Is it even worth trying to become a writer if I am a white male?

Is it even worth trying to become a writer if I am a white male?

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Yeah, if you don't mind that jews and their useful idiot woman servitors won't publish you. Do you want money/fame, or to write important and useful things?

You just need to discover your real identity and stop trying to pretend that you are a white male, bro. Or, should I say, sis? You go, girl ;)

What this user saidIf you are truly great, you would not feel free to let degenerates hold down the pen of man, nay would they stop ye from the rising of the pen either, would they but be as scavengers in the starvation of only the kindred soul of egoism, of their own? And that is your/victory, lay salvation.

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>Is it even worth

What is it 'worth'? What is your objective? Money? Then no. Organising your thoughts and improving your mind? Then yes.

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Iwhat's the point of being a writer if nobody ever actually reads it?

You read it, and you experience, and it is a psychological development of your own, a collective experience - of your own. Art. It does great good to humanity, yes, but you must remember it does great good to yourself first, prior to all.

Do you really think white men don't get published any more? It might be that they have a slight disadvantage because of this sort of minority-patronizing affirmative action, but it's not as if it doesn't happen.

Is it worth to writh a short story from the perspective of an incel?
Or will it just be banned and the FBI will show up at my house?
No racist shit in it, just the experiences of an incel with women and his somewhat "misogynistic" opinions about them.

Unironically why not just say you’re a girl?

What can they do, even if you’re found out they can’t say anything

>trying to become
You're already not a writer. Your pigment and sex regardless.
Maybe you can get into journalism, I mean, if you cared about informing people about things

publisher has plenty of steps they can take to screw you over even if they've already agreed to publish your book, and it's reasonbly hard to pull off that trick

How hard can it be to claim to be transgender

>You're already not a writer
Are you tripping on something?
What does that even mean?

the last 5 or so months in the poetry association's publications there hasn't been a single white male
It's not that much of an exaggeration when the discrimination is this obvious

It's three levels of systemic bias against white men:
- ideologically conformist powerful figures in the publishing industry (owners, CEOs, consultants, etc.) pushing anti-western agendas, often cynically
- the market itself, which right now is dominated by women (who are generally politically conformist idiots) and virtue-signalling mulattos who read books as a progressive fashion statement in college
- useful idiots who work within the publishing machine, like editors and proofreaders and any other kinds of liaison between the writer and the press itself. These are also mostly women, because these jobs are very HR-centric, and in general, do-nothing generic office workers are usually women to begin with. Also, these jobs need just barely competent functionaries, people with a bachelor's on their resume, what Lebedoff calls the "new elite" (mass technocrats basically), and women are 60-70% of people getting diluted comedy BAs that qualify them for these jobs (humanities, social sciences, journalism, etc.).

So not only is the CEO against you, not only do the number-crunchers know that the only relevant character trait an author can have is trendy marketability to the trend-following retard pseudo-progressive plebs, but on top of all THAT, every single person at the bloated publishing agency you deal with will inevitably be a cunty, college-educated woman, whose youthful glory days are over but who still wants to feel relevant and like she's part of something, so she'll double if not triple down on whatever warmed-over groupthink ideology she was taught in college.

Wherever that agency is, it's a building filled to brimming with redundant women "managing" eachother, gossiping, stirring shit and starting drama amongst themselves, and linking their menstrual cycles together, because that's what the lowest dregs of the new managerial class, the new elite technocrats, look like. It's like a beehive of empty-headed spoiled women who think they're warriors in a culture war. They're all bitter and lacking humility, they're all over the hill and accumulating cats, they all have twitter accounts, they're all trying to hide the pain of a barren womb by pathetically scrambling to stay abreast of petit bourgeois trends (that aren't even marketed at their age group anymore), none of them has ever experienced or cared about real literature, not even while they were getting a "Literature" degree and reading queer latinx poetry. And they're all going to be the ones deciding whether to rubber stamp your manuscript or throw it in the trash, right after getting a new cup of coffee from the keurig in the glass-walled lounge down the hall (the one with the beanbag chairs and lime-green polymer tables) and talking to Susan, the Regional Sub-Manager in charge of human resources for all Junior Analysts in the Acquisitions department (except Rebecca, who works directly with Whitney).

