ITT: People who read the book talk about it and people who don't don't post itt
ITT: People who read the book talk about it and people who don't don't post itt
Im sick of hearing about politics
I find these fixations with minor political commentators really sad.
Cutting the news out of my day has improved my life. I do not need daily updates on brexit or whatever, that are worded to purposely annoy people on both ‘sides’.
I need to FUCK Ben’s sister
>zer0 books
At least they live up to their name.
If I sire Jewish children will I be accepted them or is that privileged only available to my children? What if I have a lot of money?
These. It's all just a staged "battle." A "my team is better than you're team" bullshit game. Nobody actually cares about governing anymore.
I have a question for the left, do you feel like maybe the truth has been corrupted or something and that’s why you’re all sneaky liars?
i agree with the anti-politics posters above but how pathetic is it that you feel you need to write a book like this for your own side?
You’d have to be some kind of slime, all of them
This kind of book isn't new.
The left doesn't lie. The right only thinks they do. We don't think you lie but you think we lie.
All shit
>Stefan Molyneux
We don't trust people who murder their own children to escape responsibility. Sorry.
The Far right version should be Siege.
Does Seige claim to exist for the explicit purpose of teaching people on its side how to debate?
yes, by killing postmen
just ascend beyond today's shitshow of politics and think from a completely idealistic position.
in my head there is only populists and the elite and their worshipers.
homos, trannies, fatties, weaklings meet their fate by natural selection.
only people who seek a different culture immigrate.
there is a committee for resolving issues between different races that inhabit a country (ex: sami and norwegian, croat and serb, etc)
I present a contender
your children will be half-blood, thats even worse than Muggle
>read the first 28 pages on Google
>chalk trap house
>ripping on Ben Shapiro
>defending trannies
Don't even like the Jew but lefties will base my views on prominent figure in the new right (really just neo-cons trying to act hip). My problem with leftists is that they reduce your position to what they perceive it to be while dancing around their own. I don't know how many times I'm close to finishing the Socratic method and then they realize I'm close to the hypocrite confession and they bail because they would rather win the argument than hold firm. At least right wing people talk to you for awhile before getting so angry that they call you a cuck. Leftists pontificate and feel the need to another you in "facts" and "sources" that they have barely analyzed or critiqued. Why bother in most cases? I receive nothing but grandstanding just like I did when christian values were being forced on me.
far left should be Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason
Again, I don't think that's a debate guide.
>At least right wing people talk to you for awhile before getting so angry that they call you a cuck
they don't talk to anyone at the mosque they're shooting up, do they? they start with the bullets and ask questions later. talk about grandstanding
>All of right wing politics is about shooting up mosques
Clutch dem pearls
Why should i want to understand the right wing, or far right politics, or fascism? It seems like seeking to understand them gives a sense of acceptability to political forces that should not be accepted.
>the liberal-humanistic paradigm that governs all mainstream politics should never be questioned.
Sure it can, but from a materialist/Marxist angle. I see no reason why i should care about the far right or their critiques on it.
If you need a debate guide for your politics, you should give a long thought about what you believe.
Isn't the very idea of a book targeted at people who believe something but have no logic whatsoever behind their beliefs completely perverse?
What sort of backwards thinking, braindead fucking retard decides what they want to believe and only after settling on an ideology starts to think about the logic behind their decision? It's bad enough that people do this on a subconscious level, but I can't even conceive of being so intellectually dishonest that you can, without any irony, buy a book which promises to give you logical arguments to back your political beliefs up.
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You should try bunkerchan next time Ben.
Socialist politics will never manifest itself in a way that moves beyond it even if academic Marxism is able to do so.
>Socialist politics will never manifest itself in a way that moves beyond it even if academic Marxism is able to do so.
I already talked about this a few days ago. It lacks foundation and is itself full of logical errors. It's not worth reading.
I would love to impregnate her.
The perspective that will attract workers to a genuine socialist movement will be fundamentally different than that Marx used to critique capitalism, and it will be rooted in the liberal humanism we all know and love. Anti-humanist Marxism is nothing more than an academic exercise, and a successful proletariat revolution will only occur when it is led by workers who have never read Marx beyond the Manifesto.
As far as actually politics is concerned, nothing on the left can or will challenge that paradigm.