotinus Christian doxa undescended soul bullshit

Ok so I can accept the philosophical concept of an active god or whatever, but what the fuck do you think makes things happen when said god/gods aren't changing things around? Materialism seems to me to be a good explanation for how the world works normally; whether or not you think a higher power can/does intervene is incidental unless you're a calvinist autist who thinks everything is planned at all times to God's wishes.


Being opposed to materialism as a philosophy is not the same as saying that it is wrong in each of its parts. And a partial truth can be a greater perversion than a total falsehood, so a seemingly good system can lead to an even deeper form of obscurity.
That which is closest to us, yet evades our grasp, is often the most devastating. Perhaps it is this that lies behind materialism's destructive power.