The poetry world is far worse I'll admit.
The fact of the matter is women read more than men. Especially poetry. It could be that there just aren't that many white men writing good poetry these days. Long form fiction is another story. And non-fiction is a whole different story.

The problem is we've had poets submit the same poem under their real name and under a non-white name and the results displayed clear racism.
It's very hard to deny that there's real racial discrimination being applied against white men especially in their own countries.

An artist knows they are an artist. There’s an incurable drive.

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You're spot on. The publishing industry is agenda-driven and run by mediocre passive-aggressive women. Getting published these days has little to do with the merits of the work from within the text itself and everything to do with pushing a progressive agenda.

I still maintain that the idea white men can't get published though is absurd. I'm positive that if you could find a list of all the books published in the last 5 years, at least 50% are authored by white men.

Yes i'm familiar with that phenomenon. Poetry is a lost cause, but other types of literature not so.

Yeah just say you’re gay. It’s not like you have a gf they can bust you with.

This is a delusion white writers tell themselves, and though pop culture is dominated by liberals there are still glimmers of hope in every creative industry. If you really hate yourself, look at Houellebecq in france, a socially liberal culture where a white male has earned the highest honor a writer can attain. Quit brainwashing yourselves into this useless incel figure. It's fucking pathetic

>in france,
France is way more conservative than the US in its take on these things. A huge number of French people are nativist.

Yes but what do white men stand for in the modern world? A connection to the old, to what is now gone.

If you’re american you probably have nothing of value to say anyway.

You're reading too much into it. If you deify white men like that it's going to seem a bit odd. Just be a dude who writes well. If you can't be that nothing else matters.

Stop pretending America isn't culturally dominant and hasn't made significant cultural contributions. Little of literary value comes out of Europe these days. You guys lost your spunk.

It is not me who deifies, "we become as demons as like demons do" in the eyes of much of modernity. I hold only to the heroic of history eternal, contradiction by nature but a necessity from the limited perceiving of man.

>Just be a dude who writes well
You disgust me with such casual words, so deflating is it.

Negating the heroic as if, but a knocked chess piece in reaction to these total self conforming tiresoms, only encapsulating themselves truly and, honourably, in their eyes. But we men know it is only their own refusement of test in the swimming of Swans.

brainlet tier mindset

But you can write and publish your work as a whitey as long as you don't go against progressive ideas.
Just accept that we live in a totalitarian regime and obey the rules.

That’s all nice and well but this is why you can’t get published

great post

>That’s all nice and well but this is why you can’t get published
I was quoting Carlyle you uncultured swine.

So it’s near impossible for white men these days to get published in america, but america is still pumping out more books of literary value than Europe? Care to name some of these non-whitemale authors?

>So it’s near impossible for white men these days to get published in america, but america is still pumping out more books of literary value than Europe
Unironically, yes. America has grown out of publishing every single whiny white dude who sends them his diary desu. White men now have to work hard to get published, like every other group of people have had to do since forever. Hence better books overall.

Books are terrible now. Making things pc isn’t talent if that’s what you call good.

Houllebecq is a literal boomer

Tell me about some of the american books you’ve read from the last 5 years that have been terrible.
>i-i don’t have to eat shit to known its shit!
Yes you do.

I don't want to get into this thing since it never goes anywhere beyond personal taste and I'm also not the same user, but who in America is going to be remembered aside from the already established greats like McCarthy, Pynchon, et al. who were around before PC took over?
Europe is still producing writers like Krasznahorkai and Knausgard and seems more innovative than the US right now. I really think Europe has the creative edge in the arts for the time being.

>Artists are branlets

Oh user. Whoever you are, you’re not going to make it.

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>implying i haven't alredy "made it"
oh sweetie

You have to go back

I’m mostly calling that user out for calling contemporary literature shit when we both know he doesn’t read any.
Personally I like Zadie Smith a whole lot.

Does this apply to tranny tripfags who should kill themselves? Did you already know you had an incurable drive to be a tranny, tripfag on this board, and that you should die asap? If not, you are a hypocrite

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>Zadie Smith
I thought you were talking about American authors. Although I would agree with UK authors being under the same or very similar cultural umbrella

>based this poster

Sorry, I keep forgetting she’s a bong for some reason. Take Julie Otsuka or George Saunders instead.

I'm getting real sick of the race posts on this board. This isn't /pol/ or /r9k/.
>I can't do it because muh (insert race here) :(
Fucking children I tell you. Stop trashing up my favorite board.

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>This isn't /pol/ or /r9k/.

In culture industry trash, yes. American was never dominant in art (which literature, heretofore, was).

Fuck off with your faggoty Japa-ape girl cartoons.

What this user said /r9k/ rise up!

Great post, and the fact that it's a female dominated field, you can easily look online for list of agents. They are overwhelmingly female, you keep scrolling down the list and you'll barely find a male name as a literary agent.
> I'm positive that if you could find a list of all the books published in the last 5 years, at least 50% are authored by white men.
Well, to check that, in a very superficial way I went to goodreads (the facebook of literature) and looked at "Best Books 2018". It's "Goodreads Choice Awards, the only major book awards decided by readers." Which means the most books voted on and read during that year, by the goodreads members.
There are 21 categories. 16 female-writer winners.
The males ones? Stephen King - in 2 categories.
The one in Science & Technology (lol).
Mr Roger's biography.
And Rick Riordan with Middle Grade and Children's.

17 female winners in 2017.

And also out of those while male authors, how many of then are John Green-lite (if there is such a thing)?

[Yes. Never give up. I love you. White Lives Are Innevitable.]

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What sort of microscope is that? Portable?

Sorry, a lot of my reply was meant for

things will only change once Yea Forums will support Yea Forums authors, but so far, Yea Forums does /shit/ for anybody.

>wheat branlets

I'd publish you user

Is "the poetry association" the only organization that publishes poetry?

Why are you so self righteous? You can call yourself an artist and talk about "callings" and "drive" all you want, but theres a difference between hobbyists and professionals.

j.k. rowling literally made up her second name because the publisher wanted to use initiales instead of her name because they thought a woman's name on the book wouldn't sell
women have some privileges over men but if you want to be taken serious then being a white male is the best thing you could be
just look at any ceos, writers, movie directors, philosophers or presidents

>lay salvation

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Why would anyone even want to be a writer in the first place? Shitty low effort "art" and nobody even reads books anymore.

Go do something useful.

>mfw my book is going to be published in spite of my demographics because it is primarily blasphemous towards Christianity

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There was already a movie about that

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Yeah but if you use a female pseudonym and every time you show up to the publishing house you're wearing high-heels and a dress what are they going to do?

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Holy jeebus. Look at all the plebs.

You bellyache for days into years about the death of culture and then you swear to my (virtual) face that artistry can be learned.

Oh, I know what it is. You think it’s women and minorities who are ruining culture, and while males can learn to great artists if they just applied themselves. Is that it?

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Calm down, I dindu nuffin.
Maybe he just wants to write something people will like without having it be about himself.

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publish you

Yes, because your ideas have more value.

Plenty of White males are writers, you dumb self-victimizing faggot. The only people Jews hate are Iranians. They don't care if you're a snow nigger so long as you don't speak badly about Israhell. Funny how you cunts act like the Jews you vilify. You're really all the same crap **in the modern era**.

Yes, if you just deliberately write for white men.
As in, you pander to the far right. They will buy every single book. You just need to talk about decadence and about how everything is fucked and so on, like, you know, what /pol/ wants to hear.
Actually it's a great market with a lot of demand and too little supply, why do you think people keep sperging over Evola and Céline ? Because there's not enough nazi writers to go around.

Houellebecq, Obertone, Zemmour, Soral, they all top the best seller charts consistently here.
In USA, i can think of that "clean your room" meme guy for example.
It sells extremely well, critics hate them obviously but there is a huge audience for that kind of thing.

Depends how gay you are.

How many people do you think are writing that exact thing?

Yes, but you have to be a cuck

Traitor Baru Cormorant.